
How To Boost Melatonin In The Human Body Quickly Naturally

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  1. What is melatonin and its functions in the human body
  2. Reasons for a lack of melatonin in the body
  3. Deficiency signs
  4. Possible consequences
  5. What increases the activity of melatonin receptors
  6. 10 natural ways to increase and balance melatonin levels
  7. Exclude artificial light at night
  8. About LED lights at night
  9. Moderate sun tan
  10. Eating foods containing melatonin
  11. Hot bath in the evening
  12. Eliminate the effect of EMF or Wi-Fi on the body at night
  13. Moderate consumption of caffeine
  14. Relaxation and Meditation
  15. Hot milk before bed
  16. Eating tryptophan-rich foods
  17. When to take melatonin supplements, indications and contraindications
  18. Safe Melatonin Supplement Names and Prices

Without a deep and full night's rest, health problems begin, but immune cells are on guard for sleep. The task of these cells is to identify failures, to try to neutralize them. Among the "guards" of human health Melatonin plays a special role, which promotes falling asleep, maintaining sleep cycles. Therefore, it is important to know how to increase the level of the hormone in the body in order to protect against the unpleasant consequences of its insufficient production.

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What is melatonin and its functions in the human body

Melatonin is a key element in regulating the cyclic transition from sleep to wakefulness. The hormonal substance is produced by cells of the pineal gland (pineal gland), as well as the intestine and retina. The level of the hormone depends on the person's biorhythms. For example, in "larks" the production of melatonin increases in the dark, in "owls" - much later. But in all people, the work of the hormone leads to falling asleep due to the launch of neurobiological processes.

Melatonin synthesis begins with the onset of darkness and is suppressed by light, and with age, the concentration of the hormone slows down. The physiological process of the production of a substance is controlled by the bioclock of the brain, which receives signals from the retina, transmitted to the brain by the optic nerve receptors.

After 21 hours, production rises significantly, reaches a maximum at night, and drops to low values ​​by dawn. During the day, the concentration of melatonin remains low against the background of increased production of other hormones that provide alertness and energy potential during daytime wakefulness.How to Boost Melatonin in the Human Body NaturallyHow to Boost Melatonin in the Human Body Naturally

Beneficial Effects How Melatonin Works
Sleep problems Stabilizing circadian rhythms with hormone supplementation can help relieve insomnia. In women during menopause, it not only accelerates falling asleep, but also alleviates the general symptoms of menopause.
Defending he threat of oncology With consistently low melatonin levels, the risk of breast cancer increases. It has been established that the hormonal substance is capable of influencing cancer cells, suppressing their growth and production.
Heart protection For the heart and blood vessels, the substance plays the role of an antioxidant. A sufficient level of the hormone has an anti-inflammatory effect, will be the key to stabilizing blood pressure.
Helping the immune system Thanks to its powerful antioxidant effect, it protects against diseases. As an immunomodulator, melatonin helps block the signs of inflammation by becoming an "immune buffer" ..
Effect on the bladder It is important to increase melatonin in the human body during aging, when bladder dysfunction develops. The hormone fights its symptoms, reduces oxidative stress.
Importance for the brain Becomes a protector of brain cells, reduces the rate of development of cognitive disorders, facilitating the clinic of neurodegenerative diseases. Slows down the progress of Alzheimer's disease.

Reasons for a lack of melatonin in the body

The hormonal substance, discovered in 1958 by dermatologist Aaron Lerner, belongs to the series neuropeptides, helps to regulate cyclical processes in the body and organize daily periodism. Since the 70s of the twentieth century, scientists have come to grips with the study of the properties of melatonin, its effect on human health. It was found that the main reason for the decrease in hormone production is due to age-related changes in the pineal gland, which are observed in people who have crossed the 40-year mark.

Among other reasons, the influence of the following factors:

  • irregular work hours without regular night rest;
  • the need for frequent flights to places with a different time and climatic zone;
  • frequent stressful situations, prolonged depression;
  • abuse of antidepressants, hypnotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.How to Boost Melatonin in the Human Body Naturally

In some cases, to address the issue of increasing the level of "sleepy" substance, it is enough to reduce to a minimum the consumption of alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, as well as quit smoking. Melatonin production can be slowed down by a deficiency of vitamin B6, a lack of tryptophan and calcium, and the presence of chronic diseases.

Deficiency signs

If the increase in irritability episodes is accompanied by problems with falling asleep, it is worth being tested, especially against the background of signs of dry skin.

What other signs indicating a probable lack of melatonin are important to pay attention to:

  • weight change upward;
  • pressure fluctuations - decrease / increase;
  • identification of diseases of the oncological type.How to Boost Melatonin in the Human Body Naturally

The stabilization of the mode of life and foods rich in the hormone will help to increase melatonin in the human body, since the frequency of its epiphyseal production depends on the time of day. After sunset, melatonin helps to fall asleep, strengthen the immune defense, and reduce the pain threshold. With the onset of the morning hours, the process of secreting cortisol, produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress, is gaining momentum.

Possible consequences

The body of a healthy person produces about 30 mcg of sleep hormone daily, with the peak of secretion occurring at 2-3 o'clock in the morning. In addition, the pineal gland synthesizes the largest volume of the hormone during the 3rd year of a child's life.

If a person suffers from a lack of melatonin for a long time, severe symptoms of negative consequences develop:

  • chronic insomnia with anxiety disorders;
  • signs of premature aging - early wrinkles, decreased vascular tone;
  • due to hormonal disruption, there is a rapid weight gain;
  • deficiency leads to early menopause in women, the development of impotence in men;
  • the risk of malignant neoplasms increases, most often it is breast cancer in women.

The largest amount of melatonin (70%) is synthesized in the dark, the presence of light dramatically reduces the production of the hormone of youth, even if it is a street lamp under the window.

With the onset of the day, the synthesis drops sharply, but the production of serotonin, which is called the "hormone of happiness", increases. It is on this substance that the production of melatonin depends - with a lack of serotonin, there will be a lack of melatonin. Although the body receives small portions of melatonin from the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, regardless of lighting.

What increases the activity of melatonin receptors

To provide a sufficient amount of sleep hormone, it is necessary to create conditions for the normal functioning of the pineal gland. The most important condition is regular exposure to the sun (at least 30 minutes), which leads to a decrease in hormone production during the day, but increases secretion by the time you fall asleep. You need to sleep in a completely dark room, and also free the bedroom from sources of electromagnetic waves.How to Boost Melatonin in the Human Body Naturally

It is important to fall asleep no later than 24 hours, the optimal time is 9-10 pm, as well as observe the daily routine, choose work with a stable schedule that excludes night shifts. Exercise assistance is recommended to increase daily melatonin levels. However, late training already lowers the hormone concentration compared to daytime and morning exercises.

It will not be difficult for a person to increase the content of melatonin, the production of which in the body depends on the number of photons of light, if you enlist the help of an artificial analogue. The hormonal substance is made from plant amino acids extracted from the pineal gland of guinea pigs and cows. After thorough cleaning, the semi-plant substrate becomes safer and cheaper, which is reflected in the cost of the preparations enriched with it.

10 natural ways to increase and balance melatonin levels

In youth, the lack of the hormone is not particularly harmful to health, but with age, there is a natural slowdown in production. Therefore, it is important to know in what natural ways you can stimulate the natural production of the sleep hormone. Melatonin is recognized as the most powerful endogenous free radical scavenger, improves the quality of sleep, during which the body is cleared of toxic substances.

Exclude artificial light at night

The daily and seasonal rhythm of both humans and animals that do not sleep during the day provides the main flow of epiphyseal melatonin production. However, under the influence of artificial light, the secretion of the hormonal substance is sharply reduced, interfering with falling asleep. Therefore, you should not turn on the night light for the whole night, and it is better to hang blackout curtains in the bedroom, reliably shading the room from the light from the street. You can also use special masks that tightly cover your eyes from any light.

About LED lights at night

Pollution of the night sky over the metropolis is a common cause of various diseases. excessive electric lighting, from which not only people suffer, but also animals, along with birds. That is why it is worth investing in the purchase of dark curtains that protect from the blinding lights of night advertisements and car headlights.

The brightness of long exposure to LED lights makes it difficult to fall asleep, sleep soundly without waking up. As a result, very little light-sensitive melatonin is produced. The desire to sleep finally disappears, since the bright lights of cold light create the illusion of a day when the pineal gland is turned off and the production of the hormone tends to a minimum.

Moderate sun tan

It is recommended to increase melatonin in the human body in case of a lack of this hormone. Although bright daylight will increase its output at night, it is not worth sunbathing until black. It is more useful to observe the events on the beach from a shaded place, then the secretion of the hormone will be optimal. For bright sunny days, it is recommended to get special glasses that block the influence of blue light, which can adversely affect the level of melatonin.

Eating foods containing melatonin

Plants used by humans for cooking also contain a certain amount of melatonin because of their ability to regulate the day and night cycles. In different products, the level of the substance is not the same, this should be taken into account. The daily dose that normalizes sleep is only 3-5 mg.How to Boost Melatonin in the Human Body Naturally

Product Volumes of Melatonin (nanograms per 100g) When To Consume
Cherry There is a lot of substance in natural berries (17,535 ng). An hour before bed, it's good to just eat a handful of fresh cherries.
Walnut Nuts contain a large amount of "sleepy" substance (240-270 ng). Kernels can be used as daily snacks - 10 pieces.
Corn Of all grains, grains contain the most melatonin (180 ng). To replenish the daily volume, a daily portion of 200 g is enough.
Ginger The root is saturated with a natural hormone (140 ng). The product is consumed in the form of tea in the afternoon in order to fall asleep faster in the evening.
Rice, rice porridge Groats are also rich in plant hormone (150 ng). For full assimilation, it is worth adding a piece of boiled fish (sea) to the porridge.
Oatmeal porridge There is not much melatonin in oatmeal (80 ng). It is useful to eat a plate of light porridge for dinner, and for better absorption it is worth spicing up with honey.
Bananas The fruit stimulates hormone production, but it contains only 55 ng of melatonin. It is useful to eat a banana 2 hours before bedtime, it is better to take an unripe one.
Tomatoes A popular vegetable (50 ng melatonin) can help boost your nutrient levels. Treat yourself to a tomato salad during the day.

Meat and dairy products do not contain as much sleep hormone, but they break records for tryptophan content. It is this amino acid that is transformed into melatonin in the human body. Therefore, when compiling a daily menu, you should include tender meat from turkey or chicken breast, dairy foods and eggs, which have a calming and relaxing effect.

Hot bath in the evening

One way to boost melatonin production was to take a hot bath in the evening after a stressful day. A pleasant water treatment relaxes the body, stimulates the pineal gland to synthesize the epiphyseal hormone. The reason for this effect is presumably associated with a decrease in cortisol (stress hormone), as well as the level of the general inflammatory process. As a result, a decrease in cortisol stimulates the growth of melatonin.

Eliminate the effect of EMF or Wi-Fi on the body at night

It is very dangerous to work at a computer at night. It is harmful not only for the quality of sleep (deterioration), but also for the production of melatonin. And, worst of all, if Wi-Fi works for a long time, the radiation of which destroys brain receptors, as a result, the level of the hormone drops sharply, and the person is threatened with insomnia.

The same situation is with electromagnetic devices (EMF) and mobile phones. Therefore, it is better to turn off the mobile phone at night, and free the bedroom from electrical equipment - TV, computer, refrigerator and other appliances. Consuming electricity, devices create electromagnetic fields around themselves that are harmful to human health.

Moderate consumption of caffeine

If a person suffers from a lack of melatonin, it is necessary to give up coffee and strong tea, or reduce the mode of drinking your favorite drinks. A cup of aromatic coffee can be enjoyed at breakfast, and no less aromatic, but not strong, tea can be consumed only in the morning. The caffeine contained in these drinks stimulates the nervous system, and as a result, sleep does not come in the evening.

Relaxation and Meditation

Non-traditional methods will help to increase melatonin in the human body; meditation, prayers, and autogenic training will best affect its synthesis. Studies have shown that these types of practices together, especially prayer, during the day increase the production of melatonin at night. However, the exact cause of this phenomenon has not yet been established.

Hot milk before bed

Pampering yourself with a glass of warm milk before bed will help your brain absorb tryptophan from the milk faster, which soothes the psyche. As a result, falling asleep will be easy, and dreams will be pleasant and calm. Nutritionists recommend adding a spoonful of honey to the milk to speed up going to bed, but then the milk should not be too hot, otherwise the beneficial properties of honey will be neutralized.

Eating tryptophan-rich foods

Tryptophan is responsible for the amount of melatonin in food, therefore, you need to choose the food that is rich in this amino acid, or triggers its synthesis. Tryptophan is not synthesized in the human body.

Sources of tryptophan include not only meat and hard cheeses, mainly Holland, Cheder or Parmesan, but also nuts. Moreover, cashew nuts, peanut and pistachio kernels, as well as peeled seeds are considered the best raw materials for the production of amino acids. To eliminate the deficiency of the hormone important for falling asleep, it is enough to consume 2/3 cup of seeds or nuts.

When to take melatonin supplements, indications and contraindications

Understanding of the role of melatonin in health is expanding rapidly thanks to ongoing research into its work in the human body. The therapeutic value of the hormone's immunomodulatory effects, its ability to regulate the internal clock, is a good reason to take melatonin supplements, but only after consulting your doctor.How to Boost Melatonin in the Human Body Naturally

In what situations do you need to take:

  • sleep problems, senile insomnia;
  • to stabilize sleep and wakefulness;
  • people with weakened immunity to restore it;
  • if necessary, normalize the pressure readings;
  • those who suffer from depression are often stressed.

Although melatonin is considered a preventive measure against neoplasms and cancer, it is important to consider the contraindications for taking the supplement:

  • intolerance to the components in the composition of the drug;
  • the presence of autoimmune pathologies, epilepsy, diabetes;
  • pregnant and lactating mothers, children under 12 years old.

For people over 40, doctors recommend summer and autumn courses of melatonin preparations exclusively before bedtime. Moreover, if a person does not suffer from insomnia, the reception may be irregular, otherwise - at least 3 times a week. Although not a sleeping pill, supplements help sleep, reduce the frequency of awakenings at night.

Safe Melatonin Supplement Names and Prices

Through research, it was found that melatonin has a positive effect on the endocrine systems, stabilizing their state, disorganized by the influence of stress.

List of the best drugs with the hormone "sleep and youth":

Name Dosage Number of capsules Price
Source Naturals. You can choose a dosage from 1 to 5 mg, as well as the number of tablets. 3 mg 60 850 RUB
Natrol. The drug has an increased strength of action, has a complex effect. 3 mg 120 1050 RUB
Now Foods. High efficiency tablets normalize sleep, relieve headaches. 5 mg 60 RUB 690
Melatonin Time Release. Capsules with a double layer and gradual dissolution. 10 mg 60 1390 RUB
21st Century. Fast dissolving tablets, cherry flavor, gluten free. 10 mg 120 1350 RUB
MRM. The shell of the monoadditive is made from natural raw materials - rice flour and cellulose. 3 mg 60 450 RUB

Epiphyseal melatonin production varies with the seasons. It is produced less in summer due to the length of daytime periods, and increases in winter due to long nights. Supplements will help increase the presence of the hormone "sleep and youth" in the body of an adult, and it is more useful for young people to turn to the help of products containing plant and animal melatonin.

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