
Can I eat herring with pancreatitis?

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Herring is useful and tasty. She is present at the festive tables and in the ordinary kitchen. It is salted, smoked, used in salads and eaten as a separate dish. But patients with pancreatitis have to be selective at the time of the meal. Can you eat herring with pancreas? It turns out, and it can be used, adhering to a number of restrictions.

Can I eat herring with pancreatitis?

Properties of

There are products, the exclusion of which from the diet can become a serious loss for any organism. These include herring. Some of its properties are really unique.

  • In order to get the necessary dose of protein, the herring fits much better even chicken meat. The matter is in high digestibility, which in the case of this marine fish exceeds 93%.
  • Supplies methionine to the body, which can not be synthesized on its own, but is essential for:
  • synthesis of amino acids and other essential substances;
  • harm reduction from toxins entering the body, including cholesterol;
  • reduces and helps to remove excess liver fat, partially and throughout the body;
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  • serves as a substitute for some hormones;
  • helps to control the level of sugar;
  • facilitates weight correction;
  • improves hair growth;
  • helps to restore the body after considerable physical exertion.
  • Isolated in a separate substance, in medicamentous form it is shown to pregnant women, sportsmen, and also at a number of diseases in complex appointments, up to prescriptions at oncological diseases.
  • Contains omega-6 and omega-3, which are extremely needed for a number of processes at the cellular level, have anti-inflammatory action and help the appearance of "good" cholesterol.
  • With a small amount of calories consumed with fish, a person can quickly saturate and get a large amount of nutrients necessary for a full life.

So, is it possible or not a herring in pancreatitis? High fat content is not permissible in the inflammatory process of the pancreas. It forces actively to allocate pancreatic juice, which does not participate in the process of food processing, but acts on the mucous, provoking an increase in inflammation.

Can I eat herring with pancreatitis?

Acute form of the disease

Unfortunately, when the disease is in full swing, the amount of fat must be strictly limited, which makes it impossible to consume fish products. Even if on this day the state of health has improved, there is an adored product is not worth it. Increased secretory activity will return the pain syndrome and other unpleasant symptoms of the disease. Therefore, despite the high value of herring, harm from consumption will exceed the possible benefits.

Initiation of the product can be started only after several weeks of persistent remission, after consulting with your doctor.

Chronic form of pancreatitis

You can eat herring only after the acute period of illness is left behind. To introduce fish into the diet should be gradually, because the reaction in each is different, and a sharp increase in fat sometimes affects the patient's condition.

You have to start with fish, the fat content of which does not exceed 8%.Most often, the herring belongs to them. But much depends on how it gets on the table:

  • Smoked and salted herring are banned even in small quantities. Such dishes do not work well on the pancreas, they saturate the body with harmful substances and provoke an exacerbation of the disease.
  • Buy is only a fresh, high-quality product. If the fish was subjected to a freeze, it was stored under the wrong temperature regime, it will do much harm, even if it is properly cooked.
  • You can start consuming herring only in the processed form - meatballs, steam cutlets, casseroles, and it is necessary to consume not more than 2-3 times a week. During cooking, not only the bones are separated, but also the skin.
  • The amount of fish can be gradually increased to 100 grams per day.
  • Whole pieces of baked or boiled fish can be started only after a month of introducing processed herring into food.
  • Weakly frozen herring can begin to eat after six months of persistent remission.

In addition, we must take into account that the fat content of fish is a relative quantity. It depends on the place and time of the catch, as well as the age of the caught individual. In some cases, the fat content of the herring can reach all 20%, usually it concerns adult fish.

Whether you can or not herring with pancreatitis, and in what quantities, largely depends on the course of the disease. If the acute period was difficult and time-consuming, then it is necessary to switch to the usual food with the utmost care, ideally adhering to all the recommendations of the entire dietitian or gastroenterologist. If you have to often go on business trips or guests, it is better to warn about your diet beforehand and there are only those products that will not lead to an exacerbation of pancreatitis, or take care of the proper food yourself.

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