
Headaches with vascular dystonia (VVD): as a sore, treatment, symptoms, why, how to get rid

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Headaches with vascular dystonia - the most unpleasant manifestation of this type of neuro-circulatory disorders. Exhausting pain in the head breaks the usual human life, forcing him to live in constant expectation and fear of this uncomfortable condition. Medications do not always cope with this symptom, or have only a short-term effect.


Why is there pain

At VSD headaches occur against a background of constant fatigue and chronic lack of sleep. Susceptibility to infections and poor nutrition also have a negative impact and increase the risk of VSD. But the main reason - it's stress as a result of external influences and internal experiences. It leads to spikes in blood pressure, increased heart rate, stress, and as a consequence, there is a headache which is prolonged and sometimes permanent. It is necessary to take into account the genetic predisposition to such disorders.

Among the external factors include:

  • emotional distress;
  • bad habits;
  • effects on the body of hazardous substances;
  • abnormal eating behavior;
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emotional distress

As a headache at VSD

Headache may be of a different nature with vascular dystonia. Sometimes it is accompanied by a person at all times. It is taking place during night sleep, but immediately upon awakening renewed. Except migraine cephalalgia, induced neuro dystonia differs less intensity and serves as a background soreness. It can be described as bursting, dull, throbbing, squeezing. Acute pain is not peculiar to the IRR.

Cephalalgia occurs right after a night's sleep and can last all day, accompanied by auditory and visual impairment, spatial disorientation. That cephalalgia associated with VSD, may indicate dyspeptic symptoms (diarrhea, bloating, vomiting, diarrhea).

tension headaches

Tension headaches at VSD occur at any time of the day, usually in the second half of the day in the late afternoon. It is less intense than a migraine and is not accompanied by aggravating the symptoms. Most often this form cephalgia exposed to people with higher levels of anxiety and prone to depression. Provoke her stressful situations that arise in the house and in the team, mental stress, the need for prolonged and constant focus on work.

Headache in the forehead

The pain is felt as a squeezing head helmet, and some describe it, as if the skull is compressed around the hoop. It is impossible to accurately determine the location of such feelings, but they are felt in both hemispheres. Cephalalgia is moderate or weak character, and not amplified after exercise. In rare cases, accompanied by intolerance to light and sound, nausea attacks. This state may last from 30 minutes to 1 week. This type cephalgia can independently pass, if you switch attention to something and get away or help a good rest.


Migraine is a commonplace manifestation of the IRR, and it predominantly affects women. It is intense and throbbing pain, which is often accompanied by a feeling of nausea, extending to the eyes and the frontal part. It can last from 1 hour to several days. Signs of a migraine are:

  • appearance aura before the attack;
  • sharp photophobia;
  • the desire to be alone;
  • deterioration of health;
  • intolerance to sounds and smells;
  • irritability;
  • Localization of pain on one side of the head.

cluster pain

Cluster headache is characterized by the fact that concentrated in one part of the skull, most exciting areas of the forehead, temple, eye-brow ridges. Suffer her predominantly male. The head starts to hurt at night and in the morning runs. Attacks last from 1.5 minutes to 2 hours. At the same time you may experience symptoms such as:

  • redness of the face;
  • appearance of perspiration;
  • nasal congestion;
  • omission of the century;
  • increased tear production.
cluster pain

Facilitate health help human potent pain medicine Diclofenac, Codeine, Ibuprofen, Dikloberl.

How to get rid of a headache at VSD

Attempts to cure cephalgia at VSD does not always give a positive result. This often happens when the drugs are used only medication. But this pathology requires complex treatment, which will combine reception of medicines, psychotherapy and elimination of causative factors. Reliably determine which ones will be most effective it is impossible, because the positive result is possible in the presence of all 3 methods.

Etiological way to eliminate this symptom does not consist in preventing stress. Because it is impossible to predict the occurrence of conflict situations, whether at work or in the family. You need to learn not to react to provocation and not to dive fully into the conflict.

Will have a calming effect yoga and meditation, roller skating or biking, walking. Remove the headache will help acupressure and acupuncture.

If worried headache at VSD, treatment almost always provides for the appointment and reception drugs whose action is directed at normalizing the function of the nervous system. Drug therapy includes:

  1. Sedatives (valerian extract, tincture of Leonurus, Trikardin).
  2. Tranquilizers. Used with regular outbreaks cephalgia and expressed aggravation vegetative disorders (elenium).
  3. Anxiolytics. Assigned when blood pressure instability (Diazepam).
  4. Antidepressants. Applied when joining the depressed state (amitriptyline).
  5. Nootropics (piracetam).
  6. Beta-blockers (Inderal).
  7. Drugs that improve cerebral blood flow (Cavintonum).

Migraine is treated with the VSD and psychotherapeutic methods, since the development of vascular dystonia is directly related to the human psyche. To reduce the intensity and frequency of attacks symptom considered applicable techniques such as self-hypnosis, muscle relaxation and auditory training.

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