
Yoga at VSD: anti, exercise, benefit and harm, how to deal with

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Yoga classes are included in the complex therapy of vascular dystonia. Yoga at VSD provides normalization of blood pressure due to changes in blood flow.

Yoga and dystonia

Benefits and harms

Yoga - a set of static exercises designed to enhance the health and energy potential. T. k. Asana each has its own characteristics and performance of the technique, the training circuit is compiled physician with regard to the shape of the disease. Thus, when a hypertonic type of illness used exercises aimed at reducing blood flow, while hypotonic - its activation.

yoga benefits is as follows with vascular dystonia:

  • recovery of the organism;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • stabilization of mental status;
  • reducing the number of seizures and panic attacks;
  • removing toxins from the body;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes.
benefits of yoga

VVD and yoga combine well with each other, but the wrong choice of exercise can worsen the already deplorable state of health. If you doubt that you can create your own training program, please contact your doctor or the trainer.

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How to make

When doing yoga is necessary to carry out the following recommendations:

  1. Before embarking on their studies, should consult a doctor for diagnosis. Choosing an exercise program will depend on the form of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  2. To accustom the body to the new stresses need for it gradually. Proceed to rigorous exercise is possible only after development of lung asanas. Body checking at the initial stage of use is unacceptable.
  3. The optimal duration of first employment is 5-10 minutes. This time is sufficient to relax and the body had not suffered from excessive physical exertion.
  4. When the discomfort or unpleasant feelings sessions should be discontinued. In the case of development of tachycardia need to lie on your back and relax. When the heart rate returns to normal, the performance of the complex can be continued.
  5. To restore the body and compensate for supply of energy to the complex to include exercises to meditation.
yoga class

When hypotonic type

Hypotonic type of vegetative dystonia is the most common. Under reduced blood pressure postures recommended to perform the following:

  1. With bending backwards. Flexion of the lumbar spine help to improve blood circulation and blood pressure. It is recommended to carry out a complex "sun salutation" and lie down with a roller, a padded lumbar region.
  2. Stimulating hepatic operation. Cleanse the liver of toxins can help to exercise the abdominal muscles (posture boat lift direct feet from a prone position on his back). It is also recommended to perform side bends from different starting positions (vertical, standing on straight legs, sitting on the buttocks, kneeling). These exercises activate bile excretion, improves intestinal function, start the process of detoxification.
  3. Stimulating the adrenal glands work. Ensure the elimination of toxins from the body. To improve adrenal take snakes pose a lift leg from a prone position on his stomach.
  4. Stimulating the thyroid gland. Shchitovidki improve blood flow in the area, increase the overall body. They include exercises "Plow" and "Birch", carried upside down.

In hypertensive type

Gymnastics for hypertensive type VSD must be aimed at reducing the excitability and stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system. To do this, follow these guidelines.

Recommended to start training with shavasana and finish - performing complex "sukshma vyayama". If hypotonic type of the disease is dominated by troughs, the type of hypertensive emphasis on the slopes. Particular attention should be paid to twisting in the supine position and sitting, improves the functioning of the stomach.

To increase energy capacity and improving the functioning of the nervous system need to perform breathing exercises.

Also lower high blood pressure helps meditation and relaxation techniques: mantras yoga nidra, Anapanasati (practice conscious breathing), and others.

To avoid a further increase in blood pressure, you need to perform exercises at a slow pace. Avoid sudden movements and excessive exercise.

When the cardinal type

Get rid of cardinal type VSD help exercises listed in the preceding two paragraphs. The syllabus should be balanced. It is desirable that it was on physical therapy specialist.

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