
Varicocele and infertility: pregnancy, whether to have children after surgery in men, it is the effect on conception, husband

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Varicocele - male disease caused by veins and blood stagnation in the scrotum. One in five men face different manifestations of this disease by the age of 35. Violation of venous blood flow not only causes discomfort. Progressing disease provokes functional changes in the testicles, affect the potency and reproductive capacity. Varicocele and infertility are diagnosed at the same time 80% of men seek medical attention because of the impossibility of conception.

Varicocele in men

As varicocele affects infertility

Varicocele and pregnancy compatible. About half of men with this disorder do not experience problems with the reproductive functions. This means that the effect of varicocele infertility appears not at all, depending on the stage of the disease and the individual anatomy. An important role in the development of pathology played by hereditary factors, living and working conditions and the availability of unhealthy habits.

Varicocele represents varicose blood vessels, the blood supply to the scrotum, testes and feeding the surrounding tissue. Acinar plexus of veins surrounding the spermatic cord and vas deferens, most often affects the left side. Right hand veins is less common and is associated with the individual characteristics of the anatomy.

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Bilateral varicocele observed in 2% of all cases.

The weakness of the vein wall causes vasodilation and can affect both the function of neighboring arteries, and the patency of ductus outputting sperm. In this case, varicocele and infertility in men is directly connected and amenable to correction in the early stages.

Reduced blood flow is bad for any organ: they receive less oxygen, nutrients and begin to function worse. This process often leads to infertility after varicocele even if the surgical treatment. Progressive disease leading to testicular atrophy with changes in their size and structure.

the possibility of infertility

Another factor adversely affecting varicocele of conception: a violation of the outflow and stagnation of blood in the scrotum provoke overheating of the testicles. Increasing only a few degrees from the normal range (+ 34 ° C) prevents the maturation of sperm. Such seminal material contains little qualitative cells capable of fertilization.

What consequences will cause failure of the venous blood flow depends on the place of origin of the defeat, his extensive and process the rate of progression. Most cases of abnormalities diagnosed in adolescence. Forecast pathology worsen the following factors:

  • weak vessel walls: congenital, hereditary, consequently other chronic illnesses;
  • infections, sexually transmitted infections, inflammation of the urogenital organs;
  • alcohol, smoking, craving to strong stimulatory substances;
  • heavy manual labor or single eye strain;
  • a sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work.
Sedentary lifestyle

Early symptoms associated with varicocele discomfort and feeling of heaviness in the scrotum, which disappear in a supine position. Not always cause symptoms such men turn to the urologist. The disease can progress without symptoms for a long time and found during the examination for infertility.

In the later stages of the disease nagging pain in the scrotum become permanent and painful. Symptoms do not depend on the position of the body and the load. Ignore them becomes impossible. Drug therapy and lifestyle changes at this stage, are ineffective without surgery.

Can I have children with varicocele

Varicocele can have children if the disease does not lead to irreversible damage to the testes, it had no effect on erection and other important reproductive functions. According to the WHO classification, pathology has three steps:

  • veins are not visible in the rest state and palpated only straining - Stage 1;
  • venous nodes are not detected visually, but palpable during the inspection - Stage 2;
  • vasodilation sticks out through the skin, probing reveals dense clusters - Stage 3.

Practitioners urologists further step of providing 4 illness when dilated veins hang below the scrotum. At this stage, most commonly diagnosed full testicular dysfunction.

practicing urologists

Fertilization is possible if men ejaculate in a sufficient number of healthy sperm. Varicocele causes infertility only 3 and 4 stages. The pathology progresses slowly and does not always cause physical discomfort. You can get pregnant if you have varicocele husband at an early stage, but face the problem later, after a few years.

Spouses are often unaware that men develop secondary infertility. Survey in such cases subjected primarily female body. Although varicocele does not bear a direct threat to the life of the man, but his timely diagnosis can improve health in adulthood and to prevent fertility problems.

In the early stages of the disease, there are many noninvasive ways to restore the tone of veins and stop the pathology. You can have children with varicocele 1 or 2 stages, and whether the operation is necessary, should be addressed with your doctor.

Detection nodes palpation may require surgical intervention. Operation varicocelectomy also assigned if the results show the presence of semen no longer 20 million spermatozoa per 1 ml of ejaculate.

There are several methods of surgical treatment. Removing dysfunctional areas of the veins may involve general or local anesthesia. Application laparotomy access reduces trauma procedures, intervention may be limited to the tying of problem vessels sites.

Is the pregnancy after varicocele, eliminating operational method depends not only on the quality of the procedure. Of particular importance is the recovery period and comply with all directions of the doctor. Neglect of the disease (Stage 3) does not allow a third of men regain fertility and have children after surgery. Is it possible to get pregnant with varicocele her husband, the remote a few months ago.

Conceive with varicocele

Conditions of effective therapy are:

  • normal hormones;
  • unmodified tissue of the testes;
  • 1, step 2 varicocele;
  • compliance with the requirements for postoperative recovery.

If the man underwent surgery time and a positive outlook, you can get pregnant after a year of treatment. But even well-performing procedures under favorable other factors does not guarantee full recovery of functions. Although the overall fertility is increased by 60% after the intervention, improves semen quality not completely. This process depends more on other interventions.

Rules rehabilitation varicocelectomy:

  • The lack of sexual intercourse (preferably exclude erection) in the first 30 days.
  • Gentle exercise and proper rest for 3 months.
  • Good nutrition and intake of vitamin complexes on prescription.
  • bowel functions tracking to prevent constipation.
Gentle exercise

The set of individual factors leads to the fact that they have children after the operation can roughly half males. Modern methods of IVF are given the chance of pregnancy remaining 50% of couples. Fertilization is possible using own sperm. In the absence of the required quality of the material used donor sperm.

How to improve the quality of sperm

Minimally invasive surgery increases the chances for rapid recovery after operation. Proper rehabilitation is aimed at preventing complications and recurrences. Failure to comply with the requirements leads to re-expansion vessel operated at 10% of cases.

Practitioners say that the most favorable prognosis gives the operation carried out before the age of 30. At normal levels of sex hormones and unmodified testes recovery quantity and quality of sperm is faster, and then after the operation varicocele can have children.

The operation itself does not guarantee recovery of reproductive functions. The treatment eliminates the causes of improper blood flow and failure of spermatogenesis. additional actions required to improve the quality of sperm:

  • elimination of tobacco and alcohol;
  • active lifestyle with adequate load;
  • adherence to sleep and rest;
  • good nutrition.
Elimination of tobacco and alcohol

The physician advises on diet and receive additional vitamin complexes, based on the analysis of semen and the general state of the organism. Pregnancy in varicocele not guarantee the operation itself, and the quality of sperm after it. Therefore it is necessary to pay attention to the following products:

  • Vitamin C. It is necessary to consume from 70 to 100 mg of vitamin per day, which corresponds to 3 oranges. Vitamin increases the activity and vitality of sperm. Smokers need twice as much of this antioxidant. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract dose and the route of administration should be discussed with your doctor.
  • Folic acid. The substance is useful not only for women. Daily intake of vitamin B9 accelerates the maturation of sperm. Recommended rates of up to 3 months.
  • 1 handful of nuts eaten per day, improves sperm motility and morphology. Due to the large amount of polyunsaturated fat to increase fertility and nuts are useful to women.
  • Vitamin A - an important ingredient in the regulation of testicular function. On it depends the production of sex hormones that control the generation of sperm.
  • Zinc - Increases sperm terms of life, increases testosterone.

Depending on the results and spermogrammy flow recovery period after surgery physician exchange techniques vitamin E, additives may be recommended, containing selenium, retinol, L-carnitine and et al.

vitamin E

at varicocele in men should eat foods that are beneficial to vessels. So it is possible to avoid relapses and further improve the body. Vitamin C is only 60% increase in sperm count, but also strengthens the vessel wall, improves cellular respiration fabrics, which accelerates recovery after surgery.

During infertility treatment should abandon such habits:

  • heavy, fatty foods, coffee and other biostimulants;
  • cabbage and beans are contraindicated in men with varicocele;
  • Professional sports depressing effect on fertility;
  • excluded from the wardrobe of tight-fitting pants and underwear;
  • sauna and steam bath is temporarily limited due to possible overheating of the testicles.

Varicocele at different stages and infertility, which develops as a result, often treatable. When following appointments can conceive a child, even with the disease. The operation increases the chances of, but does not eliminate the daily efforts of their own recovery.

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