
Recurrent varicocele: after the operation, can be repeated, treatment, appearance, symptoms

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Varicocele - diseases of the genital male system characterized by varicose veins in the area of ​​the spermatic cord. It is treated by surgery. Lack of treatment can lead to testicular dysfunction and infertility. Sometimes the disease comes back, even after correctly performed surgery to remove a varicocele recurrence requires timely removal.

Veins in varicocele

Can varicocele recur and why

Recurrence of varicocele in adolescents occurs in 20% of cases. In adult men, this figure is significantly lower at 10%. The resumption of the pathological process after surgery, doctors attributed to several factors:

  • Properly conducted surgery.
  • Weak venous wall.
  • Slow blood flow.
  • The patient's age.
  • Insufficient examination of the preparatory phase.
  • Failure to comply with doctor's appointments in the recovery period.

Choosing a method of removing varicose veins in the scrotum area, doctors prefer the following procedures: sclerotherapy, surgery and laparoscopy Marmara. These approaches re varicocele develops in exceptional cases. When the specialist uses a bandage on Ivanissevich, recurrence of disease risk is high enough. Laparoscopy sometimes leads to complications, because the clips may deviate from the blocked vessels. To avoid negative consequences, a doctor must conduct a vein resection after clipping.

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operation Marmara

Weak vein walls or slowing of blood flow are also the reason that after surgery varicocele develops again. In this case untouched during the procedure veins take over the function of the remote. The vessels are gradually beginning to fill with blood, causing varicose veins.

Children's age - is another factor that increases the risk of recurrence of the disease, so doctors recommend to carry out the operation after the onset of puberty. Prior to this period, the genitals of young men are not always sufficiently developed.

Reactivation of the disease is often seen in less than a complete examination of the patient at the stage of its preparation for the intervention. As a result, collateral branches and satellites veins remain undetected by the surgeon, and during operation, the doctor is not excised pathological sites. Blood easily passes over them, and varicocele symptoms appear after some time again.

The cause of relapse and complications can be a disregard for patient medical recommendations during rehabilitation. They are reduced to comply with bed rest, freedom from sports. It is equally important during the recovery phase take prescribed anti-inflammatory and pain medication, follow a strict diet. Failure to comply with these rules leads to the formation of blood clots in the operated vessel, hematoma and the resumption of the violation.

Symptoms of varicocele recurrence do not differ from those in the primary manifestation of the disease. The main symptoms of these disorders are:

  • pain and burning sensation in the scrotum;
  • discomfort when moving;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • scrotal edema and increased size.
burning feeling in scrotum

Many men do not think about varicocele recurrence, and can it be re-staged such a diagnosis. Therefore, they ignore the problem and seek medical help. Eliminate relapse only by the operation. Varicocele in advanced stage lead to infertility.

How to prevent relapse

Because the exact causes of varicocele recurrence after surgical treatment are poorly understood, talk about specific measures of prevention is difficult. If the development of the disease is caused by genetic abnormalities, the likelihood of its return is high. Warn relapses can be provided comprehensive examination of the patient prior to surgery and proper choice interference method. Full diagnostics helps to eliminate all the affected vessels.

The recovery phase a man must strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations. It is necessary to give up drinking and smoking. In the first few weeks is strictly contraindicated intense exercise. It is planned to visit the surgeon. If you have symptoms of varicocele recurrence after surgery should immediately seek medical help. Only in this case it is possible to hope for a favorable outcome and the absence of adverse effects of treatment.

What to do with repetition of the disease

If you suspect a relapse should visit a urologist and surgeon, surrender semen analysis. It is mandatory pelvic ultrasound. Decision on whether to re-operation takes only a surgeon. During the intervention, as in the case of elimination of the primary disease, is carried ligation affected veins.


Depending on the health of the patient the doctor chooses one of these methods to eliminate the pathology:

  • Percutaneous embolization. The effectiveness of this method of treatment is high, however, resorted to his help in rare cases due to scarring in the area of ​​damage.
  • The introduction of the shunt. During the intervention the surgeon closes the blood flow in the affected vessels and forwards it to the healthy. Such an option of treatment often causes complications in the form of blood clots.
  • Laparoscopic surgery. The procedure implies an administration via the peritoneum special tools for further research and excision of the affected veins. An important advantage is its short period of rehabilitation.
  • Microsurgical revascularization. During the operation sticking agent is injected into the affected vein, making it possible to restore operation. The method is characterized by a high degree of efficiency, however, is almost never used because of the lack of the necessary equipment in Russia.

Surgical intervention at repeated varicocele no different from the operation in the case of primary disease, the physician can only change the method of therapy based on the clinical picture. After the procedure, you must take precautions: it is necessary to give up physical activities and intimate contact for 3 weeks, avoid sudden movements, do not take a shower for 5 days after surgery.

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