
Can I play sports with VVD (vegetative dystonia): physical activity, occupation, how, gym

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Opinions of physicians about whether to engage in sports can be at VSD differ. Some people believe that physical activity helps to reduce stress, which can cause exacerbation of the disease, others - that sport worsen the condition of patients with vascular dystonia. Yet most experts agree that certain types of physical activity are required for patients with VSD.

Sport in dystonia

What sports are allowed

Sport activities at VSD useful because first of all they strengthen the body. This increases the resistance to various diseases and disorders. Exercise helps eliminate the effects of stress, which is important for patients with vascular dystonia. People who regularly engaged in the gym, the incidence of panic attacks decreased.

VVD and sport affect the cardiovascular system. If the VSD there are violations in its work (faults with pressure, heart palpitations, arrhythmia), then exercise a positive effect on her: and activate blood circulation reinforce vessels.

If IRR can go to the gym, but avoid intense congestion. Exercise on fitball well strengthen the autonomic system and train the vestibular apparatus. Recommended exercises on a treadmill, stationary bike and step aerobics. You can do the exercises with dumbbells, but at a moderate pace and with low weight. Help relax the muscles and remove the clamps stretching exercises and yoga.

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In addition to the gym you can do horse riding, cycling, skating and skiing. Especially useful for people with vegetative-vascular disorders of the swimming pool. Swimming not only strengthens the muscles and blood vessels, improves blood circulation, but also eliminates the pain in the back, removing the load from the spine.

You can engage in martial arts, but do not participate in the battle to avoid injury. Some doctors recommend playing sports.

If you can not go to sports clubs or visiting room, a good option will have classes at home. special therapeutic exercises, which matched the optimal load taking into account the needs of the patients developed for patients with vascular dystonia.

How to deal with

Do not expect that sport at VSD quickly bring results. For a stable improvement of the need to train regularly and for a long time, otherwise the effect if it appears, it will be short-lived.

During sports with vascular dystonia can not be right to allow heavy loads, increase the intensity of exercise should be gradual. Excessive load at VSD contribute overvoltage, that will only lead to muscle pain and exacerbation of symptoms.


It is not recommended to train in the gym alone, so that in case of deterioration of physical exertion next was a man who can help.

What is forbidden to do

VVD and physical activity are not compatible in all cases. Some sports destinations may only hurt the patient's condition, so they are prohibited from engaging. These sports include boxing and wrestling - all increase the risk of injury. Not recommended weightlifting exercises with jumps and jerks, and Pilates - because of the need for a long stay in a static voltage.

For any sports activities should build on its status. People with vascular pathologies with a sudden change in body position can darken the eyes and dizzy in such a case should not be taken for active exercises.

Not recommended for sports areas, trains endurance, where during class are not scheduled regular respite. Avoid exercise in the long breath hold. It should be careful in extreme sports, as the strong emotional shocks can worsen the condition of people with vascular dystonia.

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