
Meals at VSD: diet, vascular dystonia with women, a menu that can not be eaten, foods

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vasoneurosis - a complex disease associated with dysfunction of a complex organism, caused by changes in brain vessels. That treatment had a positive effect, at VSD power must be sbalansirovannnym and dietary.

Meals at Distanov

What You Can Eat

Failures of the autonomic nervous system result in an imbalance in various internal organs. These symptoms may be so vague, making it difficult to diagnose.

Often from VSD affects women, although the disease manifests itself in men. Treatment is always directed to the correction of the nervous system and can not be considered complete without a correction of the daily diet and lifestyle.

Proper nutrition during vegetative dystonia in women includes:

  • products rich in potassium and magnesium salts (fresh herbs, dried fruits, carrot, oat and buckwheat groats, bean, seaweed, nuts);
  • fresh juices, grapes, citrus, cranberries;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • at least 2 liters of clean drinking water daily to maintain the body in the water-salt balance;
  • green tea, herbal infusions;
  • products with a high content of B vitamins, iron and fiber (potatoes, pasta, rice, liver);
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  • lean meats and poultry, fish;
  • dairy products with reduced fat content - a source of protein and calcium;
  • vegetable oil in moderate amounts for replenishment of vitamins A, D, E, K.
Freshly squeezed juices

Drug therapy for VSD often is the selection of antidepressants or tranquillizers and sedatives. But without a balanced daily diet drugs will not have the desired effect. at VSD products should be low-fat and dietary maximum.

Useful recipes

Whatever the diet at VSD, it necessarily involves and herbal teas. It is important to pick them up on the type of disease, as well as all food diet.

  1. If necessary, make up the body's energy reserve 1 tbsp. l. mixture of hawthorn berries and rose hips, chamomile flowers of Hypericum and pour cup boiling cold water and leave overnight. Then, about a quarter of an hour in a water bath heated, but not boiling. Drink 1/3 cup before eating.
  2. If you have problems falling asleep 1 tbsp. l. mint mixture oregano, sage, hops and peony root, Cudweed, pour a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes and drink tea instead of at night, using honey instead of sugar.
  3. Dysfunction associated with liver and kidney symptoms, good results demonstrates juniper diet proposed in the XIX century. German Catholic priest Kneipp. It is calculated monthly.
food cooking

On the first day 4 juniper berries well chew, but not swallow, but spit it out. Over the next 12 days to increase the amount of fruits daily for 1. Starting from the 13th day - on the contrary, reduced by 1, gradually reaching the initial 4 berries. Juniper oil disinfects the digestive tract, has a beneficial effect on the state of the biliary tract and stimulates the liver.

Once a week is good to stick a fish menu, a variety of table spinach and seaweed. Omega-3 fatty acids, which comprises such food, are beneficial to the skin, improve kidney function, increase overall vitality.

What not to eat

When the IRR reasonable diet - the basis to achieve a positive treatment. Not only to eat right. It is important to avoid aggravating, to limit the use of harmful products:

  • salt;
  • smoked;
  • spices;
  • alcohol;
  • fatty foods, contributing to high cholesterol.

Dystonia is unpredictable. Suffering from it need to be aware that the disease is triggered by stress, irregular work regime, infections, intoxication, weaken the immune system. Therefore, along with a sound diet should be adjusted and lifestyle.

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