
The temperature at VSD (vegetososudistoy): can be increase, 37, adults, teenagers

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Dystonia - a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Reason vascular dystonia in teenagers - is often hormonal changes the body, in adults - high loads at work, lack of sleep, stress. The temperature at VSD - one of the key features of this syndrome. It may be lower or higher than normal.

measure temperature

Why fever

Many wonder whether the temperature rise at VSD. body temperature changes in excess of subfebrile indicator at VSD observed. The temperature of 37 ° C is considered to be the threshold of the highest standards - permissible excess of a few tenths.

When VSD is the temperature to 37,5 ° C. If the thermometer rises above, it is no longer dystonia, and something else - inflammatory process, poisoning, etc. Increased temperature at VSD does not fall, it is stable and keeps for a long time.

The main reason for the high temperature at VSD - thermoregulation of the body is impaired. The Center is responsible for the process of thermoregulation, is located in the hypothalamus. This diencephalon region is also responsible for the interaction of psychological reactions and endocrine system of human body.

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elevated temperature

In the event of threats to individual life and health of the hypothalamus sends a signal if the temperature rises. State heat - sign of the body's defenses, which require urgent mobilization and the struggle against the disease. Most of these signals are sent at the activity of infectious agents, but not only them.

If the IRR is often panic attacks occur, there are anxiety, depressive episodes. Panic attack - it's always a great deal of stress. Prolonged and constant state of anxiety, recurring depression - these conditions may also be regarded as a brain stress. When a person is under stress, the hypothalamus interprets this condition as a dangerous and gives a corresponding signal. Body temperature rises.

Adrenaline required to activate the body's immune system, without which it will not increase endurance and performance, released into the blood in a multiple volume. When the IRR can be frequent, and most importantly, the constant repetition of such releases this hormone.

At the time of the burst of adrenaline is observed at VSD raising the temperature to 37,5 ° C. Because of the frequency bursts hormonal body does not have time to recover to the normal state, and this temperature is kept constant. But above the level of the mercury does not rise to 37,5 °.

Why the temperature is lowered

Symptoms of low body temperature at VSD same as that of any other pathological condition chills (sometimes fever), hands and feet are icy, nail beds and lips become pale color with light tinged. Even if the room is warm, people will still feel cold.

When vegetososudistoy temperature (low) is also accompanied by reduced pressure. The patient does not let apathy, lethargy, loss of strength, it may be a panic attack for dizziness. Such a condition can last for weeks.

Low temperature

The low temperature associated with vascular dystonia also work with the hypothalamus. The signal on the hypothalamus reduction takes most often in depressive states, apathy. In this case, the hypothalamus decides to preserve the strength of the body, puts it in the "energy saving" mode. Hence the low pressure, temperature, respectively, also falls. Another possible reason for low temperature - a faint tone of blood vessels.

Since the IRR for the human characteristic of hypochondriacal mood, anxiety, such a state can make him fear to provoke a panic attack. At this point the temperature can drop limit, due to a failure in the thermoregulatory center can be observed shivering and tremor of limbs, respiration loses its normal rhythm. While the attack did not take place, the patient will not be able to warm up even a little bit.

What to do

To rule out the presence of any disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a full course of examination of the whole body. If no disease is not detected, the cause shocks and temperature fluctuations - dystonia.

Cider is not caused by viruses or bacteria, so antipyretics not help bring the temperature at VSD. The cause of this syndrome - disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. This part of the nervous system of the body responsible for the work of the internal organs, is under its control activities of exocrine and endocrine glands, depends on it, the condition of the lymph and blood vessels.

The condition of the nervous system is affected by many factors - the psycho-emotional state of a person, duration and the quality of sleep, feeding, the length of time in the open air, the presence or absence of detrimental patient habits. Often the causes of disorder in the system becomes disturbed sleep and rest, smoking and the abuse of alcohol, emotional burnout at work, stress, worries, depression.

abuse smoking

That at VSD temperature jumped need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. As preventive measures:

  1. Avoid stressful situations. We need to find the source of stress and reduce the probability of meeting with him to a minimum. If this is not possible, learn to ignore it.
  2. Hiking in the fresh air. Oxygen is necessary for normal functioning of the brain, the immune system and the hypothalamus.
  3. Include in the daily routine of daily exercise. They should be selected taking into account the overall state of the organism. Suitable standard charging, cycling, jogging, swimming, gymnastics.
  4. Revise the diet. The menu should be present cooked meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, herbs, honey, nuts, eggs, dairy products, vitamin drinks.
  5. Drink herbal teas and teas based on medicinal herbs. Give tone and strengthen the body soothe lime, spearmint, chamomile, motherwort, rose, rose-bay.
  6. Normalize sleep. The normal duration - 7-8 hours, go to bed and wake up in need at the same time every day.

When stress or panic attack, you need to try to relax. If possible, lie on your back on a comfortable level surface. It recommended and deeply breathe (you can breathe in the package).

The state of fear can distract the repetition of any action - by the decision of simple tasks in mathematics, a mental game "in town." Glycine can be taken, or have tenoten motherwort or valerian (30 drops to a glass of water).

If you have bad habits, it is better to get rid of them. Alcohol should be discarded altogether. If the person does not have alcohol dependence, it will be easy to do it. If the dependence is, treat it first of all you need.

It is more difficult to give up smoking. But if you really quit smoking does not work, then you need to try to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day to a minimum. For example, whenever you want to make a puff, to do physical work around the house, promising himself a cigarette as a reward for their labor. And so the delay time of the break as much as possible. If the desire to smoke caused by the need to calm down, then it is better to drink a decoction made from a soothing herbal tea.

Return to normal life often helps relieve symptoms of VSD (and the body temperature changes as well). But it so happens that the actions do not help, a state of panic and anxiety does not pass, the temperature is kept at the same level. Then it is necessary to address to the psychotherapist. Most likely, in this case, the IRR - the manifestation of neurosis or depression. Then without medical treatment or physiotherapy can not do.

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