
Massage with VVD (vegetative dystonia): self-massage, acupressure, classic, whether it is possible to do

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Massage at VSD is a part of complex therapy along with medication, allowing to weaken headache, getting rid of feelings of weakness and normalization of heart rate. Massage techniques used depend on the condition of the patient and the type of his disease (hypotonic or hypertonic).

Massage with dystonia

Is it possible to massage: the benefits and harms

Massage at vegetososudistoy has a beneficial effect on the organism, normalizing the nervous system and improving blood flow to the affected area. Useful properties of the procedure:

  • muscle relaxation;
  • returning a sense of vivacity;
  • Removing emotional stress;
  • elimination of pain in the muscles, ligaments and joints;
  • Heart rate normalization;
  • strengthening the human immune system, damaged as a result of violations of the vegetative functions of the body;
  • elimination of headaches;
  • get rid of insomnia.

Massage is not harmful to patients with VSD and is a direct indication to this procedure. Complications can occur only in those cases where the patient there are other diseases:

insta story viewer
  • aneurysm;
  • cancer;
  • pronounced mental disorders (schizophrenia, OCD, etc...);
  • inflammation in the area of ​​influence;
  • venous insufficiency and others.
venous insufficiency

People suffering from the IRR, you can massage the limbs, an area of ​​the spine and collar area.

classic massage

The procedure is more often used for the treatment of patients with dystonia of hypertensive type. In the classic massage with emphasis on the lower extremities and the neck area, and movement are ongoing. The purpose of the masseur - to penetrate into the deeper layers of muscles and increase blood flow.

Each session should last 20-30 minutes. The total course of treatment is 1.5-2 weeks.

Of hypertensive type

During the massage of cervical area the patient has to sit with his head on his folded arms. The procedure begins with helical stroking movements fingertips. Gradually the impact of enhanced rubbing added. Finish kneading massage of the shoulders and neck of the patient. This complex movement is suitable for exposure to the lower extremities.

After the procedure is recommended to be held in a horizontal position for 30-40 minutes. This will allow to normalize blood pressure and avoid unpleasant consequences, such as loss of consciousness during heavy lifting to his feet.

Hypotonic type

When hypotonic type VSD massage cervical area is contraindicated, the impact is only on the lower part of the patient's body and legs. Complex movements does not differ from that presented above. The procedure begins with circular strokes and lumbar sacral areas with slow progress up the spine until it reaches the neck massage therapist. Movement must alternate: first, stroking, kneading, and then forced.

Hypotonic type

After moving back to the calves. They are quite warm with the help of rubbing and stretch your muscles. All movements should be carried out from bottom to top. Rounding procedure soft strokes abdominal wall in a circle.


Acupressure is applied based on the stimulation of active sites on the patient's body. This type of procedure allows quick (10-15 minutes) to achieve getting rid of symptoms such as headaches, high blood pressure and heart palpitations.

The massage is performed using one finger, which is pressed on the active region. You can use other round object, such as beads or walnut. Exposure to the one area should not exceed 2-3 minutes.

Key points:

  • Depression in big toe the rear of the foot;
  • ankle to ankle level;
  • the entire arch of the foot from the sole;
  • 2 cm upward from an inner side of the ankle;
  • 3 cm to the right patella.

In place of the impact pushed slightly bent finger, starting to make the vibrational-rotational motion without moving to the side. Gradually the need to step up the pressure on the point in order to achieve a light pain. As the pressing zone sensitivity will fall. It is recommended to complete the massage with the complete disappearance of the sensitivity point.


Some areas can be influenced independently subject to the rules:

  • not massage the damaged skin;
  • do not press on the location of the large lymph nodes;
  • do not touch the area with the centers of varicose veins or dermatoznyh defeats.

Self-massage at VSD begin to perform a head massage benevolent, rubbed whiskey and jam on a point behind the ears. Then they move in a circular motion on the neck, which pay particular attention to the area under the back of his head. Total exposure time should not exceed 5 minutes.

Can achieve positive dynamics of the week when combining self-massage and treatments at the masseur.

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