
Coffee at VSD (dystonia): Is it possible to drink caffeine

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Drinking coffee at VSD can be in small quantities and under certain conditions. If the patient is to break the rules of beverage consumption, the energy can cause harm.

Coffee with dystonia

Effect of caffeine on the disease

When IRR caffeine can cause a patient's panic attacks. If the patient dystonia will drink coffee every day, then it will have anxiety and irritability. Patients frequent manifestation of the disease is the appearance of fears and phobias, it is not recommended to provoke such states once again.

Doctors have found that stressful events in conjunction with the use of caffeine give a push to call a panic attack. Many patients know that caffeine can cause an attack, with aggravated symptoms. If the patient is constantly used the coffee, and then abruptly stopped taking, then the person has withdrawal.

This condition manifests headache and muscle pain, patient develops severe fatigue. After some time developing depression. withdrawal syndrome in combination with other symptoms of dystonia aggravated by the sick person.

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The main features are the following VSD:

  • heartache;
  • heart palpitations;
  • increased sweating;
  • often manifested by anxiety.
Heart palpitations

Scientists have proved that dystonia occurs as a result of a nervous breakdown. Patients undergo observation and treatment by a psychotherapist. Therefore, patients are recommended to drink no coffee, because it increases the pressure, and upsets the nervous system.

Caffeine each day leads to the fact that patients are constantly experiencing anxiety and restlessness. As a result, a person may appear vegetative crisis. In patients with VSD who drink coffee, symptoms appear much brighter. Drinking a beverage every day causes dizziness and buzzing in the ears.

How and how much you can drink

Answering the question of whether to drink coffee at VSD, neurologists advise patients to get tested. Refusal of coffee and diet can help eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Not all people can completely abandon the coffee drink, so they need to abide by the rules:

  1. Sleep disorders, heart palpitations this product should not be used.
  2. It is impossible for the treatment of dystonia drink coffee daily.
  3. Do not have to drastically cancel taking the drug if consumed more than 3 cups a day.
To drink coffee

It is necessary to gradually reduce the number of cups drunk, you need to take the plant teas that have sedative properties.

When calm of the disease people can use the product no more than 1 cup in 3 days. Energy can not drink before going to bed. Patients should drink coffee with milk. The highest caffeine content - a drink of grain and cappuccino coffee.

Minimum percentage of stimulator - in instant drinks. After the adoption of the drink, patients should monitor the state of health. If the beverage gives vivacity, you can not abandon it. If there is tension, heartbeat quickens, the drink can not be used.

what can replace

Some people are switching from coffee to the use of black tea, which is not true, because strong drink, too, is likely to harm, to promote an increase in pressure. You should not switch to green tea.

When dystonia replace coffee decoction of chicory, which contains no caffeine, but coffee has a taste and smell. Chicory has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Give the flavor will help the preparation method, which uses a metal Turk.

Patients are advised to consume cocoa. It contains the least amount of caffeine, but it includes many useful trace elements:

  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • potassium, etc.

Cocoa improves mood, normalize blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels. People can drink barley water, which has a toning effect and eliminates the symptoms.

You can use ginger tea, accelerates metabolism, which increases the tone, has no negative effect on the nervous system. You can replace ginseng caffeine, which gives energy, normalizes the body's systems. Useful product for people with low pressure. Replace coffee beverage can lemongrass, relieves symptoms of fatigue and increases endurance.

Dystonia require constant medical supervision. Neuroscientist designate therapy recommend a suitable diet, will clarify whether the patient to drink coffee and when to use the product will select the best replacement if necessary.

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