
Oko-Plus eye drops. Reviews, instructions for use, price

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  1. Composition and form of release
  2. Terms of sale, prices
  3. Pharmacological properties
  4. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  5. Indications for use
  6. Contraindications
  7. Method of administration and dosage
  8. Side effects
  9. Overdose
  10. special instructions
  11. Drug interactions
  12. Analogs
  13. Storage conditions
  14. Video about drops Oko-plus

Oko-Plus therapeutic and prophylactic agent is a natural eye drops. Vitamin and mineral preparation is used to eliminate numerous visual impairments. In the responses of patients, the effectiveness of the remedy for myopia and hyperopia is noted.

Composition and form of release

Sterile eye instillation solution is supplied in 10 ml vials. The primary packaging is made of tinted glass, which protects the natural components of the drug from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation.

The bottle is equipped with a convenient drip dispenser made of highly purified medical grade polymer. The material does not contain or emit phthalates or other toxic substances.

Secondary packaging - a pack of thick laminated cardboard with a clear print. Each unit of the ophthalmic product is supplied with detailed instructions for use.

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Oko-Plus - eye drops (reviews note the hypoallergenicity of the components included in the solution) with a unique formula and multidirectional therapeutic effects. The composition of the preparation is presented in the table.

Component Impact
Lutein Oxygenated plant carotenoid of the xanthophyll group. Increases visual acuity, converts free radicals into a bound state, prevents the development of retinal dystrophy.
Tocopherol Vitamin E, which neutralizes the harmful effects of UV radiation on the optical analyzer. Tocopherol accelerates the formation of new capillaries, tones up the vascular walls, increases their permeability to the useful components of the drug.
Zeaxanthin A pigment of the category of natural carotenoids, widespread in the plant world. It forms a single biological complex with lutein, which maintains the normal tone of the eye muscles and sharpens twilight vision.
Carnosine Natural antioxidant that improves the contractility of the optic muscles. Carnosine forms a film coating on the surface of the optical analyzer that protects organic tissues from the harmful effects of the environment.
Clover extract Improves the natural function of the lacrimal glands. Clover extract contributes to the saturation of the cells of the retina and fundus with nutrients, stabilizes pressure, increases the clarity of visual perception.
Barley pomace Cleans the lacrimal ducts, accelerates the healing of damaged epithelium and restores the morphological structure of the mucous membrane. The barley component eliminates burning and itching.
Taurine An amino acid that prevents premature aging of the cornea and retina. It is included in the composition of drugs for the treatment of glaucoma and traumatic injuries of the visual analyzer.
Ginkgo biloba The exotic plant extract expands blood lumens, prevents platelet aggregation and peroxidation of lipid molecules. Ginkgo biloba activates metabolic reactions in cells and tissues, improves the conductivity of visual impulses.
Cumin extract A potent natural antioxidant with pronounced anti-inflammatory properties.
Sea buckthorn oil Moisturizes the mucous membrane with dry eye syndrome, restores the anatomical structure of the membrane elements of cytological units.
Rosehip extract Stimulates natural regenerative processes, enhances cell proliferation.
Aloe pomace Anti-inflammatory and bactericidal component that has a beneficial effect on the ocular epithelium and has a moderate immunomodulatory effect.
Parsley root Has antioxidant properties, restores water-salt balance.

Oko-Plus eye drops. Instructions for use, price, reviewsA unique component in the composition of Oko-Plus drops is a goji berry squeeze containing a complex of natural carotenoids, vitamins and mineral compounds. Maintains the normal functional state of the visual analyzer.

Terms of sale, prices

The drug is not distributed through retail chains and pharmacies. You can purchase a unique ophthalmic medicine only on the manufacturer's website using the order form. The price of a 10 ml bottle is 990 rubles.

Pharmacological properties

The multi-component formula of the concentrated ophthalmic solution is designed exclusively on the basis of natural ingredients of plant origin.

Oko-Plus - eye drops, reviews of which note a noticeable therapeutic effect in myopia and hyperopia, quick recovery after surgery.

The pharmacological properties of the drug determine the biological activity of each component and their combined effect on the organic structures of the visual analyzer.

Medicinal substances penetrate into cells and into the focus of inflammation, reducing the secretion of prostaglandins - the main mediators of the destructive process. Drops are distinguished by a complex therapeutic effect.

The effectiveness of the drug and the pharmacological properties declared by the manufacturer are confirmed by clinical studies.

According to the collected data, the natural medicine has the following therapeutic and prophylactic effects:

  • antiseptic;
  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • protective;
  • tonic;
  • detoxifying;
  • metabolic;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • regenerative;
  • healing;
  • stimulating.

Oko-Plus - eye drops (reviews confirm the popularity of the drug), among the identified pharmacological properties of which is the ability stabilize intraocular pressure, provide a moderate analgesic effect, moisturize the anatomical structures of the visual analyzer.Oko-Plus eye drops. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Instillation of eyes with a native concentrate of medicinal plants and biologically active vitamin and mineral components activates blood circulation, ensures the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the cells substances.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The ophthalmic solution uses the natural form of the zeaxanthin-lutein complex. The pharmacodynamic properties of the components are based on their ability to cross the transmembrane barrier.

They effectively stimulate intracellular biochemical reactions. Natural carotenoids strengthen the tissues of the retina, preventing them from damage by negative environmental factors.

The complex performs the function of filtering light radiation with blocking the ultraviolet part of the spectrum, which destroys organic fibers. The clover extract in the formula is responsible for stabilizing the pressure in the fundus area.

The medicinal product uses the milky sap of the plant, which replenishes the vitamin deficiency, has anti-sclerotic, wound healing and analgesic effects.

The component enhances blood microcirculation in the capillary network. Milky clover juice is a natural antiseptic that disinfects the corneal surface and prevents the development of purulent processes of bacterial origin.

The pharmacodynamic effect of the vitamin solution for eye instillation is due to the presence of barley extract in its composition:

  • suppressive inflammation;
  • moisturizing the mucous membrane;
  • eliminating the irritated state of the visual analyzer;
  • stabilizing the cell membranes of the epithelium.

Carnosine is an important medicinal component of Oko-Plus eye drops. The pharmacodynamic characteristics of the substance are due to the ability to penetrate into the structure of lipid layers, stabilizing their morphological structure.

The pharmacokinetics of the drug has not been studied enough due to the lack of significant clinical significance. The components of the drug penetrate into the systemic circulation in negligible amounts and are excreted during the deurination process, without exerting a noticeable physiological effect on functional systems.

Indications for use

Oko-Plus is a natural medicine recommended for chronic fatigue of the visual analyzer. Eye drops are used for numerous functional disorders of optical perception. Feedback from patients testifies to the effectiveness of the drug with excessive tension of the visual muscles.

Standard list of indications for use:

  • cataract;
  • destructive changes in the vitreous body;Oko-Plus eye drops. Instructions for use, price, reviews
  • senile degeneration of organic fibers of the optic organ;
  • decreased visual acuity due to genetic or traumatic reasons, chemical damage or environmental factors;
  • myopia and hyperopia;
  • inflammatory processes of any etiology;
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • irritation by external influences;
  • sunburn of the cornea;
  • detachment of the retina;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • hyperactivity of the lacrimal glands.

Drops are used in the complex therapy of glaucoma and optic nerve atrophy, with impaired blood circulation and vitamin deficiency. The drug on a natural basis is indicated for damage to the optical organ with adenovirus, herpes or chlamydia infection.

The drug is effective for increased intraocular pressure. It is used to prevent catarrhal changes and tumor processes in the structure of the visual analyzer. The medicine is used for the symptomatic treatment of diabetic retinopathy.


Clinical restrictions on the use of an ophthalmic agent have not been established. The only contraindication is the reaction of individual intolerance to one or more components of the medication.

Method of administration and dosage

Eye drops are intended exclusively for external use by installation in the conjunctival sac. The recommended dosage, frequency of application and course of treatment depend on the clinical picture and the type of visual impairment to be eliminated.

Before using the drug, consultation with an ophthalmologist is required.Oko-Plus eye drops. Instructions for use, price, reviews

The manufacturer has set the following dosage modes:

  • Dryness of the mucous membrane of the optic organ. A drop of solution is injected into each eye 2 times a day. The optimal time for taking the drug is morning and evening hours.
  • Infectious lesion. In case of deterioration of visual perception caused by a bacterial, fungal or viral pathogen, 1-2 drops of the ophthalmic drug Oko-Plus are used every 6 hours. until a noticeable improvement in the clinical picture and the disappearance of symptoms.
  • Aseptic inflammation. With such a destructive process, the drug is taken 2 drops in each conjunctival sac 3 times a day at equal time intervals. In the absence of a noticeable therapeutic effect for 3-4 days, you should consult an ophthalmologist.
  • Prevention of glaucoma and cataracts. At the first signs of such functional and structural changes in the optical organ, you should immediately start taking the drug Oko-Plus. Instill 2 drops 3 times a day. The course of preventive therapy takes 2-3 months with regular ophthalmological monitoring of the dynamics of pathological changes.
  • Pollinosis. A seasonal complex of anaphylactic reactions provokes plant pollen or other allergen of natural origin. To eliminate this condition, ophthalmic solution is recommended to use 1-2 drops, depending on the severity of symptomatic manifestations. Frequency of admission - 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

Oko-Plus - eye drops (reviews position the drug as an effective and safe remedy elimination of symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis), the minimum course of treatment for which is 5-7 days.

The manufacturer suggests taking the medicine by drinking, as a vitamin and mineral supplement. The solution can be mixed with tea, juice or compote. The effectiveness and clinical feasibility of this method of application has not been proven and raises reasonable doubts.

It is convenient to bury your eyes with a natural concentrate of medicinal plants in a horizontal position, sitting on a bed and placing a pillow under your head. Before use, the glass bottle must be held in the hand for 5-10 minutes so that the contents acquire a comfortable body temperature.

Side effects

No negative effects have been identified in the treatment with eye drops. Hypothetical side effects can only be caused by reactions of biological incompatibility with the components of the drug formula.

Such manifestations are of a specific nature and are expressed in:

  • hyperemia of the mucous membrane;
  • itching or tingling sensation immediately after the introduction of the solution into the conjunctival sac;
  • the development of angioedema in the periorbital zone;
  • light dizziness;
  • cephalalgia.

Oko-Plus eye drops. Instructions for use, price, reviewsThe development of an acute reaction of individual intolerance is manifested by tachycardia, profuse sweating, and shortness of breath. In the practice of using Oko-Plus eye drops, such side effects were not recorded.


The formula of the ophthalmic solution contains exclusively natural and safe herbal ingredients. Even with a multiple excess of the recommended daily dose, signs of drug intoxication are not detected.

Local application of the drug excludes the penetration of the contents into the systemic circulation in physiologically significant volumes. In the practice of treatment with Oko-Plus eye drops, not a single case of overdose has been registered.

The need to comply with these treatment regimens is due solely to therapeutic feasibility. Increasing the daily use of the drug does not pose a health hazard, but does not increase the effectiveness of the drug.

special instructions

The feasibility of treating myopia or hyperopia in children under 12 years of age with a natural ophthalmic solution has not been established. Such clinical studies have not been conducted.

There are no restrictions on the use of eye drops during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Teratogenic properties and embryonic toxicity were not revealed in the components of the medicinal composition.

When applied topically, the contents of the ophthalmic agent do not cross the placental barrier. The composition of the drug does not include substances that have a sedative effect, increase or depress psychomotor agitation.

Oko-Plus - eye drops, reviews of the use of which indicate that the medicine has no effect on thinking ability, does not reduce concentration, does not impair visual acuity.Oko-Plus eye drops. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Against the background of treatment with the drug, you can drive vehicles without restrictions, perform high-altitude work, operate with dangerous mechanisms and high-voltage industrial installations.

Drug interactions

The natural ingredients of the eye instillation therapeutic solution do not chemically bond or react with other medications. Oko-Plus can be combined in complex therapy with any medicinal substances for ophthalmic or other purposes.

The effect of enhancing or suppressing the pharmacological activity of antihypertensive drugs was not noticed. There is no data on the compatibility of Oko-Plus drops with ophthalmic drugs with vasoconstrictor properties.

It is recommended to abandon this combination. It is advisable to take breaks between taking medications with multidirectional physiological effects for at least 2 hours. It is allowed to drink alcoholic beverages during treatment with Oko-plus eye drops.

No change in diet is required. Eye drops do not interact with synthetic dyes, flavor enhancers and other food additives or dietary supplements. The natural medicine is compatible with all oral, topical and topical therapies.


There are no drugs identical in composition or principle of pharmacological action.

With biological immunity of the components, Oko-Plus can replace other dosage forms:

  • Optics. The multivitamin complex is saturated with minerals, plant carotenoids, amino acids. With Oko-Plus, the drug combines the presence of zeaxanthin, lutein, tocopherol in the composition. Other components are different.
  • Eiker. Natural ophthalmic medicine produced in capsule form. Provides a comprehensive therapeutic effect on optical function. It contains blueberry extract, lutein, beta-carotene.
  • Oko-Plus eye drops. Instructions for use, price, reviews
    Okuwaite Lutein Forte

    forte. Improves vision by stimulating natural metabolic processes in the tissues of the optical system. The active ingredients are ascorbic acid, tocopherol acetate, zeaxanthin-lutein complex. Ocuwaite Forte, available as enteric film-coated tablets, is a source of zinc and selenium.

  • Visiobalance Opti. A rich complex of biologically active components is available in the form of tablets for oral administration. The drug is related to Oko-Plus by the presence of lutein and zeaxanthin in the composition.

The component base of the complex preparation "Visiobalance Opti" contains bark of seaside pine, blueberry and grape powder, numerous minerals and vitamins. The medicine claims to be the best alternative to Oko-Plus eye drops.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of the medicine is 24 months. It is recommended to store eye drops in a factory bottle in a dark place out of the reach of children. The optimum temperature for Oko-plus preparation is up to + 25 ° С. In the reviews, patients claim that when this indicator is exceeded, the solution quickly loses its medicinal properties.

Video about drops Oko-plus

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