
Ceftriaxone injections. Indications for use

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  1. At what age can the drug be used?
  2. Indications for use
  3. Sepsis
  4. Meningitis
  5. Disseminated Lyme borreliosis
  6. Abdominal infections (peritonitis, biliary and gastrointestinal tract infections)
  7. Bone and joint infections
  8. Skin and soft tissue infections
  9. Wound infections
  10. Infections in Immunocompromised Patients
  11. Pelvic infections
  12. Kidney and urinary tract infections
  13. Respiratory tract infections (especially pneumonia)
  14. ENT infections
  15. Genital infections, including gonorrhea
  16. Prevention of infections in the postoperative period
  17. Video about the drug Ceftriaxone

Ceftriaxone is a drug to perform injections. The drug has an extensive list of indications for use. It belongs to the group of antibiotics - cephalosporins of the 3rd generation and is prescribed in the treatment of bacterial and infectious diseases. The tool is produced by a domestic pharmaceutical company in the form of a powder for the preparation of an injection solution with a dosage of 500 or 1000 mg.

At what age can the drug be used?

The drug can be used in pediatric practice and does not have any age restrictions. In this connection, it can be prescribed even to newborns and infants, starting from the first days of life.

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Indications for use

The medication is widely used in the treatment of various diseases and conditions associated with the development of infections. It is recommended to use it only with the permission of a doctor, since it has a pronounced bactericidal effect.

The medicine is administered intramuscularly or intravenously.


In case of septic damage to the body, the drug prevents the further spread of infectious agents through the blood. In doing so, it also helps to suppress the development of the underlying disease that led to sepsis.

Injections are used as an adjunct (combination) therapy.


The active components of the agent penetrate well and quickly into the blood and cerebrospinal fluid, after which they enter the meninges, where they directly affect infectious pathogens.

The drug acts on the cell membranes of bacteria, disrupting their strength, rigidity and synthesis, which, in turn, causes the death of microorganisms and prevents their toxic effect on organism.

Disseminated Lyme borreliosis

Ceftriaxone - injections (indications for the use of the drug are infections caused by bacteria sensitive to the components), which have shown high efficiency in tick-borne borreliosis. The effectiveness of drug treatment depends on the period of treatment of the patient. The optimal time for injections is considered no more than 5 days from the moment of infection.

Injections are used in conjunction with other treatments, since they can only deal with the pathogen in the early stages in the absence of complications.

Abdominal infections (peritonitis, biliary and gastrointestinal tract infections)

Due to the wide spectrum of antibacterial action, the medication helps to suppress activity gram-positive and gram-negative microflora, which causes the development of infections of the abdominal organs cavity. At the same time, the drug also helps to eliminate inflammatory processes and other characteristic symptoms.

The tool is recommended for use as part of complex therapy.

Bone and joint infections

The use of the agent contributes to the violation of the integrity of the membrane of pathogenic microorganisms, which causes their death. The medicine fights against pathogens and helps to eliminate accompanying symptoms - pain, inflammation, and other uncomfortable sensations.

Skin and soft tissue infections

The medicine prevents the further development and growth of the population of pathogenic microflora due to the violation of the integrity of their membrane. At the same time, there is a decrease in external and internal signs - redness, peeling, swelling, pain.

For the healing of damaged areas, external NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are additionally used.

Wound infections

Ceftriaxone - injections (indications for the use of the medication should be studied in advance before it use), which can be used for focal (local) administration directly into the affected area.

The introduction of the solution into the foci of wound surfaces helps to eliminate external symptoms - exudate, pus, redness, and inflammatory reactions. The medication suppresses the action of pathogens and prevents further spread of infection, including sepsis.

Infections in Immunocompromised Patients

In this case, injections are prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment and help prevent the development of the pathological process and other complications.

The drug is recommended to be used in conjunction with pro or prebiotics and other immune agents.

Pelvic infections

When using injections, there is a decrease in infectious and inflammatory processes. In this case, the drug stops the further spread of infection due to a violation of the ability to restore the damaged structure of the membrane of microorganisms.

Kidney and urinary tract infections

The medicine not only helps to eliminate the underlying disease, but also prevents the development of dangerous consequences, including structural changes in the renal system.

Thanks to the medication, it is possible to avoid the spread of infection to other neighboring organs.

Respiratory tract infections (especially pneumonia)

Ceftriaxone - injections (indications for the use of the drug are very extensive and do not have age restrictions, including children and old age), which must be used only under supervision attending physician.

With an infection of the respiratory system, the drug suppresses the action of pathogenic microflora, due to which there is a decrease in inflammation, swelling and other accompanying symptoms - accumulation of sputum, cough, discomfort in the area chest.

The lesions also decrease, the areas of infiltrates narrow.

ENT infections

When using the injection, a decrease in the activity and exposure of infectious pathogens is observed. The components of the product quickly eliminate the accompanying signs of disease and help restore the functions of the ENT organs.

Genital infections, including gonorrhea

In this case, the drug is used as an additional or combined treatment in conjunction with other antibacterial and anti-infectious drugs.Ceftriaxone injections. Indications for use

The action of the agent is aimed at suppressing the reproduction of pathogenic microflora and eliminating the corresponding manifestations.

Prevention of infections in the postoperative period

After the operations, the medication is prescribed to prevent the development of infectious complications. Against the background of reduced immunity, the formation of colonies of pathogens is possible.

Injections do not interfere with the penetration of bacteria, but they can effectively prevent their development and activity during infection.

Before using the injections, it is necessary to carefully study the indications for the use of Ceftriaxone and consult with a doctor who will help you correctly calculate and select the required dosage according to the established disease and age the patient.

Video about the drug Ceftriaxone

Ceftriaxone injections. Indications for use and instructions:

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