
Human psychology: interesting facts

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  1. Silence is gold
  2. Subconscious struggle with boring interlocutors
  3. Scientific explanation of human musical taste
  4. The influence of musical works on a person
  5. Why gifts are given
  6. Biochemical love
  7. Causes of phobias
  8. Is Internet Addiction a Modern Disease?
  9. Explaining negative thoughts
  10. Video about facts of human psychology

Psychology is the science that explains human behavior in conjunction with its psycho-emotional manifestations, because of this, it can be attributed to one of the most interesting sciences. Man is the most unpredictable and unique creature, endowed with consciousness and a rich inner the world, thanks to which the most interesting facts are revealed that are characteristic of the organization of exclusively higher creatures.

Currently, changes in the socio-economic sphere are taking place at an amazing speed and therefore it is increasingly difficult for people to adapt to rapid changes. This is what becomes the main reason for an unstable emotional state and, as a result, depression. It is in such conditions that psychological research aimed at preparing a person for change is most in demand. Science is carefully studying the behavioral characteristics of people and what they can lead to.

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Silence is gold

Human psychology (interesting facts from people's lives can be read for acquaintance) is interesting and informative. This science is often used when analyzing various situations.

Folk wisdom that sounds "silence is gold" is always relevant, but sometimes, in a given situation, it is quite difficult to adhere to this interpretation. Over the years, after gaining a certain life experience, real awareness of these words comes, and opponents learn to be silent during a conversation and try not to say too much.

Through research, it can be concluded that if you share your aspirations and plans with others, then the chances of achieving them are reduced due to the fact that a person loses motivation.Human psychology: interesting facts

There are several moments of life during which the best solution would be to remain silent.

Possible situation Action and its consequences
Lack of necessary facts The moment when, during a conversation, the interlocutor does not own the topic of the conversation. In this case, in order not to look ridiculous during a conversation on a topic unfamiliar to yourself, it is worth keeping silent.
An overabundance of emotions During a situation when the heart begins to pound with anger and "blood boil", it is best to take a couple of deep breaths and remain silent. No controversy can be used as an excuse for insults and overt negativity.
The talent for listening to the interlocutor The bulk of people do not have the ability to fully listen to the point of view of others. Most want to be heard, so they interrupt and express their point of view.
Intentional challenge to negativity When a stranger begins to criticize or verbally attack, each person instantly turns on self-defense mode.

Many aggressive people take advantage of this, deliberately provoke and incite conflict.

The futility of an argument During a discussion with some people, it becomes clear that a person considers his opinion to be the only correct one. In this case, you should not waste your energy and time on a person who is not able to hear someone else's opinion.
It's better to talk less and do more. There are situations when you need to act instead of empty talk. In this case, you need to minimize the conversation and get down to business.
Complicating the situation with conversation In the event that the interlocutor is very excited or agitated, any comment from the outside is likely to provoke him to even more aggression. Therefore, in this case, it is definitely better to remain silent.
No topic of conversation If during communication with an opponent all topics for conversation have been exhausted and it is difficult to come up with an appropriate one, then silence is the best way out of the situation.

Subconscious struggle with boring interlocutors

It is believed that the human mind can rewrite monotonous information or boring speech of the interlocutor in order to make it seem more interesting to him and easier to perceive.Human psychology: interesting facts

But there are situations when on the way there is a person talking incessantly, in such a situation you can resort to some rules that will help avoid a boring monologue:

  • You need to make it clear to your interlocutor as soon as possible that the information provided by him has already been mastered. To do this, you can use an affirmative nod of the head accompanied by the phrase "this is understandable" or a movement of the hand from top to bottom with the palm pointed to the floor. The human brain recognizes such gestures as a signal to end the conversation.
  • In the case of “active listening”, in order to finish a topic that is not interesting or well known, you can interrupt the speaker with the phrase “if I understand correctly, then….”. It is necessary to continue the phrase with the shortest possible excerpt from the entire text provided by him, in which the main meaning of the discussion is embedded.
  • In the event that the conversation is too long, and the interlocutor wastes time, not indicating the specifics of the conversation, you can interrupt it by asking the question: "what exactly is the conversation about?" or "what of this follows? " Thus, you can push the person to designate the essence of the conversation.
  • Also, you can quite intelligently end a conversation with a bored interlocutor without hurting his feelings like this phrases: “this is all very interesting, but I'm in a hurry” or “you are telling amazing things, but I have to go run away. "
  • Non-verbal cues can be used to end a boring conversation. To do this, you need to carefully and for a long time look at the clock. You can constantly be distracted by other people, just look around or concentrate your gaze on passers-by. Such gestures remind the speaker that the dialogue has smoothly turned into a monologue.
  • The most effective, but perhaps the most rude, is the way to interrupt the annoying conversation with the phrase “you did the wrong thing” or “why did you do it”. Such statements will discourage the person from telling their story further.

Scientific explanation of human musical taste

Human psychology (interesting facts from people's lives sometimes boggle the imagination) and his reaction to some things in specific situations are unpredictable. This also applies to a person's musical predilections. Quite often, certain musical works of a person are loved due to the fact that they are related or are simply associated with certain emotional events that occurred in the life of that particular person.

Music plays a critical role in development, and therefore a lot of scientific experts are studying the question of how people's musical preferences are formed.

Several important factors have been identified that influence the choice: family, information in the media, and peer preferences.

Until now, psychologists have been discussing a possible classification of a person's personality.Human psychology: interesting facts

Despite the complexity and versatility of people in the scientific community, people with a set of certain parameters have become generally recognized, which have combined them into the "Big Five":

  • an open or closed person for experiments;
  • friendly or vice versa;
  • extroverted or introverted;
  • conscientious or unscrupulous;
  • having neuroticism or emotional stability.

In any person, 1 out of every 5 indicators from the list is necessarily present, thus many different combinations are formed. It turned out that a certain pattern can be traced between the obtained parameters and the musical preferences of a person.

According to the observations, the following conclusions were made:

Type of person Musical preference
Openness to experience Soft rock, classical, punk and metal
Extroverts Electronics, rap
Benevolence Country
Emotional instability Pop and movie soundtracks
Consciousness Heavy genres

The initially born person gives his preference in music according to the people around him. He prefers to listen to what is popular in his family. After passing this stage, the object begins to form its own taste, based on what it hears from an already distant environment.

Also, within the already formed musical taste, the choice at this particular moment directly depends on the emotional state of a person, his mood and the situation around him.

The influence of musical works on a person

Despite the implausibility of such a conclusion, psychologists agreed that the perception of a person as a whole can change greatly under the influence of his favorite music.Human psychology: interesting facts

Also, the chosen topic is capable of influencing the human body, its organs:

  • nervous state;
  • respiratory system;
  • circulation.

Different musical tempo and rhythm can provoke an increase or decrease in blood pressure, as well as pulse rate.

Scientists have established the effect on the human body at the physiological and psychological-aesthetic level. Music has a strong effect on the organs of hearing, therefore it is often used in music therapy to eliminate certain internal diseases.

In sanatorium prophylaxis, the beneficial effect of musical works is used for sleep disorders of a person.

In European countries, certain pieces of music are often used to influence human heart activity and to increase the production of hormones of joy.

Regardless of a person's preferences, it is necessary to listen to your favorite compositions, thanks to them the mood rises and a stable positive thinking is formed.

Why gifts are given

Human psychology (scientists-psychologists in various countries of the world find out interesting facts) makes it possible to understand why people, instead of things for themselves, prefer to buy gifts for loved ones. Scientists have found that buying things for others is more fun for almost everyone. As it turned out, giving gifts to others is not only pleasant, but also very useful for the giver from a psychological point of view.

Improving self-esteem All good deeds, including giving gifts to others, greatly increase a person's self-esteem.
Self-expression Choosing a gift to give is one of the ways a person can express themselves.
Belief in miracles During the giving of gifts, an emotional return to childhood can occur and forgotten positive emotions can be received.

And the most important factor when choosing and giving gifts to others is the expression of happiness and joy on the faces of loved ones and friends.

Biochemical love

Since ancient times, people have been asking the question: "Is love biochemistry or psychology?" There are a huge number of theories that were put forward by writers, poets and philosophers of different eras. At the present time, scientists have undertaken this, who study the electrical potentials of the brain of lovers, scan them and, after studying, come to some definite conclusions.Human psychology: interesting facts

It is interesting to consider what love for a person is from the point of view of psychology. For this, it is necessary to take into account the facts collected over many years of study.

In the psyche of any person, there are a number of basic needs that are necessary for a person to live:

  • fighting hunger;
  • methods of survival;
  • security.

The need for love is practically at the same level. AND

if a person is provided with these aforementioned obligatory needs for him, then he begins to seek love.

Man is made in such a way that he needs to receive and give love. He strives to be in demand and desired just like that, and not for some kind of achievement. Everyone wants to receive absolute and non-judgmental feelings, it is precisely these that are almost always guaranteed to him from the mother who gave birth to him. Love protects a person from negative emotions: to be unhappy, lonely and unnecessary.

As a rule, children who have grown up in a complete family and have a loving mother are able to create long-term and harmonious relationships in the future.

Causes of phobias

Some scientists argue that phobias can be memories passed down from generation to generation using DNA.

Phobias are defined as certain anxiety disorders of the psyche, during which a person is constantly haunted by a feeling of causeless fear. It can be caused by any actions from the outside or suddenly arisen circumstances. At this moment, a person begins to experience an irrational feeling of fear, persistent and all-encompassing, for the appearance of which there is no reason.

Currently, there are about 500 phobias described by scientists, among which the most common are agoraphobia or social phobia.

Fear can be experienced by absolutely anyone, in cases where he can suffer or die from someone else's actions. This is a natural fear, which is a person's defense mechanism and his instinct for self-preservation. It is deliberately controlled by common sense and logic. Phobias are when a person is afraid of something that is not a threat to him, he experiences an obsessive and uncontrollable idea.

If a person suffering from a phobia is forced to exist for a long time under the pressure of fear, he may develop anxiety syndrome.Human psychology: interesting facts

As a rule, emotionally sensitive people with a rich imagination and a weak nervous system are prone to phobias. Scientists have found that, in general, attacks of strong fear can be triggered by a single case, when a person was threatened with real or perceived danger. After the experience, he will try in every possible way to avoid her again. In this way, negative memories are cultivated and a phobia can develop from the images that arise.

Phobia, as a neurotic disorder, is widespread. According to some reports, it occurs in almost 12% of the world's population. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in women.

Currently, several group factors have been identified that affect the development of phobias:

  • psychological;
  • biochemical;
  • genetic.

Is Internet Addiction a Modern Disease?

Human psychology (interesting facts can be learned from articles on the Internet) quite often has blurry shapes and outlines. It is almost impossible to predict the actions of a person in a given situation with 100% accuracy.

In the modern world, the phrase Internet addiction has appeared and some psychologists insist on adding this phenomenon to the list of human mental disorders.

Internet addiction is accompanied by a huge number of behavioral problems, which consist in the inability of a person to leave the network in time and in a constant desire to enter it. A person becomes dependent on a non-real world he invented. Thanks to the Internet, he gets access to fantasy virtuality, where he can try on various roles that are interesting to him.

Thanks to research on this topic, scientists have come to the conclusion that psychologically Internet addiction can be compared to an addiction to alcohol or drugs. With a long unregulated presence in the network, changes in the consciousness of a person and in the functioning of his brain, which in the future can lead to the loss of the ability to learn and profundity. The human brain can lose the ability to think analytically and turn a person into an impulsive and incapable of intellectual work.

Regular use of the Internet can impair memory and lead a person to some kind of associality, forcing a person to lose the skills of real communication with people.

A person can get the strongest psychological dependence on the Internet, and then withdraw into himself and get problems with sleeping and eating.

Explaining negative thoughts

Thanks to the research of scientists, a human gene was discovered, which is the cause of the negative perception of the world.Human psychology: interesting facts

Thinking in general is a way of a person's cognition of the surrounding world, which determines the quality of life. In modern psychology, it is divided into positive and negative.

People with negative thinking are usually based on personal experience and perceive any event as an obstacle to a calm and happy life. Such people see everything in "black" color and cannot see the situation from the positive side. They do not like to change anything in their life and constantly prove to others that everything is bad.

Unfortunately, such people attract failure like a magnet, as if confirming the saying “what you dream about is what you get”.

Psychology is quite an interesting and useful science for a person. By contacting a specialist, you can get clarification about your actions and the reactions of others to them. You can ask for help and focus on the positive aspects of life, sweeping aside all the negative. Having studied the basics of science, you can learn many interesting facts about yourself and the world around you.

Author: Olga Zhanskaya

Video about facts of human psychology

25 facts about human psychology:

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