
Betaserc analogs, substitutes. Price

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  1. Characteristics of the drug
  2. Basic instructions
  3. Analogs
  4. Betagis
  5. Stugeron
  6. Betaver
  7. Westinorm
  8. Price of funds
  9. Video about Betaserc

Betaserc - tablets that improve cerebral blood supply, as well as those with antihistamines. The product is produced by pharmaceutical companies in Russia and France and stands out for its high efficiency with a small list of contraindications and side effects. In this regard, the medication has a high price. If necessary (not satisfied with the cost or the patient has intolerance to the composition), the doctor can prescribe analogues or substitutes.

Characteristics of the drug

Betaserc is produced in the form of white tablets with a round and doubly convex shape. There is a risk on one plane of the tablet, which is intended to break the tablet in order to facilitate swallowing (the risk is not used to separate the tablet in order to reduce the dosage). The product is packed in honeycomb plates. Depending on the dosage of the active element, the package may contain 20, 30 or 60 tablets.

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The active element of the drug is betahistine dihydrochloride, which can be contained in a tablet in an amount of 8, 16 and 24 mg.

The main component has the following effects on the body:

  • prevents the development of allergies;
  • lowers the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, preventing the development of ulcers;
  • reduces the sensitivity of the nervous system, providing a sedative effect;
  • activates blood flow in the brain and hearing organs, as a result, dizziness is eliminated and brain activity improves.

The maximum effect from taking the pill occurs in about 40-60 minutes. The action of the medication lasts approximately 3.5-4 hours.

The doctor may prescribe Betaserc tablets in the following cases:

  • circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • tinnitus (or temporary deafness), accompanied by dizziness, caused by pathologies of the inner ear;
  • deterioration of the cerebral vessels;
  • violation of the state of brain tissue as a result of the action of infection, toxic poisoning or as a result of metabolic disorders.

Before prescribing a medication, the doctor must exclude the following contraindications from the patient:

  • allergy to Betaserc components;
  • the presence of a hormonally active tumor;
  • the period of bearing the child (first 3 months) or breastfeeding;
  • patients under 18 years of age.

Betaserc and analogues, substitutes. PriceIn the presence of peptic ulcer disease, bronchial asthma and in the period from 4 to 9 months of pregnancy, the drug can be taken with extreme caution.

It is strictly forbidden to combine Betaserc with alcoholic beverages.

Basic instructions

Betaserc - analogues (substitutes) of which only a doctor can pick up, must be taken taking into account the following features:

  • taking pills can cause vomiting, abdominal pain, headaches;
  • if the patient has not excluded an allergy, the symptoms of an allergic reaction may manifest as a rash and even Quincke's edema;
  • the pronounced effect of taking Betaserk can appear 20 days after the start of therapy;
  • in the case of taking pills in an increased dose, the patient may develop convulsions and disruptions in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Betaserc should not be taken simultaneously with antihistamines and strong sedatives.


Betaserc has established itself as a highly effective medication, the use of which is rarely accompanied by side effects. But if the patient has even one item of contraindications, and also due to the high price, the doctor can replace the tablets with suitable analogues.


Betaserc, analogs (substitutes) of which may include another active ingredient, is similar in therapeutic effect to the prescription drug Betagis of Ukrainian production.Betaserc and analogues, substitutes. Price

Comparison of medicines by characteristics:

Options Names of medicines
Betaserc Betagis
Description of the tablet The tablet is almost white in color and has a round and biconvex shape. The tablets are white in color and have a classic round flat shape with a line on one side.
Packaging specifications The product is placed in blisters of a honeycomb shape. The box contains 20,30 and 60 pcs. The drug is packed in blister packs of 10 or 18 pcs. The package contains 10, 30 and 90 tablets.
Main element The main element betahistine is contained in tablets in the amount of 8, 16 and 24 mg. The active ingredient betahistine is included in tablets in the amount of 16 mg.
The period of therapeutic action The therapeutic effect occurs after 1 hour and can last up to 4 hours, while the pronounced effect of the medication is noted after 2-3 weeks. An improvement in well-being occurs after about 1 hour and lasts up to 4 hours. The medication is completely excreted from the body within 24 hours.
Indications The main purpose of the medication is to eliminate severe dizziness, which is caused by impaired blood circulation in the brain or inner ear. An analogue is used to eliminate dizziness, the cause of which is a violation of blood circulation in the inner ear.
When you can't In case of allergies, the patient has a hormonally active tumor, the tablets are not taken. And also for asthma and peptic ulcer disease, the medication is used under the supervision of a physician. The presence of an ulcer in the digestive tract, an allergy to components, a hormonally active tumor, and asthma in a patient is a ban on admission.
Age restrictions Betaserc is prohibited under the age of 18. The substitute is not used until 12 years of age.
Pregnancy and lactation During lactation and in the first 3 months of pregnancy, pills are prohibited. And from 4 to 9 months of bearing a child, the use of a medication is allowed. Data on the possibility of using the medication during these periods were not provided.
Negative reaction Side effects sometimes include headaches, vomiting and abdominal pain. Side effects from the use of an analogue are identical to Betaserk.
Features of reception The daily dose of 24-48 mg is required to be divided into 2-3 doses. The course is not less than 20 days. The daily dose is 24-48 mg. Divide the prescribed dosage by 3 times. Course from 20 days.
Overdose In case of poisoning, the patient may experience convulsions and cardiac dysfunction. In case of an overdose of pills, there may be convulsions and increased pressure.
special instructions The tablet may only be broken to facilitate swallowing, not to divide the dosage. It is allowed to break the analog tablet for ease of dosing.
Possibility of complex therapy The original must not be combined with antihistamines and powerful sedatives. Antihistamines reduce the effectiveness of the analog.
Storage features The tablets are stored in a dark place for no longer than 3 years. The storage conditions of the substitute are similar to Betaserk.

According to patients' reviews, Betagis is no worse than the original in terms of effectiveness, while the price of the drug is lower. And also the tool is allowed to be used from 12 years old (Betaserk from 18 years old).


The Stugeron counterpart is a Hungarian prescription drug like Betaserc. The following is a comparison of the substitute with the original.Betaserc and analogues, substitutes. Price

Comparison of medicines by characteristics:

Options Names of medicines
Betaserc Stugeron
Description of the tablet The tablet is almost white in color and has a round and biconvex shape. Tablets are produced in a standard round flat form, white in color. There is risk on one side.
Packaging specifications The product is placed in blisters of a honeycomb shape. The box contains 20,30 and 60 pcs. The tablets are sealed in blisters of 25 pcs. The box contains 2 records.
Main element The main element betahistine is contained in tablets in the amount of 8, 16 and 24 mg. The active element is included in tablets in an amount of 25 mg.
The period of therapeutic action The therapeutic effect can last up to 4 hours, while the pronounced effect of the medication is noted after 2-3 weeks. The therapeutic effect occurs within 1-3 hours and lasts up to 4 hours.
Indications The main purpose of the medication is to eliminate severe dizziness, which is caused by impaired blood circulation in the brain or inner ear. The analogue is used to eliminate dizziness, also with "seasickness", to prevent the development of severe headaches. More pills can be prescribed to normalize cerebral circulation and prevent the development of thrombosis.
When you can't In case of allergies, the patient has a hormonally active tumor, the tablets are not taken. And also for asthma and peptic ulcer disease, the medication is used under the supervision of a physician. The analogue has the only prohibition on admission - it is an allergy to the composition of the tablets. In addition, with Parkinson's disease, the agent is used with extreme caution.
Age restrictions Betaserc is prohibited under the age of 18. Not prescribed for children under 5 years of age.
Pregnancy and lactation During lactation and in the first 3 months of pregnancy, pills are prohibited. And from 4 to 9 months of bearing a child, the use of a medication is allowed. The medication is banned during the listed periods.
Negative reaction Side effects sometimes include headaches, vomiting and abdominal pain. The tool, when compared with the original, has a rather large list of side reactions.
Features of reception The daily dose of 24-48 mg is required to be divided into 2-3 doses. The course is not less than 20 days. A single dosage, frequency of administration and a course are set individually according to age and disease.
Overdose In case of poisoning, the patient may experience convulsions and cardiac dysfunction. Poisoning with an analogue proceeds with an increase in the symptoms of adverse reactions.
special instructions The tablet may only be broken to facilitate swallowing, not to divide the dosage. An analogue can cause the development of serious violations of the liver and kidneys.
Possibility of complex therapy The original must not be combined with antihistamines and powerful sedatives. The substitute should not be taken together with vasodilating medications, as well as with blood pressure lowering agents and strong sedatives.
Storage features The tablets are stored in a dark place for no longer than 3 years. The shelf life of the tablets is 5 years.

The advantage of the analogue is that it can be used from 5 years of age. Like the original, the drug, subject to the dosage rules, does not cause the development of side effects.


Betaserc analogues (substitutes) of which are sold mainly by prescription are often replaced by medicines with an identical main component. Further, the comparison of the Russian drug Betaver with the original is carried out.Betaserc and analogues, substitutes. Price

Comparison of medicines by characteristics:

Options Names of medicines
Betaserc Betaver
Description of the tablet The tablet is almost white in color and has a round and biconvex shape. The tablets are white, round and flat. There is a risk of splitting the drug.
Packaging specifications The product is placed in blisters of a honeycomb shape. The box contains 20,30 and 60 pcs. Packed tablets of 10 pcs. into honeycomb plates. The box contains 3 blisters.
Main element The main element betahistine is contained in tablets in the amount of 8, 16 and 24 mg. The main component of betahistine is found in tablets in the amount of 8, 16 and 24 mg.
The period of therapeutic action The therapeutic effect can last up to 4 hours, while the pronounced effect of the medication is noted after 2-3 weeks. The action of the analogue occurs within 3 hours. For the same time, the remedy has a therapeutic effect.
Indications The main purpose of the medication is to eliminate severe dizziness, which is caused by impaired blood circulation in the brain or inner ear. A substitute is prescribed by the attending specialist to eliminate dizziness and pathologies accompanied by this symptom.
When you can't In case of allergies, the patient has a hormonally active tumor, the tablets are not taken. And also for asthma and peptic ulcer disease, the medication is used under the supervision of a physician. The main contraindication is an allergy to the composition. Also, the analogue is taken with caution in case of hormonally active tumors, asthma and ulcers in the digestive tract.
Age restrictions Betaserc is prohibited under the age of 18. Do not use until patients reach 18 years of age.
Pregnancy and lactation During lactation and in the first 3 months of pregnancy, pills are prohibited. And from 4 to 9 months of bearing a child, the use of a medication is allowed. During the listed periods, the medication is not prescribed.
Negative reaction Side effects sometimes include headaches, vomiting and abdominal pain. Taking an analogue can cause allergies and abdominal pain.
Features of reception The daily dose of 24-48 mg is required to be divided into 2-3 doses. The course is not less than 20 days. Take 8-16 mg of the product 3 times every 24 hours. The course is individual.
Overdose In case of poisoning, the patient may experience convulsions and cardiac dysfunction. Overdose may be accompanied by profuse vomiting and convulsions.
special instructions The tablet may only be broken to facilitate swallowing, not to divide the dosage. There is no data in the instructions.
Possibility of complex therapy The original must not be combined with antihistamines and powerful sedatives. Information on complex therapy is not provided in the instructions.
Storage features The tablets are stored in a dark place for no longer than 3 years. The storage period of the medication is 24 months.

Betaver, like the original (subject to the dosage), rarely causes a negative reaction. In terms of efficiency, the analogue is not inferior to Betaserk.


The analogue is produced by a pharmaceutical company in Ukraine and is dispensed only by prescription.Betaserc and analogues, substitutes. Price

Comparison of medicines by characteristics:

Options Names of medicines
Betaserc Westinorm
Description of the tablet The tablet is almost white in color and has a round and biconvex shape. White tablets with a standard round and flat shape. There is a division risk on one side.
Packaging specifications The product is placed in blisters of a honeycomb shape. The box contains 20,30 and 60 pcs. The analogue is packed in plates of 10 pcs. 3 or 6 blisters are placed in the package.
Main element The main element betahistine is contained in tablets in the amount of 8, 16 and 24 mg. The active elements are betahistine and sodium starch glycolate. The first active substance is contained in a tablet in the amount of 8, 16 and 24 mg.
The period of therapeutic action The therapeutic effect can last up to 4 hours, while the pronounced effect of the medication is noted after 2-3 weeks. The therapeutic effect occurs within 60 minutes and can last up to 3.5 hours.
Indications The main purpose of the medication is to eliminate severe dizziness, which is caused by impaired blood circulation in the brain or inner ear. The drug is prescribed to eliminate dizziness and associated symptoms (tinnitus, nausea, headache).
When you can't In case of allergies, the patient has a hormonally active tumor, the tablets are not taken. And also for asthma and peptic ulcer disease, the medication is used under the supervision of a physician. An analogue is prohibited for allergies, hormone-active tumors, ulcers in the digestive tract, as well as during an exacerbation of an ulcer.
Age restrictions Betaserc is prohibited under the age of 18. Like the original, the drug cannot be prescribed to children.
Pregnancy and lactation During lactation and in the first 3 months of pregnancy, pills are prohibited. And from 4 to 9 months of bearing a child, the use of a medication is allowed. The possibility of using an analogue is determined by the doctor individually.
Negative reaction Side effects sometimes include headaches, vomiting and abdominal pain. The negative reaction to the use of the tablets is identical to the original.
Features of reception The daily dose of 24-48 mg is required to be divided into 2-3 doses. The course is not less than 20 days. Dosing rules are similar to Betaserk. In this case, the course lasts at least 2 weeks.
Overdose In case of poisoning, the patient may experience convulsions and cardiac dysfunction. An overdose of an analogue is dangerous by the development of seizures and disruption of the heart.
special instructions The tablet may only be broken to facilitate swallowing, not to divide the dosage. The information is not specified in the instructions.
Possibility of complex therapy The original must not be combined with antihistamines and powerful sedatives. Westinorm should not be taken in conjunction with antihistamines.
Storage features The tablets are stored in a dark place for no longer than 3 years. The storage conditions of the medication are the same as those of the original.

The second main component present in the analogue increases the effectiveness of the drug when compared with the original.

Price of funds

Betaserc (analogues / substitutes for therapeutic characteristics may not be inferior to the original) and the medicines with which the comparison was made can be purchased in Russia at the following prices:

List of drugs Number of tablets Price range
Betaserc 8 mg 30 pcs. RUB 378-456
Betaserc 16 mg 15 pcs. RUB 533-629
Betaserc 24 mg 20 pcs. RUB 538-617
Betagis 16 mg 30 pcs. RUB 109-154
Stugeron 25 mg 50 pcs. RUB 181-238
Betaver 8 mg 30 pcs. RUB 133-176
Betaver 16 mg 30 pcs. RUB 179-247
Betaver 24 mg 30 pcs. RUB 288-2351
Westinorm 16 mg 30 pcs. RUB 1577-1692
Westinorm 24 mg 30 pcs. RUB 1794-1891

Betaserc allows you to eliminate dizziness provoked by impaired blood circulation in the brain. The tablets are recognized as effective, but to achieve a lasting result, a course of at least 3 weeks is required. The analogs considered in the article are not inferior in efficiency, and some substitutes have a lower price.

Author: Kotlyachkova Svetlana

Video about Betaserc

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