Hormones And Biochemistry

Sugar in the urine of pregnant women

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The period of gestation is the natural physiological condition of the woman. At this time, all organs receive additional stress, ensuring the sustainability of the two organisms.

Pregnancy period is the time of single complications and disorders, therefore, women often have to take tests to determine the onset of a dangerous period in time. Sugar in the urine during pregnancy indicates a critical level of glucose. A single burst of sugar increase does not give cause for concern for , and even slightly elevated sugar is often seen as a natural phenomenon when the fetus and the woman are not threatened. To get sugar in urine can after sweet food, therefore necessarily spend the additional analysis.

Reasons for increasing the sugar


A new growing body requires a lot of expenses, so the mother's body has to activate its additional reserves. Entering the placenta together with carbohydrates, proteins, glucose plays the role of the main energy in the development of the fetus.

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To provide the baby with the necessary glucose, the mother's body needs to increase its blood level. In the body of the mother, an anti-insulin mechanism is activated that allows you to accumulate additional glucose stores. Sometimes there are failures, and the glucose rate is greatly exceeded. Then excess sugar is excreted by urine.

Increases the load on the pancreas, which controls the increased level of glucose. In this period, depending on different reasons, the development of diabetes is not ruled out. Statistics indicate that more than 3% of pregnant women who have elevated sugar, develop diabetes. Prevent the disease is the timely delivery of tests. Sugar in the urine during pregnancy indicates the presence of a potential threat. Most often the process of development of this ailment can be observed in the third trimester. Normalization of the level usually occurs after childbirth itself in a couple of weeks.

Normal sugar in the urine during pregnancy

In healthy people, sugar is absorbed completely through the renal tubules, so in the urine it is not.

Even if there is a small fraction, the general analysis of urine is not able to detect it. Pregnant women are considered normal short-term occurrence of glucose in the urine( this happens with 7% of parturient women).Finding sugar in the urine during pregnancy, a woman is given a referral to blood tests for sugar, because the even biochemical urine analysis does not determine the level of the indication, but only fixes the elevated sugar .Only a doctor who observes a woman for a long time can judge about the presence or absence of health problems.

To prevent the onset of diabetes, you should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • sudden increase in appetite;
  • frequent and sudden urination;
  • chronic drowsiness, persistent fatigue;
  • weight fluctuations;
  • constant thirst and dry mouth;
  • constant presence of sugar in the urine.

Having found out such symptoms, it is necessary to seem to the doctor to establish the reason of this problem.

How dangerous is sugar

About the development of pathology worried only when the sugar rate is exceeded at times or recorded frequent high rates. In this case, sugar in the urine during pregnancy is dangerous.

Diagnosis of diabetes is prescribed from 24 weeks. Finding sugar in the urine, make a test for tolerance, that is, the tolerance of sugars. Elevated sugar is not the only sign of the approaching threat of , there are also observed:

  • moniliasis vaginal infections;
  • increased pressure;
  • increased appetite;
  • frequent urination.

The risk that diabetes will develop is intensified if there are some reasons available:

  • is a multiple pregnancy;
  • problems with previous pregnancies : miscarriages, dead fetus, birth defects;
  • gestational diabetes;
  • the birth of a large baby;
  • BMI has indicators of more than 30;
  • inflammation of the urinary tract.

Causes of Protein in Urine

Analysis of urine

Urinalysis of healthy human presence of protein is observed. When pregnancy is allowed the presence of protein, but the dose should be extremely small.

The protein fixed in the urine signals the beginning problems of the urinary system. Long before pregnancy planning, many women have chronic kidney diseases. The protein in no way gets into the urine, if the load in the urinary system is not increased. The uterus provokes disturbances of outflows, so often one can observe exacerbations, inflammatory processes appear, manifesting the presence of protein in the urine.

Inflammation of the urinary system is not all the reasons why there is protein in the urine of pregnant women. The presence of protein may be a harbinger of nephropathy. Such a serious complication, if not provided with timely qualified care, can provoke a miscarriage. Depending on the severity of the disease, fetal and / or maternal death is not excluded. Present in the urine protein, is an important reason for a thorough examination of the future mother. It is the risk of developing dangerous diseases that makes paying special attention to the results of pregnancy tests.

If a woman bearing a fetus has more than 300 mg of protein found in a daily urine, this indicates a malfunction of the genitourinary system, kidney diseases. All chronic diseases during pregnancy are exacerbated, especially associated with urination, and are accompanied by the presence of protein in the urine.

Danger of the presence of protein

Detection of pregnant proteinuria in the pregnant women, that is, protein in the urine, requires mandatory observation by specialists to prevent possible complications. If such a disease of the pregnant woman continues for a long period or the protein level rises sharply, the question of immediate hospitalization is raised. The entire further period of gestation takes place in a hospital under the strict supervision of specialists. It is not uncommon for doctors to interrupt preterm labor to save the life of the mother and fetus.

If the protein at the time of 32 weeks was determined proteinuria, then the development of nephropathy began. High blood pressure also indicates this disease. Proteinuria is a very dangerous disease, as it destroys the protective functions of the placenta. As a result, the fetus becomes vulnerable to external negative effects, its food is limited, oxygen starvation occurs. All these factors cause a delay in intrauterine development, premature birth, and, in the most severe case, fetal death.

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