
How and how to treat polyarthritis in the hands

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hand polyarthritis Polyarthritis is a disease characterized by the consecutive occurrence of of acute inflammation of various joints or the simultaneous damage of several of them.

The reasons may be different, but the result is joint pain and limitation of their mobility.

In this case it is important to start treatment in time, becauseas a result, the disturbance causes irreversible deformation of almost all joints.

It is often observed polyarthritis of the hands, affecting the hands and fingers.

Contents of the article

  • Types of the disease
    • Polyarthritis of the fingers
  • Causes of the disease
    • Risk groups
  • Symptoms of the polyarthritis of the hands
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment of the disease
    • Treatment with folk remedies
  • Prevention and conclusions

Types of the disease

There are 4 types of lesions of the hands:

  • crystalline;
  • is rheumatoid;
  • is infectious;
  • is post traumatic.

Polyarthritis of the fingers

polyarthritis of fingers

How to effectively treat the polyarthritis of the fingers

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Polyarthritis is a disease characterized by the occurrence of acute inflammation in various joints or the simultaneous damage of several of them. Nab. ..

Causes of the disease

In case of a disorder, the joint capsule inflames, in which there are nerve endings and blood vessels.

This causes the onset of pain and restricted movements in the joints.

With further development of the deviation inflammation affects cartilage and bone tissue.

Causes of polyarthritis:

  1. Infections. Any infection can provoke inflammation. The disorder is a consequence of ARVI, sore throat, gastrointestinal tract infections, urinary system or manifestation of tuberculosis or brucellosis;
  2. The rheumatoid form of is the most common form of disorder. Infection with blood spreads throughout the body, and streptococcus leads to the defeat of several joints and internal organs;
  3. Exchange view of the disease .Failure of metabolism causes the deposition of salts in the joints of the hands, where they become the cause of inflammation and the onset of the disorder. The most common disease of this type is gout, when a violation of purine metabolism provokes accumulation of uric acid salts, inflammation and joint deformation;
  4. Psoriatic. Against the backdrop of skin problems with psoriasis, there is inflammation in the tissues of the joints.
  5. Post-traumatic is observed as a result of joint damage.

Risk groups

People at risk are often ill with flu and cold, sick with tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases and diabetes, carriers of Staphylococcus aureus, persons over the age of 40.

Symptoms of polyarthritis of the hands

inflammation of the hands

In the photo the first symptoms of the polyarthritis of the hands

The doctor diagnoses the violation, based on visible signs. First, small hand joints suffer.

Over time, the process involves large joints. Destruction is slow.

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Symptoms of violation:

  • morning stiffness of fingers;
  • pain in the hands after a warm-up;
  • affection of the joints of both hands;
  • redness of the skin due to inflammation of the tissues near the joint;
  • effusion in the articular cavity;
  • rheumatoid nodules under the skin.

Diagnosis of

Diagnosis of a disorder involves identifying the cause of the disease and its type. To do this, use:

  • patient complaint analysis;
  • X-ray;
  • blood and urine analysis;
  • , a synovial fluid for infection.

Treatment of the disease

Polyarthritis of the hand is a sign of a different joint disease or the onset of rheumatoid arthritis.

Therefore, the main task of treatment is the elimination of the underlying disorder.

For this purpose, the means of symptomatic action, physiotherapeutic, restorative and prophylactic measures, massage sessions and other techniques are prescribed.

Than to treat polyarthritis on hands?

Often when the hands are affected, corticosteroids and hormones in tablets, ointments and injections are used. As soon as acute pains are eliminated, the second stage of treatment begins.

Its purpose is to modulate the immune response. The doctor can prescribe cytostatics, immunosuppressors, treatment with monoclonal antibodies. In case of irreversible damage, the question of complete replacement of joints may be raised.

Treatment of the disease is appointed by a specialist, taking into account the form of neglect.

Medical measures:

  • consumption of antibacterial agents;
  • use of ointments, gels;
  • cartilage restoration by chondroprotective agents;
  • massage;
  • magnetotherapy, ultrasound, special gymnastics and diet;
  • operation when the form is started( replacement of the joint parts by implants, which have the form of a normal joint and give freedom of movement).

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Learn about how to treat reactive arthritis will help our article, in which you will find methods of diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Treatment with folk remedies

Drug therapy can be supplemented with the treatment of polyarthritis of hands with folk remedies.

So, in acute periods, pain can be eliminated by:

  1. Grind needles and pour them into the bath. Pour boiling water. When the water temperature becomes tolerable, immerse hands in the composition for 15 minutes. folk treatment
  2. Take in equal parts leaves of birch, nettle and parsley. Pour 3 tbsp. Composition 2 tbsp.boiling water. To insist an hour in a thermos. Consume 0.5 tbsp.three times a day. Duration - 14 days.
  3. Help curb the pain of eucalyptus, mint and rosemary oil.
  4. 2 tbsp.mixture of birch buds and pine needles pour 0.5 tbsp.alcohol. Infuse for 10 days. First warm your hands with sea salt, and then rub it with a compound. Do it until the pain subsides.

Prophylaxis and conclusions

In the treatment of great importance is the nutrition of the patient. From the diet should be removed salt, sweets, smoked products, lemonades, tea, coffee and exotic fruits.

Food should include:

  • boiled chicken and fish;
  • porridge on the water;
  • eggs;
  • vegetables and greens;
  • fruit and berries;
  • seeds and nuts;
  • salads with onions, garlic, horseradish.

To prevent polyarthritis of the hands, they can not be overcooled or injured.

Provoking a violation can overweight and severe stress. With pains help cool compresses, baths of wax and paraffin.

People who constantly swim, suffer less often from this deviation. In addition to swimming, exercises for brushes are shown - clockwise and counterclockwise.

Early diagnosis helps not only avoid complications, but also completely heal the disorder. Therefore, it is so important to seek help from a rheumatologist at the first manifestations of the deviation.

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