
Nutrition for arthritis: recommended diet and menu options

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food for arthritis Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints that has arisen due to various causes: a traumatic injury, an infectious disease or an allergic manifestation.

Most often, arthritis affects the knee, elbows and feet. Treatment of the disease is carried out in a complex, including therapeutic diet.

Diet during arthritis therapy should be followed scrupulously and in the following time too. With food all the nutritious and useful substances that are needed during the period of exacerbation of the disease come into the body.

The diet is made by a nutritionist after diagnosing and determining the type of arthritis and the cause of its appearance.

Contents of the article

  • General principles of nutrition
  • Necessary substances for joints
  • What is prohibited?
  • What you need is
  • Menu for the week
  • Popular diets
  • Nutrition for rheumatoid arthritis
  • There was a question - there is an answer

General principles of nutrition

Regardless of the variety of arthritis, general nutrition rules for joint repair are developed:

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  • food should be low-calorie , the diet is aimed atthen, in order not to gain excess weight, which gives a load on the joints - steaming is more useful it is necessary to remove the extra pounds;
  • needs to balance the flow of all the necessary components of the ;
  • should be cooked on a pair of , it can be boiled or stewed, but not fried;
  • for the restoration of damaged joint structure it is recommended to use food from boiled bones ( chilli), which you can eat as much as you like, they have natural chondroprotectors that restore cartilaginous tissue, but these dishes can not be consumed with gout;
  • can not eat fat meat - fats can only be plant origin;
  • freshly squeezed juices from fruits, beets and carrots help enrich the body with vitamins, remove toxins and toxins from it;
  • should abandon alcohol, strong coffee and tea , restrict the consumption of pickles, spices and spices, except ginger and turmeric.

Sometimes the patient is recommended for fasting, but this is only in the absence of diseases of the digestive system.

Necessary substances for joints

In all types of arthritis and for joint health, in principle, it is necessary to eat foods with the content of omega-3 acids. They relieve inflammation and improve the patient's well-being.

Most of all this substance is present in marine fish of fatty varieties. When the fish is banned for consumption for any reason, you can take flaxseed oil.

The body and carbohydrates are needed - they give energy. Complex and useful carbohydrates are found in vegetables and fruits, in bread from wholemeal flour, porridges. Fresh juices from beets and carrots help the body to saturate with vitamins, remove toxins and toxins, which facilitates the work of all systems.

proteins carbohydrates and fats

What's banned?

The following products are prohibited for use:

  1. Strong coffee and tea .The high content of caffeine leads to the elimination of calcium from the bones. Strong coffee
  2. Meat of fatty varieties .It contains substances that cause inflammation of the joints.
  3. Spirits .They contain adrenaline, which, entering the blood, increases inflammation.
  4. Honey, chocolate .They have a lot of carbohydrates, which contribute to weight gain.
  5. Salt .It is delayed in the joints, it increases swelling and pain.
  6. Products containing trans fats ( chips, cakes).They contribute to obesity and impaired blood circulation.
  7. Egg yolk, cod liver, eggplant, tomatoes and other products that can cause exacerbation of gout.

The diet should be strictly observed only during an exacerbation, when there comes a calm, it is possible to ease the pressure a little.

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What you need is

There is a certain list of foods that you need to eat when you have arthritis. Of these, several are worth highlighting, which can positively affect the body:

  1. Salmon .Contains many omega-3 acids, especially if the fish was caught from the sea( grown artificially contains their Omega 3 acids in fish and nuts much less).In addition, salmon has vitamin D3, which is necessary for bones.
  2. Almond .Contains a lot of vitamin E, which strengthens the outer wall of the articular bags and protects the joint from destruction. A lot of vitamin E is found in sunflower seeds and peanuts.
  3. Apples .They help in the production of collagen - this is the main component of the composition of cartilaginous tissue, disintegrating in arthritis. It is enough to eat one apple a day in order to replenish the stores of a useful substance for the production of collagen. Apple can not be heat treated and peeled.
  4. Black beans .In this type of beans, there are many antioxidants that destroy free radicals that suppress the enzyme's output, reducing inflammation. Even in it there is manganese - a mineral necessary for joints.
  5. Cabbage sheet .Contains a lot of calcium, copper and manganese, necessary for bone health. It can be eaten without restrictions, without fear for the deposition of cholesterol and a set of excess weight. Almost the same properties have broccoli, which also contains vitamins A and C.
  6. Ginger .It alleviates pain and swelling, preventing the production of enzymes that cause inflammation.

In addition, the table should be fruits and vegetables, sour-milk products, chicken and rabbit meat, fish. Very useful exotic fruit - papaya. In it, vitamin C is more than in other fruits, and its absence is responsible for the occurrence and rate of development of arthritis.

Menu for the week

Adhering to a diet for arthritis joints will help the ready-made version of the menu. It can be diversified according to your preferences:

  1. Monday : Breakfast - porridge, ryazhenka, whole-wheat bread. Lunch - rabbit with boiled vegetables, caviar squash rabbit with boiled vegetables( homemade), juice. Dinner - meat lean, vegetables for a couple, bread with the addition of bran, cheese.
  2. Tuesday : Breakfast - bread with cheese, corn flakes, fruit juice. Lunch - vegetable salad, baked potatoes with ham. Dinner - steamed fish, rice with vegetables.
  3. Wednesday : Breakfast - 2 eggs, 2 slices of bread, cocoa. Lunch - cabbage soup on lean meat, vegetable salad, juice. Dinner - salmon 100 g, baked vegetables, tea.
  4. Thursday : Breakfast - bread on bran with butter and nuts, cheese, cocoa. Lunch - lasagna with vegetables, bread toasts from wholemeal, yoghurt. Dinner - soup with rice, cheese, cocoa.
  5. Friday : Breakfast - oatmeal with fruit, green tea. Lunch - soup from tomatoes, rice, a loaf with butter and cheese. Dinner - fish of white varieties, potato baked, yoghurt.
  6. Saturday : Breakfast - a loaf with butter, cheese, ham, not strong coffee. Lunch - steamed vegetables and boiled potatoes, a slice of watermelon, low-fat milk. Dinner - pumpkin soup with croutons, vegetables for a couple, fermented baked milk.
  7. Sunday : Breakfast - porridge from buckwheat groats, cheese, tea. Lunch - soup from fish of white grades and vegetables, croutons, low-fat milk. Dinner - boiled chicken meat, steamed vegetables, cheese, cocoa.

For afternoon snack and second breakfast you can use yogurt, nuts, apples.

Popular diets

a diet for arthritis and arthrosis The most famous anti-arthritic and anti-fouling diet is rice. Rice absorbs, like a sponge, salts, slags and harmful substances, and this creates favorable conditions for the normal operation of the joints. Applying a diet, you can not resort to drug treatment.

To comply with the diet, you need to take 2 kg of unpolished or brown rice and 4 cans, number them.

First time in a jar pour 3 tablespoons of washed rice and pour a small amount of water. On the second day, in a different jar, pour the clean rice, and rinse it in the first jar. On the third and fourth day, do the same procedures, and from the fifth day, rice takes turns, eating from it porridge.

Daily empty jar should be filled with rice, and suitable to cook and eat. It will take 4-5 weeks, but it is necessary to follow some rules:

  • rice consumed on an empty stomach, after drinking 2 glasses of plain water, do not add anything in the mess;
  • after rice you can eat only after 4 hours, before that drink a glass of water.

The use of water during the diet should be at least 3 liters. Also, the rate of salt intake should be reduced, and food should be light - more vegetable dishes. Such a diet helps in the treatment of arthritis of the fingers.

There is another effective diet that helps in the treatment of arthritis - the Donga diet, developed in America.

the main focus of this diet is a complete rejection of the meat, tomatoes, dairy products, whole milk, alcohol, vinegar, chocolate, spices and egg yolk. Once a week, low-fat poultry meat is allowed. Duration of the diet is 10 weeks.

Power rheumatoid arthritis

diet for rheumatoid arthritis is paramount, in order not to aggravate the situation the possible development of gout and other proper nutrition for arthritis complications:

To eliminate the aggravation and pain relief should be eaten:

  • dairy products and foods containing protein - cheese, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, chicken eggs( 3 pieces per week);
  • lean meat and fish - 150 grams per day, steamed, boiled or baked;
  • fruits and compotes of them, vegetables;
  • oats and buckwheat;
  • bread with bran and bran separately.
Switch to such a diet should be after consulting a specialist.

from the diet should exclude or limit the consumption of the following products:

  • salt and all the pickles, spicy seasonings;
  • sugar and sweets, especially chocolate and cocoa;
  • greens - spinach, lettuce, sorrel, rhubarb;
  • alcohol.

During the diet should take vitamins C, PP, B, because they will feel their insufficient intake of food.

was a question - answer

Our specialist answers the most frequently asked questions about diet for arthritis:

  1. Question: Many patients are interested, how often it is necessary to take food for arthritis? A: Power in arthritis, especially in the period of acute bans on arthritis should be a fraction, not less than 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  2. Question: Is the therapeutic fast of practiced? Answer: Yes, the doctor can recommend fasting during a period of severe exacerbation, but not for long.
  3. Question: Why can not you drink milk, and can you milk ?Answer: Milk is a strong allergen, it can provoke allergic arthritis.
  4. Question: Why should the diet be alkaline ?Answer: If the disease made itself felt, then there was a shift in the acid-base balance towards the acid, it just needs to be restored.

Proper nutrition with arthritis helps in the successful treatment of the disease. Observe the diet is necessary, especially during an exacerbation, but only after consulting a doctor.

Specialists recommend adhering to the rules of nutrition also for the prevention of joint diseases.

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