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Causes of cerebral palsy

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Causes of cerebral palsy Chronic non-progressive impairment of motor function resulting from abnormalities or brain lesions in childhood is called the general term - cerebral palsy( cerebral palsy).

Despite the absence of disease progression, sometimes there are so-called false signs of cerebral palsy.

It is possible to note the first symptoms of cerebral palsy in the early stages of the disease.

At this time, it is noted:

  • first impairment of brain function;
  • impaired motor function;
  • development of pathological processes in the subcortex and in the brain stem.

Note that cerebral palsy is not a genetic disease( not inherited).

cerebral palsy is fundamentally different from other types of paralysis.

The reason for this is:

  • reflex disorders;
  • duration of the disease.

Often, cerebral palsy is diagnosed in: 263ph

  • of premature infants;
  • newborn children.

Sometimes, the cause of the disease can be the low weight of the child.

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In addition, cerebral palsy may occur for other reasons:

  • is an infectious disease;
  • injury.

cerebral palsy, which occurs in full-term, normal babies born with normal weight and on time, is characterized by natural, pre-natal causes, which have a negative, negative effect on pregnancy.

A child with cerebral hemorrhage is seriously at risk of cerebral palsy, which very often can result in cerebral palsy.

Very often, premature babies can be born with an underdevelopment of the lungs.

The brain thus receives less oxygen, which can cause cerebral palsy.

One more reason for the development of cerebral palsy is the violation of white matter in the brain.

White substance is intended for the transmission of signals to other parts of the body.

The most dangerous period in the development of cerebral palsy is the ordinary prematurity of the baby.

Another major cause of cerebral palsy is an infectious brain disorder, especially in the postpartum period.

The most common form of cerebral palsy is spastic diplegia.

These are some of the common causes that can lead to this pathological condition.

Today, many practicing scientists hold the view that the vast majority of cases of infantile cerebral palsy occur before the birth of the child, during his uterine existence.

More precise diagnosis of cerebral palsy in a child is so far unrealistic.


The main risk factors for infantile cerebral palsy in the child:

  • bad habits( abuses) of the child's mother;
  • medical pregnancy problems;
  • convulsions;
  • infection;
  • thyroid problems;
  • metabolic disturbances;
  • birth defects of the head, lungs, brain;
  • genetic and physical incompatibility of mother and fetus;
  • premature delivery;
  • low fetal weight;
  • the birth of twins, triplets and more;
  • providing the brain with adequate nutrition and sufficient oxygen;
  • brain injury;
  • meningitis;
  • cerebral bleeding.

Early signs of development of cerebral palsy are:

  • delay in the development of the child( the ability to walk, lie, roll over, crawl, hold the head);
  • prolongation of children's reflex states;
  • weakness of muscle tone.

We remind you that any disease requires detailed consultation with a medical specialist.

And only after his conclusion can the appropriate treatment of the disease begin.

Take care of yourself.

Stay healthy.

Video: Causes of cerebral palsy

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