Hormones And Biochemistry

17-HE progesterone in pregnancy

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A long-awaited pregnancy can suddenly be interrupted for no apparent reason. It often happens that a spontaneous miscarriage occurs every time on the same term. For a woman, this is a great stress, and before you plan a child again, she needs to check her hormonal status. One of the important indicators of the state of the hormonal system is the amount of 17-one progesterone.

General information about the hormone

17 oxyprogesterone is a steroid hormone, produced in the adrenal and ovaries. During pregnancy, 17 oxyprogesterone begins to be synthesized in the placenta.

Structure of the placenta

This hormone is an intermediate product of the formation of cortisol and androstenedione( the precursor of testosterone). As a result of hydroxylation processes, 17-one progesterone is converted to the male hormone androstenedione or to cortisol. The final result of the conversion of 17-one progesterone is dependent on the enzymes 11-hydroxylase and 21-hydroxylase.

Products 17-it progesterone in the body of a woman is subject to daily fluctuations, and also varies throughout the menstrual cycle. The maximum values ​​are determined during the ovulation period. If pregnancy occurs, the synthesis of this hormone continues in the yellow body until the placenta is formed.

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Increase of hormone level in bearing a child

During this period, a complex hormonal reconstruction occurs in the body of a woman. Only the optimal ratio of different hormones can ensure its normal course. An increase in the amount of 17-one progesterone in the period of gestation testifies to an increase in the synthesis of male hormones in the adrenal glands.

What is dangerous to increase 17-it progesterone during pregnancy? With excessive formation of the hormone during child bearing, an increase in the production of androstenedione occurs, from which testosterone is subsequently formed. An increase in testosterone levels at different times can lead to:

  • in the first trimester - to the threat of spontaneous miscarriage;
  • in the second trimester( starting from 22 weeks) - to the threat of premature birth.

Those women who have an elevated level of 17-one progesterone in the blood, may develop an asthmic-cervical insufficiency during pregnancy. Normally, the cervix is ​​dense throughout pregnancy, the cervical canal is closed. Change in the structure of the cervix, its softening and opening of the cervical canal occurs at the end of the third trimester, closer to childbirth.

With the development of ischemic-cervical insufficiency, such changes can begin much earlier. This leads to the following consequences:

  • occurrence of pains in the lower abdomen;
  • appearance of brown precipitates. Allocations may be from the cervix or be a consequence of premature placental abruption;
  • intrauterine fetal death( more common in early gestation).

If such symptoms occur, an urgent examination is necessary, including the level of 17-one progesterone in the blood.

With an increased level of hormone, the threat of termination of pregnancy can persist throughout the term.

Preparation for delivery of the analysis and results depending on the term

Blood test

To obtain reliable results it is necessary to take the analysis in the same laboratory several times. Blood on this hormone during pregnancy is taken on an empty stomach.8 hours before the test, you should not eat. You can drink only clean water, other drinks( tea, coffee, juices) are excluded.

The following levels of the hormone in the blood are considered normal:

  • From the 1st to the 6th week of pregnancy - no more than 10 nM / liter;
  • From the 7th to the 14th week - up to 17 nmol / liter;
  • From the 15th to the 24th week - up to 20 nmol / liter;
  • From 25 to 33 weeks - up to 28 nmol / liter;
  • From 35 to 40 weeks - up to 34 nmol / liter.

What to do if the level of the hormone is increased.

If a high level of 17-one progesterone is detected once in the examination, this is not a reason for panic. For reliability, it is necessary to repeatedly confirm the increase in the synthesis of this hormone. As a rule, doctors do not take into account such indicators, if a woman does not have symptoms of abortion and the fetus develops normally.

It's another matter if the elevated level of 17-one progesterone is accompanied by symptoms of ischemic-cervical insufficiency, is threatened with abortion or premature birth of .Then its content is examined in dynamics, analyzes are taken monthly.

To correct the level of 17-one progesterone use drug therapy. The main drug for treating the threat of termination of pregnancy caused by an excess of 17-one progesterone is Dexamethasone.

Elevated hormone levels in the planning of pregnancy

Increased synthesis of 17-one progesterone occurs with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. In this case, an increase in the synthesis of this hormone is due to a congenital deficiency of enzymes - 21-hydroxylase.

In women with this pathology, girtsutism develops( male-type haemorrhage) and infertility. However, there is often a hidden form of deficiency of this enzyme, when it is possible to conceive a child, but without a drug correction, the normal course of pregnancy is difficult.

If pregnancy ends in a spontaneous abortion, i.e.the usual miscarriage is diagnosed, then in the first place, a hormonal status examination is necessary. Conduct blood fetuses on hormones:

  • testosterone;
  • 17-one progesterone;
  • cortisol;
  • androstenedione.

After receiving the results of the tests and carrying out hormonal therapy, it becomes possible to become pregnant and take out the baby.

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