
Poor spermogram

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  • Types of spermatozoa
  • Astenozoospermia
  • Causes of asthenozoospermia
  • Treatment of astenozoospermia

Low motility of spermatozoa occurs in 40% of men. This is due to various factors. The disease is detected during medical examination. It is carried out when there are problems with conception. The low mobility of the sex cells leads to problems with childbearing. A man should consult a specialist for help.

Problems with conception

Types of spermatozoa

Spermatozoon is a male germ cell that carries an RNA molecule. It has a specific structure. To the neck department of the sperm suits a tail. Thanks to the flagellum, the cell has mobility. The average lifespan of the cell is 3-5 days. Mobility for this time is changing. Specialists distinguish four types of spermatozoa:

  1. Having the right form and moving in the forward direction;
  2. The correct shape, but move slowly;
  3. Deviating structures;
  4. Fixed cells.

The first species is of value for conception. Spermatozoons are able to quickly reach the female egg and fertilize it. The composition of the seminal fluid should be at least 50% of the cells of the first species. If their number is less, then the ability to conceive falls.

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Cells of other species do not represent value for conception. Experts identify their percentage in the ejaculate for diagnosis. If the content of such sperm is more than 70%, a man is not able to conceive and needs medical care.


If the sperm contains more than 50% of inactive cells, doctors diagnose - astenozoospermia. Pathology proceeds in three stages. For each stage, there are certain characteristics.

Sperm To determine the degree of the disease, it is necessary to perform a spermogram. Analysis requires some preparation of the patient:

  • Sexual rest;
  • No temperature change;
  • Exclusion of antibacterial gels.

7 days before the examination, a man should give up sexual intercourse. This is necessary for the correct determination of the number of active spermatozoa. If sexual rest is not observed, the spermogram will be uninformative. You will need to re-sow semen.

High temperatures have a detrimental effect on the sex cells. At a temperature above 60%, sperm die. For the period of preparation it is necessary to refuse visiting saunas. Body washing should be carried out with gels that do not have antibacterial activity. This will help preserve a certain seminal fluid secretion.

The patient should exclude the use of alcoholic and beer beverages. Cells are very sensitive to alcohol. With severe abuse, they perish.

Experts examine the analysis, which is collected in no more than 20 minutes. Seed fluid during this period maintains its temperature, the cells retain a 100% feature. For research use a special glass, which is divided into 9 squares. The doctor selects the number of cells in the field under investigation. Cells are divided into species and counted.

When diagnosing mild mobility, asthenozoospermia is diagnosed in spermatozoa. To determine the extent of the disease, the patient takes an additional portion of sperm. It is divided into three parts. Each part is placed in a special apparatus for 1 hour. After that, the expert calculates the percentage of dead cells.

The first degree of asthenozoospermia is characterized by the death of 50% of all germ cells. The remaining sperm are divided into groups. If 50% of the remaining cells are less mobile, the patient needs long-term treatment. If the bulk of spermatozoa is mobile and has the correct structure, then an additional examination is necessary.

The second and third degree is characterized by the death of more than 70% of the spermatozoa. The diagnosis requires careful study and treatment.

Causes of astenozoospermia

Reduced motility of spermatozoa occurs under the influence of various factors. Specialists identify the following reasons:

  • Junk food Temperature differences;
  • Concomitant diseases;
  • Hormonal changes;
  • Injuries to organs responsible for spermatogenesis;
  • Harmful food preferences.

The temperature difference is very harmful for the motor activity of spermatozoa. At high temperature, sperm are killed, at low temperatures, their activity decreases. The scrotum of the man is pushed outwards. This feature of the structure of the genital organs allows you to maintain a comfortable temperature in the testicles.

Concomitant diseases are a particular danger to the life of cells. The pathology of the internal organs of the small pelvis leads to a violation of their functions. Prostatitis is a common cause of male infertility. The disease occurs under the influence of pathogenic microorganisms, which cause inflammation in the gland. The prostate gland ceases to produce secret seminal fluid. It thickens, spermatozoa stop actively moving.

Diabetes mellitus harms all peripheral organs of a person. Pathology affects the condition of the walls of the vessels. Walls of veins and arteries are made thin and porous, lose flexibility. The blood circulation is disturbed. The nutrition of the genital tissues decreases, the production of active spermatozoa ceases.

Hormonal changes affect spermatogenesis. Doctors distinguish two main hormones that affect the formation of spermatogenesis - testosterone and estrogen.

Testosterone is responsible for the formation of male characteristics, the structure of the cell, the work of the testicles. Estrogen is needed to maintain the elasticity of blood vessels and proper blood circulation. If there is a failure in the level of hormones, then the processes for which they respond are violated.

Injuries to the urogenital system can lead to the formation of adhesions in the urinary tract, vascular transmission, changes in the structure of the gonads. Injuries to the prostate or testicles lead to a change in the composition of the ejaculate. To reveal a pathology it is possible only on ultrasonic inspection.

Improper eating habits affect the whole body of a man. The consumption of fried, fatty foods leads to an increase in body weight. The patient forms atherosclerotic plaques, blood circulation is disturbed. Alcohol reduces the mobility of spermatozoa, reduces the number of healthy cells.

Diagnosis of the disease

Blood for analysis Diagnosis of the disease consists in the collection of tests and hardware examination. The patient must pass a detailed blood test for the number of leukocytes and red blood cells. If the content of leukocytes in the blood is high, this indicates an inflammatory process. The doctor directs the man to an ultrasound examination. US of internal organs will help to reveal a pathogenic site.

After ultrasound, the patient must donate blood to hormones. Experts will calculate the amount of testosterone, estradiol. If the level of hormones is disturbed, then an additional examination will be needed to clarify the diagnosis.

Treatment of astenozoospermia

Treatment is selected by the doctor based on the cause that caused a decrease in sperm motility. Therapy is carried out by the following methods:

  • Medication;
  • Surgical;
  • Preventative.

To eliminate inflammatory processes in the body, a man is prescribed antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants. Preparations are selected in laboratory conditions by seeding a smear from the urethral canal.

If the reason for the decrease in mobility is the hormonal changes, the doctor prescribes drugs that normalize their level. Admission of hormones is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist, since the probability of increasing the patient's body weight is high.

Vascular diseases require additional examination. The cause may be damaged or transmitted vessels. Damaged veins are treated with drugs that normalize blood circulation. If the vein is transmitted, it is necessary to eliminate the edema from the organ that exerts pressure.

Surgical intervention Surgical method in modern medicine is used as a last resort. The operation is performed using a laser. This reduces the surgical field and reduces the risk of bleeding.

Patients with low sperm motility should take additional vitamin-mineral complexes. Particular attention should be paid to folic acid, vitamin E and iron. These substances affect the spermatogenesis of men.

Prevention of pathology

A man can reduce the risk of developing the disease by conducting prevention. The following points should be highlighted:

  • Proper nutrition;
  • Alcohol withdrawal;
  • Physical activity;
  • Personal hygiene;
  • Sexual life control.

Proper nutrition is the key to men's health. He should increase the consumption of seafood, greens and dietary meat. It is necessary to give up fatty and fried foods. The use of beer leads to an increase in the level of estrogen - the female hormone. Alcohol should be completely ruled out.

A man with a sedentary job must additionally engage in sports. Increased physical activity leads to improved nutrition of internal tissues. The blood flow is restored. The production of spermatozoa improves.

Observance of the rules of personal hygiene will help to avoid infection with pathogenic microorganisms. Attention must be paid to the underwear. Experts advise wearing panties that have a loose cut and sewn from natural fabrics. Such linen will lower the pressure on the genitals and allow to keep the temperature in the scrotum.

A man who experiences problems with conception should consult a doctor. The specialist will identify the cause and prescribe the necessary therapy.

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