
Female bacterium that harms the strong sex

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Contents of
  • How the disease is manifested
  • Causes of the disease
  • Diagnosis of the disease
  • Methods of treatment of the infection
  • Prevention of the disease

Gardnerella is seldom sown in men. The bacterium is typical for the microflora of the uterus. If a woman's malfunction occurs, then the microorganism begins to multiply actively and causes various lesions of the genital organs. A man can get Gardnerelosis only by infection. The disease is detected in the form of urethritis and affects the mucous membrane of the penis. A man can not independently identify and treat a pathology. The help of the expert is required.


How the

disease manifests Bacteria before 1980 were considered conditionally pathogenic. The microorganism is present in the microflora of a healthy woman always. In the 80 years of the last century, scientists have revealed the dependence of bacterial vaginitis on gardnerella reproduction. Bacteria actively multiplies with various body hypothermia or improper personal hygiene.

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Clinical picture of gardnereza in men is similar to urethritis. A severe form of pathology has the same symptoms as prostate adenoma. The incubation period of the bacterium lasts 5-7 days. During this period of time the microorganism develops and multiplies, forming colonies on the mucous membrane of the urethral canal.

A full bacterium causes an inflammatory process in the urethra. The patient has the following symptoms:

  • Itching and burning of the glans penis;
  • Pain when emptying the bladder;
  • Problems in sexual life.

Subsequent defeat of the urethra by gardnerella results in the death of the urethral epithelial cells. The man pays attention to the appearance of insignificant discharge, having a greenish tinge. At this stage, the man turns to the doctor.

The causes of the disease

The main cause of gardnerelosis in men is sexually transmitted infection. Unprotected contact with the carrier of the pathology leads to the penetration of the pathogenic microorganism into the urethral canal. Failure to comply with the rules of contraception leads to this result.

If a man does not follow basic rules of personal hygiene, then the bacterium takes root and actively reproduces. Especially fast this process occurs in people with reduced immunity. Various infectious diseases of the body can lead to a decline in the protective properties of man. This is an ideal condition for propagation of gardnerella.

Diagnosis of the disease

Bacteria can be recognized only by laboratory sowing. For this, a man needs to give a smear from the urethral canal. For the analysis to be informative, a number of rules must be observed:

  • Laboratory smear tests Do not wash with antibacterial gel;
  • Sexual rest;
  • Refusal from alcohol and smoking.

Antibacterial gel kills the entire pathogenic microflora on the surface of the human skin. Washing with such gels brings undeniable benefits, but before handing over a smear this should not be done. It is necessary to refrain from washing for 24 hours. During this time, a sufficient number of bacteria will accumulate in the urethra and the smear will be informative.

Sexual rest should be observed for five days before the analysis. With ejaculation, the seminal fluid passes through the urethra and flushes out a portion of the pathogenic microorganisms. Rest will help to keep the bacteria in the microflora for accurate analysis.

The bacterium has an increased sensitivity to alcohol and nicotine. There is a partial death of the gardnerella. The microbe passes into a disrupted form of the disease, which is very dangerous for humans.

In a laboratory, the bacterium is placed in a bowl in which favorable conditions for its reproduction are created. There is a formation of a full-fledged colony. Laboratory assistants test the sensitivity of the bacteria to various antibiotic drugs. The drug, which killed more than 70% of bacteria, is prescribed as the main treatment for the disease.

Methods of treatment of infection

Treatment is carried out with the help of medicamentous effects on the pathogen. The therapy of gardnerelosis is carried out by three types of drugs:

  1. Antibiotics;
  2. Immunomodulators;
  3. Antiseptics.

Antibiotics are selected in the laboratory. The most common group are broad-spectrum antibiotic drugs. Good efficacy is shown by preparations from the cephalosporin series and from fluoroquinolones. It is often possible to meet the appointment of "ciprofloxacin".The substance is used 500 mg twice a day. Duration of treatment - two weeks.

Effective against Gardnerella and doxycycline. It can be purchased as a Russian production, and imported. The imported manufacturer produces a dispersible form of doxycycline. It is very convenient for men suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. The drug dissolves one tablet in a tablespoon of water and is drunk. It is necessary to use the solution 3 times a day. Treatment is carried out for 10 days.

Frequently prescribed injections Doctors prescribe and injections. The drug cephalexin is popular. This antibiotic affects the microorganisms of various groups. The patient is prescribed 1 g of drug per day. Therapy is carried out from 7 to 14 days.

The main cause of rapid reproduction of gardnerella is the decline of immunity. The patient needs to undergo treatment with immunomodulators. The most effective preparation for raising the protective properties of the body is "Polyoxidonium".The substance is available as a suppository for rectal use."Polyoxidonium" has an additional antimicrobial and anti-intoxicating action. Treatment with the drug is carried out together with antibiotic therapy. The substance removes the products of the vital activity of the pathogenic microorganism and strengthens the protective properties of the organism.

For all types of urethral involvement with gardnerella, it is necessary to perform syringing of the urethral canal. The procedure is unpleasant for men, but necessary. For syringing, use Miramistin, an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine, a solution of furacilin.

The procedure is carried out by inserting the tip of the vial into the urethral canal. Enter at least 10 ml of the solution. Douching is done for 10 days.

Prevention of

The main way to infect a man is unprotected sex with a carrier. It is necessary to use a condom with sexual contact. It does not depend on whether the partner is a constant partner or not. Such protection helps to avoid infection from gardnerella and other sexually transmitted infections.

Personal hygiene rules must be observed. Daily washing with antibacterial agents will help maintain sexual health. It is necessary to wash the genitals after every sexual contact.

Good prevention of Gardnerelosis is to strengthen immunity. A man must be tempered and actively perform physical activities. Tempered organism is not prone to infectious diseases. An important factor is proper nutrition. Many bacteria respond to significant reproduction for the use of acute spices. It is necessary to refuse acute meals for the entire period of treatment.

A man must carefully monitor his health. If he noticed any unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to visit a specialist urgently.

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