
Disappeared sexual attraction

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Contents of
  • Etiology of sexual activity
  • Causes of sexual activity disorder
  • Symptomatology of pathology
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment of

Missing libido and no sexual desire? In this case, it is necessary to identify the cause of the change in the nature of the male's sexual activity. It should be borne in mind that the libido is most dependent on the psychological state. If changes in the emotional level are not observed, one should search for the cause in various diseases.

Signs of pathology

Etiology of sexual activity

The libido of a man depends on the action of various body systems. The formation of sexual desire is influenced by the work of such systems as:

  • Psychological state;
  • Hormonal background;
  • Sexual system.

Sexual activity occurs when there is a nerve impulse in the roots. It occurs when certain hormones are released into the patient's blood. The male instinct is affected by testosterone. This hormone causes the formation of secondary sexual characteristics and is responsible for spermatogenesis. If there is a violation in the work of one of these systems, there is a decrease in sexual activity.

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Libido also depends on the psychoemotional state of the patient. If a man is subject to stress, has family disagreements or a negative attitude at work, there is a decrease in sex drive. To establish this cause can only be done by a thorough examination by specialists.

Causes of a violation of sexual activity

There are a large number of causes of violations of libido. The following pathological factors affecting sexual activity are distinguished:

  • Bad habits The presence of various diseases of the reproductive system;
  • Hormonal disorder;
  • Nervous overvoltage;
  • Malnutrition and bad habits;
  • Low physical activity.

The main cause of loss of libido is the presence of various diseases of the genitourinary system. When the internal organs are infected with various pathogenic microorganisms, the patient has additional symptoms. One of them is the presence of pain when urinating or removing semen. Pain leads to a decrease in sexual desire. The man begins to avoid contact because of fear of increasing unpleasant sensations. In this case, it is necessary to carry out diagnosis and receive treatment.

Also libido can disappear and with diabetes mellitus. This pathology causes a violation of blood circulation in peripheral vessels. Blood does not carry enough oxygen to the tissues of the genital organs. Lack of nutrition leads to a decrease in sexual activity.

A change in sexual behavior is also observed with a violation of the level of hormones. The hormonal system is responsible for the formation of libido. If there is a failure, then sexual activity decreases. In this violation, the man is diagnosed with additional symptoms. There is a change in the figure for the female type. The voice becomes taller. On the body, vegetation is reduced. All these symptoms indicate a decrease in testosterone levels in the blood. Severe disorders are accompanied by a change in spermatogenesis. There is a violation of the formation of spermatozoa and the structure of secretion of seminal fluid.

Nervous overexertion has a negative impact on the patient's psychological state. Stressful situations and the presence of negative communication leads to a decrease in sexual desire. Restoration of libido is carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

One should pay attention to the way of life of a man. The presence of bad habits and malnutrition causes disruption of many systems. The sexual function is adversely affected by the intake of alcohol-containing beverages and smoking. These habits cause the death of a larger number of healthy spermatozoa and a lower secretion of seminal fluid secretion. With a decrease in the volume of ejaculate in the patient there is a decrease in sexual activity. This phenomenon is also observed with frequent use of fatty or fried foods. This food is accompanied by an increase in the body weight of a man. Excess weight has a pathological effect on the work of internal organs. They lose the ability to work properly. There are various violations. In this case, the patient's libido also disappears.

Symptoms of pathology

Severe pain The disappearance of libido is accompanied by the appearance of additional symptoms. The patient may complain of the following phenomena:

  • Urinary disorder;
  • Depression;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Other signs.

Symptoms depend on the causes of loss of libido. If the cause is infection of the reproductive system, urinary problems develop. The liquid can not leave the bubble completely. This phenomenon occurs with inflammation of the prostate gland. Also, this pathology is accompanied by a change in the composition of the seminal fluid. Ejaculate changes its volume, color and viscosity.

Also, if there is a violation of libido, a man has a psychoemotional disorder. The patient becomes irritable, hidden. These symptoms can cause prolonged depression. In the presence of depression, male sexual activity is absent.

The pain syndrome is also revealed. In diseases of the genitourinary system, pain is localized in the lower part of the abdominal cavity. There may be unpleasant sensations in the anus. The cause of this symptom is the inflammatory process in the prostate gland.
External symptoms may also be detected. The head of the penis blushes, there is increased hyperemia. Various uncharacteristic secretions are also found.


Blood test To correctly establish the cause of the loss of libido, it is necessary to carry out diagnostic measures. Initially, the patient is taking blood. The fluid is examined for signs of inflammation and hormonal changes. Before taking the analysis, the patient is forbidden to visit the bath, take alcohol and active sex life. If antibodies are detected in the blood, then it is necessary to search for the cause in autoimmune processes. If the level of leukocytes is increased, the body is examined for inflammation.

Also carried out and taking a smear from the urethra. The smear is examined for biological indicators. It excretes the microflora, which causes infection of the genitourinary system. Sowing is done in the laboratory. The sensitivity of microorganisms to various antibiotics is also studied.

In case of psychological disorders, the patient is referred to a specialist psychologist. He assesses the psychoemotional level of the patient.

Treatment of

Libido therapy is performed only after studying the patient's anamnesis. Recovery is carried out by various methods. The patient is recommended to use a special technique. In this case, sexual influence is carried out without touching the genitals. Only after the appearance of an erection can you proceed to the contact itself. It is necessary to observe and proper nutrition. Abandonment of bad habits also helps to restore libido.

If a man does not experience sexual attraction, urgent intervention by specialists is necessary. Only a doctor can correctly establish a diagnosis, and make a treatment. He will help to answer why the libido has disappeared.

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