
Health of male germ cells

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  • Sperm structure
  • Types of male germ cells
  • Causes of pathology
  • Treatment of seminal fluid pathologies

Sperm motility is the most important factor in childbearing. Many couples are faced with the problem of inability to conceive a child. To determine the reasons for childlessness, both partners must undergo a medical examination. The greatest attention is paid to the fertility of a woman, the composition and quality of the sperm of a man. In the laboratory, the composition of the secretory fluid and the structure of the sperm are studied.

At the medical consultation

The structure of the sperm

The spermatozoon possesses mobility due to its structure. Sperm consists of four departments:

  1. Top or head;
  2. Cervical or middle part;
  3. Intermediate department;
  4. Tail or flagellum.

Spermatozoon is a male sex cell. Under the microscope, one can discern the rapid chaotic motion of cells. Movements are in a circle, rectilinear and in place. To conceive fit sperm, having a rectilinear motion. The remaining cells are the total mass of sperm.

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Move the cage can thanks to the tail. The flagella shrinks from the tip to the intermediate section and the cell moves. If there are any pathologies in the structure of the sperm, the ability to move is lost.

Types of male germ cells

To study the state of cells, the male is assigned an analysis - spermogram. The study is subjected to a liquid obtained within 20 minutes and having a body temperature. Before passing the analysis, a man must follow a number of rules:

  • Spermogram Sexual rest;
  • Prohibition of alcohol and beer drinks;
  • Do not expose to strong heat.

Five days before spermogram delivery, a man should observe complete sexual rest. It is very important. The composition of the sperm will be concentrated and have all kinds of spermatozoa important for fertilization. If this rule is violated, the analysis will be uninformative.

Beer and alcohol-containing beverages have a detrimental effect on the composition of the ejaculate and the motility of the spermatozoa. Alcohol can completely kill cells and disrupt their production in the body. Abstention from drinking alcohol should be at least 7 days. During this period of time the sperm will have time to fully update.

Before spermogrammi it is necessary to refuse visiting sauna and sauna, avoid prolonged hypothermia. With a change in temperature in the groin area, instantaneous death of the sex cells occurs. In some cases, the structure of the sperm can be disturbed.

Laboratory technicians share several types of cells: A, B, C and D. The first type includes spermatozoa that have a regular shape and move straight. Cells of the first type account for 25% of the total volume of the seminal fluid. The second type is considered normal cells, which have a weak mobility in the forward direction. The third type includes cells that have a normal structure and have good mobility. But the movement of such spermatozoa is circular. They are not able to reach the female ovum to fertilize it. Type D includes all other types of spermatozoa. Such cells may have an irregular structure, they may have no tail or head, they may be immobile. Sperm type D is 15% of the total ejaculate volume.

In a semen fluid, a man is always present with all kinds of germ cells. The sperm state depends on the age of the cell and the hormonal background of the male. If the patient did not comply with the rules for testing, the results are not informative.

Classification of seminal fluid

Seed fluid can consist of mobile, inactive cells. In some cases, sperm in the ejaculate is not detected.
The weak mobility of spermatozoa is called astenozoospermia. Pathology is divided into three degrees.

Examination of seminal fluid Asthenozoospermia of the first degree is put in the presence of more than 50% of type B cells in semen. Such a pathology is not considered dangerous, requires a minor drug correction. Asthenozoospermia can occur with light supercooling, which passed unnoticed for a man. If the fluid analysis was given in winter, then this pathology is revealed in many cases.

Asthenozoospermia of the second degree is detected if the liquid is 60-65% composed of low-activity germ cells. With this pathology, there may be damaged or mutated spermatozoa in the ejaculate. The second degree of the disease requires medical treatment. In 40% of patients with this disease, the cause of mutation and cell death can not be established.

Asthenozoospermia of the third degree is the most dangerous form of pathology. In the seminal fluid, 70% or more dead and low-active cells are detected.

In order to count the number of spermatozoa of each species, Goryaev's special camera is used in the laboratory. Seed fluid is located on the glass, divided into squares. The initial study is conducted on four squares. The camera independently counts various types of cells. If there is an insufficient number of spermatozoa in the square, the microscopic field is increased to 9 squares.

Causes of

pathology Many factors affect the motility of spermatozoa. They are divided into two types:

  1. External causes;
  2. Internal.

Internal causes are present in all men. Reduction of the activity of germ cells can occur in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus or having insulin resistance. Violation of the patient's hormonal system leads to pathologies of development and formation of sex cells. The testosterone level directly affects the concentration of sperm in the semen. The composition of the fluid affects the pathology of the genital organs. Especially often astenozoospermia occurs if a man's testicles do not descend into the cavity of the scrotum. As a result of this pathology, the temperature balance is violated and the spermatozoa die.

On check with a doctor The composition of the ejaculate depends on the age and body weight of the person. At excess weight at the man the disease in the field of a seed can arise. This pathology disturbs the excretion of sperm, cell death occurs in the seed canal. With increasing age of the patient, the activity of the cells decreases. This pathology can not be medicated. Only hormonal medicinal substances can improve the composition of the ejaculate.

Various infections are related to internal factors. Pathogenic microorganisms cause diseases of the human urogenital system. The most dangerous microorganisms cause venereal diseases, in which the vital activity of spermatozoa is impossible. Treatment of infections leads to an improvement in the quality and condition of the semen.

External factors pose a danger to the composition of the ejaculate. The viability of cells is affected by the abuse of beer or alcoholic beverages and smoking. Long-term studies have shown that sperm can not tolerate nicotine. Various injuries can damage the male reproductive system and completely eliminate the ability to conceive. Prolonged nervous overexertion or depression leads to a decrease in the synthesis of the hormone, which affects the composition of the ejaculate.

Sperm motility may fall under the influence of unfavorable magnetic radiation. In today's world there is a mass of technology. Mobile phones, microwaves, computers subject the human body to radiation. Microwaves disrupt the direction of movement of spermatozoa, disrupts their production.

Treatment of seminal fluid pathologies

There are several ways to improve the composition of the ejaculate. To treat pathologies associated with the process of producing and forming spermatozoa, three types of therapy are used:

  1. Medication;
  2. Medical massage;
  3. Hardware Therapy.

Prostate massage In many urological clinics, patients are offered to undergo a course of prostate massage. Men are very sensitive to their health, but this procedure makes them shy. Do not be frivolous about this therapy. Direct massage of the prostate gland has a positive effect on the entire sexual system of a man. Under the influence of massage movements, inflammation and edema from the prostate are removed. There is an acceleration of blood flow in the organs of the small pelvis. Trophicosis of soft tissues is greatly improved. The procedure is able to reduce the phenomenon of prostatitis and normalize the production of hormones.

Hardware therapy is just beginning to develop in Russian clinics. In pharmacies you can find a device for home use - "Mavit".The device helps to conduct magnetic therapy at home. Under the influence of magnetic waves, the inflammatory process is removed in the prostate gland, the nutrition of the tissues is improved. In the body of a man, the production of testosterone hormone is increased and the composition of the seminal fluid is normalized.

Drug therapy is able to completely restore sperm motility and improve the quality of the ejaculate. Drugs should be strictly prescribed by a doctor. It is forbidden to drink tablets on your own, as the patient can do serious harm and worsen his health.
Many men are prescribed a drug - Spemane. The drug consists of a complex of plant components. The drug has a positive effect on prostatic hyperplasia, improves spermatogenesis, reduces the viscosity of the ejaculate. Long-term treatment contributes to the complete restoration of reproductive function in men. The drug is taken two pills twice. Doctors are popular with the drug "Spematon".The drug belongs to the group of vitamin preparations."Spematon" is assigned to young people planning a child, and to men suffering from infertility. The medication contains a daily norm of vitamin E and other microelements. The drug must be drunk before conception. The course can be 6 months.

For the treatment of male infertility prescribed drugs from the group of amino acids. Doctors prescribe the tablet preparation "Actovegin".The basis of the drug is extracted from the blood of calves. The drug favorably affects the vascular nutrition of the prostate. Thanks to the active substance, the blood is saturated with oxygen, the trophism of the tissues is intensified. Gemaderivat calf blood strengthens the metabolism of cells. The energy capacity of spermatozoa increases. In the body, sperm cells begin to develop, which have a normal structure and a long period of vital activity. Doctors recommend taking 1 tablet every 12 hours. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the pathology.

In order to normalize sperm motility, a man should seek help from a specialist and undergo a full course of treatment.

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