
Ointment Finalgon - a time-tested remedy for back pain

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finalgon ointment Finalgon is an ointment for external use consisting of active substances - nonivamide and nicoboxil and some auxiliary ones, which do not have an active effect.

Pharmacological action of the drug is based on the expansion of the blood vessels of the body from heating, because in the place of application of the ointment the temperature rises by 8 degrees, there is an acceleration of the metabolism, as a result of which the pain sensations decrease, since the effect on the nerve endings occurs.

Contents of the article

  • Pharmacokinetics of the
  • tool When can and should be used?
  • Contraindications to use
  • Mechanism of action
  • Instruction for use
    • Dosages and methods of application of the drug
      • Overdose and side effect
        • Treatment for overdose
      • Side effect
      • Special instructions
      • Doctors recommend
      • Tell ordinary people
      • Tips for receiving patients
      • Pros and Cons
      • Cost does not bite, but does not please
      • How to replace the tool?
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Pharmacokinetics of the drug

The vasodilator Nicobaksil, interacting with the analgesic noniivamide, rubbed into the skin, is easily absorbed and a rapid accumulation of active substances in the tissues occurs. The drug increases the metabolic rate at the site of application.

When can and should be used?

The drug is recommended for use in the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • arthritis in the initial stages;back pain
  • characteristic rheumatic pain;
  • post-traumatic conditions, sprain, bruises;
  • pain resulting from exercise;
  • orthosis: bursitis, ischialgia, neuritis, tendovaginitis;
  • back pain during hypothermia, after exercise, etc.;
  • acute pain in the lower back.

The drug is also used for warming up the muscles of athletes, for example, before the competition, also with prescribed vasodilating therapy in the presence of violations of peripheral blood supply in the complex therapy.

Contraindications to the use of

Contraindications are:

  • individual intolerance of substances included in the preparation;
  • the presence of wounds, inflamed skin in the place of treatment.

Do not use ointment on areas of skin with increased sensitivity, for example, on the skin of the neck, etc.

Finalgon is not prescribed for children under 18 years of age.

After each application of the ointment, it is recommended to wash hands with warm water and soap.

Mechanism of action

The active substance present in the composition of the ointment, Nonivamide exerts a vasodilating effect and acts analgesically on the nerve endings located in the skin.

Nicoboxyl, being a derivative of nicotinic acid, as well as nonivamide, has vasodilating properties, from which a hyperemic effect follows.

Nonivamide and Nikoboxil increase the rate of local enzymatic reactions and activate local metabolism, reduce pain.

Instruction for use

The drug is applied topically.

To determine the tolerability of the drug by the patient, apply a small amount of the drug to a small area of ​​intact skin.

finalgon instructions for use Next, evaluate the warming effect of the drug on a particular patient. If the drug is normally tolerated by the patient, you can start using the medication in the smallest dose.

This is carried out using the applicator provided in the package. A column of ointment with a height of no more than 0.5 cm is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin and rubbed with light circular motions.

To enhance the healing effect of the skin on which the drug is applied, you can lightly massage or tie a woolen cloth.

Dosages and methods of application of the preparation

Ointment is applied using the device supplied with the ointment and is rubbed into the desired part of the body in circular motions no more than 4 times a day.

Overdose and side effect of

The phenomena that arise in case of an overdose can be characterized as flushing of skin and an increase in the severity of side effects, the appearance of sores with pain in the place of application of the ointment.

Possible reactions of the whole organism as a whole:

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  • lowering of blood pressure;
  • heartbeat;
  • increased heart rate;
  • hyperthermia;
  • redness;
  • is a soreness resulting from exposure to a large amount of accumulated negative-acting nicotinic acid.

Treatment for overdose of

It is necessary to remove as far as possible all the ointment from the skin surface with the help of any non-allergy-causing fat cream or Vaseline, rinse with soap.

In case of contact with eyes, even a small amount - remove the ointment with fleece with Vaseline and rinse. Treatment according to symptoms. After using Finangel, immediately wash your hands with warm water and soap.

Side effect of

As a result of clinical observations, some side effects of the ointment were found during application:

  • an increased reaction from the immune and endocrine systems can cause the development of anaphylactic reactions;
  • reaction of nerve endings to the use of the drug is characterized by burning and paresthesia, involuntary tremor;
  • cough and shortness of breath show an aggravation for the respiratory system;
  • skin reaction may be dermatitis, ulceration in the place of application of the drug, urticaria, blisters, itching, rash, swelling.

Special instructions

Hot bath before use and after applying the product on the skin, as well as various therapeutic baths and compresses can not be used.

Use ointment when taking alcohol with caution to avoid side effects and complications. ointment and its composition

Active drug interaction Finalungone with other drugs used locally or systemically, it is not revealed and the application of the ointment does not affect the perception of the body and other drugs.

Action Finalgona at pregnancy and thoracal feeding is not studied, researches were not spent. The drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation .

The drug is recommended for use by people over 18 years of age.

Doctors recommend

After examining the specialists' opinions it becomes clear why Finalgon enjoys such popularity among people.

The drug can be started only after a sample on a small area of ​​the skin, as the burning sensation in all people manifests itself in different ways and the tolerability of substances in the composition of the Finalgon ointment is also different in humans.

If you feel a persistent heating effect for 20 minutes, it means that everything is good and the ointment can be applied to the problem area, but for starters, also in small quantities.

The effect of anesthesia will occur within the first half hour, the main thing - do not go too far with the amount of ointment. If, however, you have felt the unbearable burning sensation that you seem unbearable - immediately wash the place of application of the preparation with cool soapy water or beforehand remove the excess of the ointment with a swab with fat cream or Vaseline

Dermatologist, Presnyakov NT

We designate Finalgon or its analogues when a patient has a local complaint or as part of a complex therapy.

The basis for the appointment may be the manifestation of rheumatic pains, malaise due to physical exertion, soreness in the initial stages of arthritis, people troubled by neuritis, sciatica and others, accompanied by pain in a specific, as we say, local place "-

Orthopedic doctor, Candidate of medical sciences. Zolotaryova Ye. S.

ordinary people say. I am often bothered by pain in the joints of the elbows, the doctor prescribed me the application of the ointment Finalngon.

I am well tolerated by the effect of the drug, it does not bother me, the burning is not strong, I practically do not pay attention to it, I'm already used to it, and quite often, especially in the autumn period, helping myself in fighting the disease, spreading small patches of ointment. The pain passes in some minutes and for some hours there is a positive effect, joints do not hurt.

Patient of the arthrosis clinic, Maria N

Advice on receiving patients from

how to apply ointment Ointment should be applied very carefully, without applying excess to other places, hands immediately wash with soap without touching the mucous membranes, eyes, mouth.

You can cover the place with ointment or netgang bandage it with an inelastic, usual gauze bandage. If the focus of pain is located in the limb, it is better to temporarily immobilize it, bring it to rest for a while.

Ointment can be used for several days, several times a day, little if there is no irritation on the skin and no other side effects of the drug.

Pros and cons of

The drug can be used as a local analgesic or as part of maintenance therapy, it is necessary to provide other treatment regimens to treat a systemic disease.

The use of ointment as a warming aid before the massage is unacceptable, because it has other properties and can suddenly cause severe allergic reactions.

For pains in the lower spine, you can try to apply Finalgon, first in a small amount.

The cost does not bite, but does not please

The finalgun is available in 20-gram aluminum tubes complete with an applicator, in carton packs, the price of the drug is 280-300 rubles .

Ointment should be stored in places inaccessible to direct sunlight at room temperature, not exceeding 25 degrees. Shelf life - four years from the date of issue. The drug should not be given to children. Ointment is dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription.


How to replace the tool?

The most famous and cheap analogs of Finalgang are preparations:

  • Betalgon;
  • Algasan;
  • Finalal;
  • Traumeel;
  • Viprosal, which have similar pharmacological properties.
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