Problems With Stools

Green diarrhea in the baby with and without mucus

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1 The essence of the problem

Babies breastfeeding often have to change the diaper, their stool is bright yellow and has no unpleasant odor. In this case, the stool can have a uniform consistency or in it you can see granular grains. If you wait a while with a change of diaper, you can see that the color of the chair has changed to green. This phenomenon can be considered a norm, and the parents should not panic at the same time. Explain the manifestation of green color can be the presence in the body of bilirubin, which is excreted from the body together with the products of defecation.

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The green color of the stool in the baby can be explained by the diet of the mother. If your mother uses green foods, such as spinach, parsley or dill, this can affect the color of her baby's feces.

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A green stool can also be observed if the baby feeds only on the frontmilk of the mother, that is, the milk that the baby sucks out of the chest in the first minutes. In this case, diarrhea other than the green hue should be with foam. In this situation, you need to contact the pediatrician. Eating front milk is dangerous because the newborn is not getting enough lactase, as a result of which the baby begins to suffer colic, and when changing the diaper, you can watch a green and frothy stool. This child's mother is recommended not to clean the breast immediately after several minutes of feeding. It happens that due to the large amount of milk produced in the breast of the mother, the baby does not have time to get the rear milk, which is more nutritious, because the child gorges. In this case, doctors recommend that breastfeeding be changed less frequently.

2 Causes of green diarrhea in infants

The reasons why a baby may develop diarrhea, in which the stools are green, can be a huge amount. It depends on the baby's nutrition, his age and the state of his health. Some factors that provoked such a phenomenon may be the norm and should not cause a feeling of anxiety in the parents. Others, on the contrary, require immediate intervention by the doctor.

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So, the first group of reasons contributing to the appearance of green diarrhea in babies:

  1. The characteristic features of the stomach during the first 10 days of life of the baby, which explains the olive color of the feces of the baby.
  2. The green hue of the baby's stool on breastfeeding in the first year of his life is due to the underdeveloped gastrointestinal tract in the infant.
  3. The baby's liquid stool is explained by the baby receiving only front milk.
  4. As noted earlier, if in the diet of the mother there are products of green color.
  5. Feeding a baby, which includes an apple, pear or sweet porridge in the baby's diet. This can contribute to a change in the color of the feces of the baby.
  6. Green diarrhea in older children, from 3 to 5 years, may occur due to malnutrition.

The second group of reasons that contributed to the appearance of green diarrhea in a babe, which requires immediate medical intervention, include:

  • dysbacteriosis due to incorrect introduction of complementary foods or a transferred infection in the intestine;
  • Intestinal infections, eg, escherichiosis or rotavirus infection;
  • dysentery;
  • salmonella infection due to inclusion in the diet of raw or not fully processed eggs or fish.
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Thus, if a mother observes a baby's appearance of diarrhea of ​​a green color, then it is necessary to analyze and understand what might have caused this phenomenon. And if as a result of the mother's fears for the health of the baby, you need to immediately seek medical help. To understand better what is happening with the baby will help the corresponding symptoms.

In the case of having health problems, in addition to the appearance of green diarrhea, the baby may show other signs of pathology. For this reason, it is necessary to observe the child for a while and see if there are any more deviations from the norm.

So, green diarrhea on the background of high temperature can indicate the development of dysentery or salmonellosis. Green diarrhea with foam can talk about the development of dysbacteriosis or infection. In turn, green diarrhea with mucus and an admixture of bloody clots serves as a basis for suspicion of the development of dysentery in the baby's body. The diarrhea of ​​a green shade with mucus, but without the admixtures of blood, also indicates the development of salmonellosis. On the development of any pathology may indicate such signs as the smell of feces of the baby, vomiting and the general poor condition of the child.


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3 Methods of treatment

Each parent values ​​the health of his child. Therefore, in the event of such a situation, it is necessary to take appropriate measures to help the baby and bring his state of health back to normal. In case of revealing obvious signs of a malaise, it is necessary to contact the polyclinic without delay to take tests and examine the doctor.

Exercises of a toddler are studied through the delivery of analyzes of feces, bacteriological inoculation and other special methods of diagnosis. Thus it is possible to find out the development of infectious pathologies in the child's body or to establish the presence or absence of parasites in the intestine.

Only after receiving the results of the research, the doctor will be able to prescribe the appropriate treatment. If, for example, the development of dysbacteriosis was detected, doctors recommend the use of special food additives that contain probiotics or prebiotics. They will help to ensure the presence of beneficial bacteria in the intestines of the child, as a result of which the activity of the intestine will be restored.

To avoid possible problems with the green kid's chair, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures:

  • mom to adhere to dietary nutrition when breast-feeding;
  • to be more careful when choosing a mixture for babies;
  • in time to take care of the introduction of complementary foods;
  • monitor possible manifestations of allergic reactions to new foods in the diet;
  • avoiding overeating;
  • timely and regular examination by a pediatrician.

As you know, caring parents will never ignore the problems with the health of the child. It is better to protect yourself and the baby, making sure that there are no health problems, rather than paying attention to the symptoms that appear, to risk the baby's health.

  • 1 The essence of the problem
  • 2 Causes of green diarrhea in infants
  • 3 Treatment methods

Green diarrhea in infants will cause anxiety in almost any mother. The feces of a baby eating a mixture differ markedly from the stool of a child who is breastfed. In the first case, defecation products have a darker shade, the stool masses are thick and smell unpleasant. In other words, the chair of a child who is on an artificial diet is similar to an adult's chair.

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