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Cutting, stitching pain in the stomach: causes, treatment

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1 Why there are unpleasant sensations in the epigastrium

In the case of pain in the stomach area, its pathological condition or disruption of the function of nearby organs is of particular importance. An extremely dangerous symptom that occurs in young and old age is a pain in the stomach caused by ulcerative lesions. Doctors often note the patient's development of pathology, causing the appearance of cutting pain in the abdomen:

Do you have gastritis?

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  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • food poisoning;
  • of a cancerous tumor;
  • is a viral or bacterial infection.

Picture 1

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Sign of the appearance of trouble in the body is often a pain in the stomach, accompanying diseases such as:

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  • pancreatitis;
  • spasm of the diaphragm;
  • appendicitis;
  • pathology of the large intestine.

Severe, painful and unpleasant sensations in the abdomen are associated with the action of the damaging factor on the mucous membrane of the digestive organ.

The causes of the appearance of a malaise in the epigastric region may be due to complications and injuries to foreign bodies, ulcer infection, and cancer.

2 The process of the appearance of pain

The pain occurs as a result of increased acidity of the gastric contents, in violation of the endocrine or nervous regulation of the body, the development of adrenal insufficiency, autoimmune lesions.

Picture 2

Cutting pains appear as a result of the manifestation of the functional characteristics of the digestive organ, which has a well developed secretory apparatus.

Cutting pain in the stomach, which appears against the background of precancerous conditions, is localized in the lower parts of the organ and resembles ulcerative suffering, is of a permanent nature.

Many factors - both general and local - cause stomach pain. Sometimes the cause of malaise lies in the development of gastric reflux or inadequate recovery of the cells of the mucous membrane of the injured organ.

The structure of the painful syndrome is represented by the alternation of hunger pauses with periods of growing painful sensations in the patient, their seasonality and special localization, the severity of dyspeptic disorders.

3 How are unpleasant sensations caused by gastritis

The pain in the stomach is accompanied by the appearance of unpleasant sensations having different intensity, development of burning sensation, gravity in the epigastrium. With phlegmonous gastritis, accompanied by the appearance of a purulent focus on the organ wall, the patient has a painful unpleasant sensation, complicated by the symptoms of peritonitis.

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Picture 3

The stomach pain accompanying chronic gastritis occurs 1-2 hours after eating and depends on its quantity and quality.

In the process of development of chronic gastritis there are intense unpleasant sensations, which are considered by doctors as manifestations of the precancerous state of the mucosa. Inflammation of the organ wall is accompanied by normal or increased secretion of digestive juice and does not always do without the appearance of painful sensations in the epigastrium.

Stitching pains indicate an exacerbation of the process, the appearance of an erosive surface on the mucosa of the digestive organ.

The malaise that occurs with gastritis can gradually increase, be felt by the patient as a dull, burning or drawing pain. Sometimes agonizing seizures increase after emotional stress.

4 Peptic ulcer

Intensive are night pains in the stomach that occur with ulcerative lesions. Ulceration of the mucosa of the cardiac and the posterior surface of the organ is accompanied by the appearance of unpleasant sensations arising after eating.

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Malady is closely related to the quality of the products used. Cutting pain encompasses the xiphoid process of the sternum, gives to the region of the heart, is accompanied by a belching of air or regurgitation. Late stomach pain appears in the review phase, but it is not associated with eating. The patient quickly loses weight, and malaise is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Picture 4

Increasing discomfort occurs as a result of complications of peptic ulcer. Disappears the habitual rhythm, characteristic of malaise: pain accompanies the change in the position of the upper body of the patient. In the case of perforation of the stomach ulcer, the patient experiences unbearable pain, covering the entire surface of the abdomen, accompanied by symptoms of acute blood loss:

  • with a slow heartbeat;
  • weakness;
  • with pallor;
  • appearance of signs of inflammation of the peritoneum;
  • sepsis.

5 Intoxication of colitis

Ulcerative lesions of the intestine can provoke the appearance of pains that are paroxysmal in the form of colic in the abdomen, accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Cutting pain is sometimes perceived as contractions and extends to the left side of the ileum.

Picture 5

Often the patient notes that colitis occurs not only with unpleasant sensations in the stomach, but also with a painful itching in the anus.


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Acute form of the disease is accompanied by nonspecific symptoms - abdominal pain, weight loss, weakness, anemia.

Colitis may be complicated by intestinal obstruction, perforation of the ulcer, bleeding. Cutting pain occurs with symptoms such as:

  • redness of the upper body;
  • sensation of heat;
  • heartbeat;
  • vomiting.

Symptoms associated with irritation of the intestine at later stages of the development of the process are combined with dyspepsia, constipation. Colitis is accompanied not only by a painful sense of heaviness in the epigastric region, but also by the appearance of intestinal bleeding.

Cutting pain occurs to the left of the navel, in some cases it does not have a clear localization. Often, these symptoms simulate the pathology of the chest. Kolit proceeds with a change in the nature of the indisposition: suffering begins in the morning, increases after emotional stress. Atypical colitis is characterized by the appearance of isolated pain in the abdomen, not associated with a disorder of the stool.

6 Possible gastric cancer

Cutting pain that occurs with malignant lesions of the digestive system is special. In the early stages of the process, there are no unpleasant sensations. As a result of the progression of the disease, the patient has an unpleasant feeling of heaviness that covers the epigastric region, lasting several hours, due to the composition and consistency of the food.


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The opinion of doctors. .. "

Picture 6

Some patients, after studying the localization of pain, compare its character with symptoms of ulcerative lesions of the stomach. When there is metastasis in the pancreas, the process becomes more intense. If the cancer is located in the lower third of the stomach, the unpleasant symptoms of his defeat are very weak.

With intensive growth of the tumor, malaise intensifies, symptoms of anemia increase. The patient complains of a bursting or pressing feeling that accompanies the growth of a tumor located in the anterior or posterior part of the stomach.

7 Than accompanied by poisoning

The impact of methyl alcohol on the gastric mucosa causes colic in the abdomen, vomiting and multiple symptoms of poisoning. As a result of acute damage to the body by mercury, the patient develops nausea, epigastric pain, which spreads over the entire surface of the abdomen, and increases salivation. With severe forms of poisoning, malaise occurs in the epigastric region, the functions of internal organs are disrupted, and the secretion of gastric juice decreases.

Figure 7

Sharp, cramping colic in the abdomen, reaching an unusual intensity, accompanied by swelling of the intestines and diffuse pain in the epigastrium and the navel region, characteristic for intoxication of the body with lead.

Colitis, which appears as a result of exposure to high concentrations of phosphorus, occurs with pain in the stomach, vomiting, acute liver failure.

8 Basics of treatment of

In mild cases of acute gastritis, which proceeds with pain syndrome, the doctor prescribes treatment including gastric lavage, administration of analgesics, and in case of secondary infection it is advisable to prescribe antibiotics. Medicamentous treatment for lesions of the stomach is the use of antacids, preparations of bismuth, anticholinergics.

Assign hormone therapy and use regenerating substances that stimulate wound healing and reduce discomfort.

Treatment of stomach cancer is prompt: the doctor recommends narcotic analgesics for the removal of intense pain in the stomach. In acute poisoning with methyl alcohol, treatment consists of washing the stomach, using symptomatic agents. The removal of toxins and poisons is carried out: the sick organ is purified, accelerated diuresis is stimulated. In the case of mercury poisoning, treatment consists of the use of an antidote, the administration of symptomatic drugs.

Pain in the stomach is a reflection of the pathological state of the body. Treatment of the pathology of the digestive system reduces the manifestation of pain syndrome, contributes to improving the quality of life of the patient.

  • 1 Why the discomfort in the epigastrium is
  • 2 The process of the appearance of the pains
  • 3 How the discomforts with gastritis
  • 4 manifest themselves Peptic ulcer
  • 5 Intoxication of colitis
  • 6 Possible stomach cancer
  • 7 What is accompanied by poisoning
  • 8 Basics of treatment

Often the patient is interested in the question of why there is a cutting pain in the stomach, how to prevent and treat it. A healthy organ affects the life span of a person. Recently, doctors are increasingly inclined to think that nutrition is the leading factor that ensures the health of the digestive system.

The stomach of a person is sensitive to the effects of harmful bacteria and often makes itself felt by the appearance of a malaise.

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