Tumors And Cysts

Likvornaya cyst of the brain - what is it, the forms, treatment and consequences

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Liver cyst of the brain As in the space created for flights, in the "flight space of thought" - the brain - there must also be room. And this expanse is inside it! And because those who consider the brain something monolithic-whole, completely, completely filling the skull, strongly mistaken.

Brain substance - in consistence its most similar to boiled kidney - in its strictly defined by the situation rhythm that expands outward - it is compressed inside itself. It would be like breathing in and out. How the lungs, the heart, the liver and the kidneys do it. And the eyeball, too.

After all, a certain free space that allows it to carry out this slow-dimensional "thinking-breathing" is inside the brain. As inside the brain of the head and spinal cord.

This is a whole system of channels and internal cavities-ventricles, which have their serial numbers.

And, in addition to the circulatory system common to the entire body, the brain has a circulation system of its own, only for its needs, the existing biological fluid. This fluid is called cerebrospinal fluid or CSF, which means the same thing.

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But sometimes in the inner "space" there are not provided by nature "holes in space".And, since these cavities are filled with liquor, they are called cerebrospinal cysts.

Contents of

  • What is it?
  • Causes and classification of cysts
  • About the presence of a liquor cyst can speak. ..
  • The diagnosis is not an easy task, but a possible task
  • Kista is observed, "persuaded" or dissected
  • There may not be
  • About the prevention of a couple of phrases

What is it?

A cyst - or cyst - in Latin means: a bubble or a vial. In size, it is so small that it is barely discernible on an MRI photograph - the education in the brain is a real "white dwarf", only not luminous and not heating.

However, it is also capable of "frying".Everything depends on:

  • where the cyst is formed:
  • how fast it grows;
  • whether its rupture can occur due to excess fluid pressure on the shell;
  • what symptomatology its existence causes.

If the pressure from the inside is maintained by the cyst shell, if the increase in its volume does not occur and if the formation does not cause serious disorders in the work of the nervous system and the body as a whole, then the patient who has this "acquisition" inside himself has nothing to worry about.

Causes and classification of the cyst

The etiological classification divides the cysts into primary cysts - congenital ones, which appeared as an "error" in laying the fetal tissues, and secondary ones, resulting from:

  • of the transferred diseases( both infectious and vascular - in particular, the postischemic form of the cyst);
  • injuries to ( including generic ones);
  • of surgical interventions .

In accordance with the classification of the localization of the process, the CSF can be:

  • arachnoid , localized in the subarachnoid space;
  • cerebral , with the development of education directly in the brain tissue;
  • lacunary , dislocated in any part of the brain( in particular, in the frontal lobe);
  • pinemial ( when located in the superior cerebral appendage);
  • retrocerebellar ( located behind - or in the circumcumbrane spaces).

The existence of classifications by other characteristics - of which there are many - introduces unnecessary confusion and confusion in medical terminology and in the work of practical doctors.

A common property of any cyst is "squeezing", "pushing" her healthy tissues and shifting them from the right places - in severe cases we are talking about infringement, squeezing the tissues of a growing cyst, which leads to a disorder in the function of the involved structure or the whole organ.

The difference in the influence of a cyst on the life of an organism depends on the volume in which one or another neoplasm-forming structure of the brain is located. In accordance with this there will be a severity of neurological disorder.

For example, if we are talking about a transparent septum, even a small cyst can lead to severe neuralgic disorder, and the presence of the cerebrospinal cyst of the postischemic genesis is always the appearance of signs of acute cerebral insufficiency.

When comparing arachnoidal and retrocerebellar cerebral cysts, it should be noted that the second forms in the cerebellum in the region of dead cells of the gray brain substance and is able to progress rapidly in development due to the continuing violation of blood supply and the occurrence of micro strokes, due to intoxication or in the presence of foci of chronic infection.

At the same time, the arachnoid cyst is located on the surface of the brain, under the arachnoid membrane, it is more often congenital and is distinguished by a benign course.

But the cyst is a cyst, and when the cerebral cortex is squeezed when it grows due to a disturbance of the liquorodynamics( from trauma or arachnoiditis), there appears a cerebral symptomatology in the form of nausea, vomiting, convulsions and hallucinations with a different combination of options.

The rupture of any cyst after reaching a critical size can end in a fatal outcome, but in the case of arachnoid cyst - in more often traumatizing men - this happens more often.

retrocerebellar cerebral cyst

On MRI retrozereblyarnaya cerebral cyst is as follows:

About the presence of a liquor cyst can speak. ..

To the symptoms of the cerebrospinal fluid, symptoms should be referred to as:

  • of headaches that are not amenable to taking off medication, feelings of squeezing inside the head;headache
  • of insomnia;
  • noise in the ears( tinnitus) or ripple in the head;
  • auditory and visual disorders;
  • abnormalities in the psyche;
  • disorders of motion function, including, loss of their coordination and ability to orientation in space;
  • involuntary movements in the limbs, hyper- or hypotonic muscles, limping when walking;
  • disorders of the swallowing function;
  • is not a carrier of relief from nausea and vomiting;
  • disorders of skin sensitivity;
  • epileptic seizures and seizures, unmotivated loss of consciousness.

In infants, the pathology manifests itself in the form of pulsations of the fontanelle, along with vomiting.

The severity of the disorder is characterized by respiratory dysfunction and partial paralysis of the limbs.

Diagnosis is a difficult but possible task for

Because the search for a cerebrospinal fluid in the brain is almost hopeless, finding it exclusively with MRI or CT is a real hymn that celebrates these relatively new research methods.

MRI of the head Only the obstinate "confinement" of the search for this particular pathology on the basis of the guesses and intuition of the neuropathologist lead to a correct and rapid diagnosis: the cerebrospinal fluid. .. the lobe of the brain.

Therefore, it is extremely important to collect anamnestic data and a rigorous neurological "investigation" involving physicians of other profiles( pediatrician, ENT doctor, psychiatrist).

Before starting treatment and to prevent the appearance of new formations, it is necessary to find the cause of the cyst, for which the following methods of the

  • study are being performed: a Doppler study of the state of the cerebral vessels;
  • ECG -cardiac and blood pressure monitoring;
  • blood test for autoimmune and infectious diseases, as well as for the level of blood clotting and cholesterol in it.

Cyst is observed, "persuaded" or excised

To emergency measures resorts in cases:

  • of the occurrence of a hemorrhage with lesions located near the cyst of brain structures;
  • rapid build-up of cysts;
  • development of hydrocephalus;
  • regularly recurring convulsive seizures.

If the cyst does not have a dynamic state, then it is recommended to "supervise" it in the form of a regular MRI scan of the brain, if the pathology progresses,

  • or medical therapy,
  • , or a surgical effect on a dangerous formation is used.

The following groups of medicines are used for the medicinal treatment of the cerebrospinal fluid cyst:

  • for the dissolution of the adhesions, use caripain or Longidaz;
  • uses funds to reduce the level of blood pressure and normalize the concentration of cholesterol, as well as indicators of Pantogam Active blood clotting;
  • to provide the brain cells with the proper amount of glucose and oxygen apply nootropics( Instenon, Pantogam, Pikamilon);
  • antioxidants are used to increase cell resistance to increased intracranial pressure of .

With the appearance and increase of signs of arachnoiditis, antiviral, antibacterial and immunomodulating agents are used.

The use of any category of medicines and their groups usually includes a three-month course of therapy with a repetition twice a year.

Surgical intervention in diagnosed CSF can be performed by:

  • shunting - emptying the cyst cavity through microdrainage;
  • endoscopy - removal of pathological formation through microprojection of tissues; of skull trepidation .

Consequences may not be

wheelchair Thanks to the arrival in the brain surgery of powerful optics and laser technology, surgical intervention does not leave after its application unfavorable and deplorable consequences in the form of relapse cysts in the same place.

And, accordingly, there will be no consequences in the form of hearing loss, sight and speech, mental disorders and headaches, and in the case of a child - developmental lag. If the postoperative period is favorable, the period of hospitalization is not extended for more than 4 days.

But the performed operation does not exempt from responsibility for one's own health, and in the subsequent operation it is necessary to regularly check with the attending physician.

Prevention of a couple of phrases

Prevention of the disease consists in the planning of pregnancy, monitoring its course, adequate management of the pregnant woman and the professional admission of delivery, and at an earlier stage - in the exclusion of "drunken conception" and administered by a future mother healthy for the body and spirit of the imagelife.

Often, traumatizing men - the future and established fathers - are advised to avoid extreme situations, as well as the negative effects on the body of domestic poisoning - all those temptations that can adversely affect the health and psyche of modern man.

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