
Phytotherapy of inflammation of the prostate

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Treatment of prostatitis with herbs is an alternative type of therapy. Herbs have been used in medicine for a long time and successfully. Many diseases can be fully cured or achieved a long remission with the help of phytotherapy. Men are very attentive to any problems in the sexual sphere. If there are any questions, then a strong sex goes for help to the urologist. This is the right approach. In some cases, a man has intolerance to drugs or an allergy to them. In such cases, phytotherapy is a way out of the difficulty. Most infusions, oils, broths, teas do not have side effects. They can be used as the main type of treatment, and as a concomitant therapy.

Herbal tinctures are useful for prostatitis

What is the pathology of

? For the selection of herbal treatment it is necessary to understand what is prostatitis. Men have iron, uncharacteristic for the female body - a prostate. It produces hormones in the human body and serves as a stimulant for the formation of spermatozoa. Because of various diseases or injuries in the gland can begin to develop an inflammatory process. Inflammation of the prostate gland is called prostatitis.

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Prostatitis occurs in the gland for the following reasons:

  • Chronic diseases of the genitourinary tract;
  • Infection of the soft tissue of the gland with fungi or pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Injuries of pelvic organs and lumbar region;
  • The patient has diabetes.

All these factors affect the proliferation of the soft tissues of the prostate gland. Prostatitis in the first two stages is amenable to drug treatment. Therapy of pathology is long. A man must strictly follow the prescribed formula. In some cases, a man may develop intolerance to prescribed medications. In this case, prescribe medicines, based on herbs.

The benefits of herbal medicine

Products for herbal medicine The bulk of medicines is made from chemical components. Treatment with chemicals helps to get rid of one problem, but can cause others. Treatment of diseases with herbs is more mild and has minimal contraindications. Phytotherapy is carried out with natural materials. For medicines use only clean and properly harvested raw materials. Phytotherapy has many positive effects:

  • Treatment costs man much less;
  • Herbs have several actions simultaneously;
  • Phytopreparations do not cause habits in humans;
  • Medicinal plants can be combined with chemical preparations.

Various pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of prostatitis are very expensive. Collections and teas with the same effect have a price tag 10-20 times smaller. For the treatment of prostatitis, herbs are used that have both anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects. Another positive side of phytopreparations is the medicinal effect immediately on several organs. Herbal preparations can be taken for a long time with small interruptions. They do not cause a person's dependence. Medication therapy is well combined with phytotherapy. Herbs enhance the healing effect of chemicals and help to quickly achieve recovery.

The action of phytopreparations for diseases of the prostate

Treatment of prostatitis is versatile. Herbal preparations and medicines should have such actions as:

  1. Analgesic;
  2. Removal of the inflammation process;
  3. Urological;
  4. Improve trophism of the tissues of the genitourinary system.

Strong pains prevent living Prostatitis is a very unpleasant problem and causes many problems for men. The patient experiences severe pain during urination and in the anus. There is an increase in night visits to the toilet. In severe cases, the disease causes problems in sexual life. A man may have erectile dysfunction or impotence.

All these phenomena will help to remove a variety of herbs. They reduce pain, normalize the process of urination, help restore the male potency.

Phytomedication against inflammation

For the treatment of prostatitis, herbal preparations are used. They have a wide spectrum of action and are well tolerated.

The most famous herb from prostatitis is hameniye angustifolia or kiprei. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves pain syndrome, normalizes the process of urination.

Kipray can be bought at any pharmacy kiosk and taken by yourself. For the treatment of prostatitis, a teaspoon of ground raw material is poured into 200 ml of water and insisted for 30 minutes. For the best steaming, the broth should be wrapped. Then 30 ml of the finished tea is diluted with water and drunk 15 minutes before the meal. You can take the spray a long time.

Pumpkin seed oil is used to prepare preparations from prostatitis and in its pure form. The oil removes prolonged stagnant processes in the soft tissues of the prostate gland. Prolonged intake of pumpkin oil helps to achieve a stable remission and quick recovery. In the first weeks of phytotherapy with pumpkin oil, patients note a decrease in the cuts in the area of ​​the anus and the reduction of trips to the toilet. After a month of treatment, the patient has changes in the volume of the prostate gland with ultrasound. Pumpkin oil can be purchased at pharmacies or grocery stores.

Pumpkin oil of cold pressing When buying, it is necessary to pay attention to the marking of "cold pressing".Such a preparation did not undergo thermal exposure to oil extrusion and contains a large number of amino acids and microelements. To treat prostatitis oil should be taken 15-20 drops before each meal. In the third stage of the disease, the substance can be used as compresses in the anus. To do this, you need to make turuns from a sterile bandage. They are moistened in oil and inserted into the anus. Turundu put before going to bed for 30 minutes. Compresses do not less than 15 times.

Highly effective in the treatment of prostatitis showed hazel or leaves of the walnut forest. Raw materials can be harvested on their own in the first days of June. Leaves must be collected and placed in a cool, ventilated room. Every day, turn the hazel over. After 10 days, the leaves can be placed in a paper bag or box and used as a tea. For the treatment of prostatitis raw materials are ground and brewed in boiling water. One cup requires one tablespoon of hazel. Tea should be drunk in the morning and evening for 15 days.

In pharmacies, you can buy drugs from prostatitis, made from various herbs. The most famous ones are "Red Root", "Prostamol Uno", "Spemann" and "Tykveol".These medicines are suitable for self-administration and are dispensed without a prescription.

"Prostamol Uno" and "Spemann" have a combined composition. Due to this, drugs relieve pain, reduce inflammation and normalize sexual function. This drug is widely used to treat infertility in men, associated with dysfunction of hormones."Spemann" contains in its composition ten different herbs, which normalize the production of testosterone. In patients who have testosterone degeneration into dihydrosterone, the substance serves as a brake on the process.

"Red root" is used to treat disorders of the genital area with inflammation of the prostate. The medicine removes inflammation and reduces pressure on the vas deferens.

"Tykveol" is a medicinal product made from pumpkin oil. The drug can be taken without fear, because it is sterile. Long-term treatment "Tyqveolom" helps to get rid of inflammation in the stomach and intestines. The pressure of the intestines on the prostate decreases and the pathology passes.

Treatment of prostate diseases should be done under medical supervision. Before taking phyto-drugs, it is necessary to clarify whether this drug has contraindications.

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