
The use of a red brush for men

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  • Useful properties
  • For masculine health
  • Methods of application
  • Contraindications

The red brush refers to the universal medicinal herbs used for the treatment of female, child and male diseases. The flower differs with powerful adaptogenic and immune properties, and it treats not symptomatic manifestations, but the immediate root cause of these symptoms. The herb promotes the healing of fractures, wounds and tremors as soon as possible, improves the state of the cardiovascular system, stops the growth of cancer cells, normalizes the hemoglobin level, improves blood circulation and the overall blood composition, and releases the body from slagging and toxic substances. The red brush is known by several names: rhodiola four-member, rhodiola cold, rhodiola quadruple or four-pruned.

The use of a red brush for men

Useful properties of

This herbal flower is recommended for herbalists to be included in complex therapy after severe surgery or antibiotic therapy, following trauma. Often a red brush for men is used - this is a very effective tool for prostate adenoma, prostatitis or male infertility, erectile function and oligospermia. Grass contains a large amount of iodine, which allows it to be used to treat pathologies of the thyroid and adrenal glands, and lymphatic inflammation. Apply grass and in the complex therapy of various tumorous formations of a malignant or benign character.

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Rhodiola is considered to be the most unique medicinal herb, as it is capable of completely curing a multitude of male and female pathologies of urological and gynecological nature, as well as rid of sexual problems like frigidity and weakening of erectile function.

The uniqueness of the medicinal flower is also in its action, which takes place at the cell level, which allows restoring the work of many organs and systems of the body, rejuvenating and purifying the body. Incredible is the fact that, from a medical point of view, there is no justification for the regenerative properties of rhodiola, therefore this quality of the plant is an indisputable fact. The red brush is capable of activating the immune system, so that the body has the strength to fight the disease that has arisen. As a result, the main cause, which caused pathology, is eliminated. In addition, rhodiola is actively used to treat the syndromes of chronic fatigue or depression, beriberi. The root of this flower is often used, from which many medicines are made. In general, rhodiola has a mass of useful properties:

  • Cleanses the blood, restores its formula;
  • Increases hemoglobin and reduces cholesterol;
  • Calms the nervous and restores the endocrine system;
  • Eliminates vascular spasms in the brain and stabilizes blood pressure;
  • Activates immunity, increasing resistance to infectious, inflammatory and oncological pathologies;
  • Improves cardiac function, increases physical and mental activity;
  • Normalizes the processes of hormonal secretion, has a rejuvenating effect on the body;
  • Accelerates the splicing of bones in fracture sites and helps eliminate slagging.

The red brush has a multicomponent composition including essential oil and glycoside salidroside, organic acids and waxes, phenols and sterols, flavonoids and tannins, chromium and manganese, cobalt and zinc, nickel and copper, selenium and molybdenum, phytohormones and gum, anthocyanins andvitamin C. Thanks to such a variety of components, the red brush has adaptogenic and tonic, anti-infective and hemostatic, immunomodulating and oncoprotective, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, analgesic androtivovirusnym, wound healing and sedative, tonic and anti-fungal, protivoateroskleroticheskim property. It is noteworthy that the correctly dosed intake of drugs with this flower provides a gentle and sparing therapeutic effect on the body with no adverse reactions and addiction.

For men's health

red brush Drugs, which include a red brush, are actively used in the treatment of male pathologies such as adenoma, prostatitis or infertility. Taking tinctures or broths helps improve sperm, increase sperm motility and improve erectile function. The root of Rhodiola has proved to be very effective against prostate adenoma. Normal work of the prostate is provided by androgens. With age, the synthesis of substances that cause growth of prostatic cells, is increasing, which, together with pathogenic factors, causes the development of adenoma. Red brush with adenoma removes inflammatory processes, normalizes the hormonal background, eliminates the symptoms associated with the genitourinary system( soreness with urination, incontinence and frequent desires).

Rhodiola or red brush is Altai endemic, that is, it grows only in Altai on the slopes of the mountains. In many areas this medicinal plant is included in regional Red Books.

The plant proved to be very effective against prostatitis. This disease arises from the penetration of an infectious agent into the prostate tissue, so any pathogenic microorganism can cause an inflammatory prostatic process. In this case, destroy the pathogenic microorganisms, stop the inflammatory process and activate the immune defense the root of this miraculous flower will help. Medicines with rhodiola will have anti-infective and anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and adaptogenic, toning and restorative effects on the body and the prostate affected. A red brush besides the treatment of prostatitis normalizes the condition with physical or mental fatigue, with general exhaustion.

In addition to these properties, the red brush improves the functioning of the urinary system, which is extremely important in the therapy of prostatitis. In addition to taking the herb inside, it is recommended to take a bath with the addition of rhodiola for the treatment of chronic prostatitis. Such procedures will increase the body's defenses, relieve nervous tension, stop soreness, normalize the lymph and blood flow in the pelvic region, and accelerate wound healing.

Warning! Do not use Rhodiola for people with high blood pressure, depressive stress or heart failure.

The plant also helps in the treatment of male infertility, which is associated mainly with inflammatory pathologies of the genital organs, lack of sperm, venereal or infectious diseases, and an insufficient number of spermatozoa in the seminal fluid. Due to the rich content of selenium, the composition of the seed and the spermatozoa activity are significantly improved. Immunostimulating action of rhodiola helps the body to neutralize fungal, bacterial or viral microorganisms.

Methods of application

The use of medicinal herbs is indicated in a variety of diseases of the blood vessels and heart, the genitourinary system, thyroid and prostate, nervous system, etc. The treatment uses rhodiola preparations in the form of decoction and infusion, phyto tea and syrup, balm and tablets, in the form of drops. When making a decoction, one and a half large spoons of the root are poured with 0.3 liters of water, after a 5-minute boil, the broth is insisted for a couple of hours, then, divided into three parts, is drunk during the day. Such a tool promotes normal functioning of the kidneys and liver, removes inflammation and strengthens the immune defense. The course lasts 5-40 days.

To prepare a large spoon of raw material, diluted with a glass of boiling water, stand for a quarter of an hour in a bath, after filtering and diluting 0.2 liters of water. The red brush is also used in the form of an alcohol tincture, for which a liter of vodka is mixed with the root of the plant( 100 grams) and kept in a dark locker for at least three weeks. Dishes with tincture is important to shake daily. After aging, the preparation is taken three times a day, diluted with water.

Important! When treating with alcohol tincture of a red brush, it should be taken into account that it should be taken after a three-week exposure, and filter the prepared infusion from roots - only after a month of insisting.

Today you can find on sale a packaged phytotea, in which, along with the rhodiola grass, there is a dog rose and motherwort, hawthorn and St. John's wort, elecampane and ayr root, horsetail and coltsfoot. Such phytosbores are accepted for cardiotonic and rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory and antidepressant, antispasmodic and antimicrobial, sedative and hypotensive effects. In the same pharmacies, you can find a syrup based on rhodiola, which is taken a month course, after which they make a 10-day break. This means tones up, stimulates immunity and has a haemostatic effect. The pharmacies also sell tablets, balm and drops on the skeleton of the grass.


Rhodiola four-part Although the red brush is a unique medicinal plant, it is not without a number of contraindications. Of course, one can not be treated by such a plant in the presence of hypersensitivity or intolerance to it. In addition, it is forbidden to take herbal medicines to people with high blood pressure, especially those suffering from hypertension. It is not recommended to take the herb and during a severe stress or depressive state, at high temperature and heart failure.

You can not be treated by means of a similar herb at the same time as hormonal drugs. Although simultaneously with phytohormonal medicinal herbs like sage and borovoy uterus, on the contrary, it is recommended to take the rhodiola. Only such treatment requires strict adherence to dosage and the phases of drug intake.

Warning! Herbal treatment is a long, step-by-step process, so you do not need to wait for such an instant result therapy. The first manifestations of effectiveness usually appear after a 2-4-week treatment.

During the treatment period it is forbidden to drink alcoholic and low alcohol products( beer too), digestible, high-calorie and fatty foods. It is very important to observe the recommended dosages, because a slight excess of them can trigger unpleasant side reactions like allergies, drowsiness or inhibition of reactions.

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