Hormones And Biochemistry

Deficiency of serotonin and its symptoms

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Serotonin is a hormone that brings pleasure, joy and, in the end, happiness. It is a chemical substance that, when found in the blood, is a hormone, and when synthesized in the cells of the brain, acts as a neurotransmitter( mediator).The lack of serotonin affects the mood and behavior of a person, since this mediator has a direct relationship, both to the pleasure experienced, and to a sense of happiness.

The purpose of the neurotransmitter


The definition of serotonin as a hormone of happiness is known to almost everyone. However, before becoming so and getting into the blood, he needs to go a long way in the body.

Many noted the phenomenon, such as the impact of eaten chocolate on mood lifting. It is from the stomach that the path begins its predecessor - the amino acid tryptophan in the brain. Serotonin is produced in the pineal body( epiphysis), which performs the endocrine function and is attached to the bugrams of the diencephalon. Here the synthesized substance performs the functions of the neurotransmitter - it is a means of "communication" between the cells of the brain by transmitting electrical impulses, participating in intercellular interactions as "controlling" molecules. Further, entering the blood, the neurotransmitter acts on the receptors of the cells as a hormone.

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There are a number of receptors - neural formations that are excited by the action of serotonin. Among them, memory receptors, migraines, performing cognitive functions - actions of attention, memorization, visual-spatial orientation, ability to talk.

If the level of serotonin in the body is lowered, then the intercellular interaction decreases. The lack of sunlight has a big impact on serotonin deficiency. In cloudy weather, the synthesis of this substance is reduced, which in turn leads to a mood that turns into sadness. The explanation for the winter depression is based on the same factor.

The role of serotonin as a hormone

Since serotonin is an assistant in the transmission of information between cells in different areas of the brain, its effect on the psychological and many other processes occurring in the body is great. With his participation, the activity of cells that correspond not only to behavioral functions, sleep and appetite, but also memory, the ability to learn and regulate body temperature, is carried out.


Functions of the body, which are affected by the hormone, are very diverse. Here is the main part:

  1. With a decrease in the level of serotonin, the sensitivity to pain is increased. Minor effects bring severe pain. Migraines and uncomfortable sensations in the muscles can be manifested when performing normal actions.
  2. plays a role in milk production by a woman. Also the lack of a hormone can lead to the death of a baby.
  3. Produces a normalization of the process of blood coagulation. This is due to the process of activation of platelets and spasm of capillaries - small vessels.
  4. Affects the performance of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Produces stimulation of not only smooth muscles and intestinal walls, but also the function of respiration, which ensures ventilation of the alveoli. Consequently, with the participation of the hormone, both digestion and breathing occur.
  6. Influences on inflammatory processes, development of reaction to allergens.

Effects of serotonin

With the onset of nighttime, the pineal gland of serotonin produces a synthesis of a hormone called melatonin. Under the influence of this substance, the activity of both the endocrine system and the level of arterial pressure, as well as the periods of sleep and wakefulness, are regulated.

Under the influence of serotonin, there is an increase in the production of the anterior pituitary gland of some of the most important hormones in the body, involved in the coordination and control of the endocrine glands of the whole organism. Their deficiency in the body has its symptoms. Among these hormones, such as prolactin, thyroid-stimulating and growth hormone( growth hormone).


Serotonin analysis is required for pregnant women due to possible unpleasant consequences during childbirth. Disturbances can consist in the absence of the neurotransmitter sending signals to the walls of the uterus about the need to reduce them when performing labor. At the same time, if this issue can be circumvented by performing cesarean section, then the lack of a hormone throughout the period of gestation can cause hypoxia( choking) of the future child. The same factor can be caused by a sudden death of a newborn in his first days.

Causes of shortage of

The inhabitants of the northern regions are the main factor causing the process, in which there is a lack of serotonin in the body - a lack of light, a shortened light day. In the darkness or constant twilight, the amount of the produced neurotransmitter rapidly decreases. The first recommendations in the emergence of seasonal winter depression are frequent walks in the fresh air, good lighting facilities, preferably, fluorescent lights and a balanced diet.

Insufficiency or imbalance in nutrition is another reason why the level of serotonin in the body is lower. With food, you can not get it directly. However, there are products containing the amino acid tryptophan, from which subsequently is synthesized so important for the body's hormone. The greatest content of tryptophan is defined in cheese, slightly less in mushrooms, especially oyster mushrooms.


Foods due to which serotonin deficiency and symptoms confirming this process in the body reduce its manifestation, the following:

  • meat,
  • legumes,
  • bananas and oranges.
  • prunes and nuts,
  • tomatoes,
  • poultry,
  • vegetables containing a lot of starch - parsnip, sweet potatoes,
  • rice brown and white,
  • pasta,
  • bakery products from coarse grains.

Adverse reactions to

products The above list can be continued. After all, many know that products containing magnesium and calcium help to get rid of depression - it's cereals and dairy products. The best way to cheer yourself up is to eat a little chocolate and drink a cup of coffee is also a way to raise the level of the neurotransmitter. However, it is necessary to have a measure in everything. Excessive enthusiasm for the products listed above in order to reduce the serotonin deficiency will necessarily lead to unexpected consequences.

Alcohol, smoking, taking drugs is also a way to reduce the serotonin deficiency. But at the same time it is a guaranteed way of reducing life.

Symptoms of


Symptoms that confirm the lack of serotonin are as follows:

  1. Constantly oppressive mood, gloominess and distrust and, as a confirmation of the general condition, the onset of depression.
  2. A great desire to eat something sweet, no matter what it is - chocolate, bakery or confectionery. This is an unconscious requirement of the body to raise the mediator level.
  3. Having insomnia - waking up in the middle of the night, tossing about in bed, but not being able to fall asleep again.
  4. Loss of self-confidence, low self-esteem.
  5. The appearance of false fears, anxiety and even the onset of panic attacks.

Combines all of the listed symptoms with the manifestation of one or more disorders:

  • muscle pains, which are of an unexplained nature( suddenly, spontaneously);
  • pain, manifestations of seizures in the lower jaw;
  • attacks of headaches, manifested for a long time in one of the halves of the head - migraine;
  • bloating, discomfort, abdominal pain, impaired intestinal function without cause;
  • presence of signs of obesity.

If any of the above disorders occur in conjunction with symptoms of serotonin deficiency, you should immediately contact a specialist. These signs can be and at pathological diseases which treatment depends on a stage of their development. Therefore, you do not need to start a visit to a doctor.

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