
How to detect and treat arthrosis of the joints of the toes in time?

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arthrosis of the toes Diseases of the joints can give the patient a certain discomfort, and also lead to cosmetic disorders.

This refers to arthrosis of the toes, the symptom of which is manifested in the growth of the cone on the foot from the inside of the foot.

Arthrosis causes degenerative changes in the joints and bones. The disease is diagnosed in more than 15% of the inhabitants of the Earth in various forms of its manifestation.

And the described foot disease affects almost every person after 65 years. Statistics of the diagnosis of the disease in men or women are not carried out, because it is impossible to speak reasonably about the risk of disease on the basis of gender.

Contents of the article

  • Contents of the article
    • Features of the disease
    • Causes of the manifestation and risk factors
    • Stages of the disease and their symptoms
    • If under the impact of the big toe
    • Diagnostic methods
    • Complex of treatment measures
      • General methods of elimination of the disease
    • Possible complications
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  • How to prevent the development of pathology?

Features of the disease

The disease mentioned above( bones on the legs) is one of the forms of arthrosis of the legs.

The disease is an inflammation of soft tissues near the affected joint with further destruction of the cartilage.

Osteoarthritis is often called "ballerin disease" because the main cause of the onset of the inflammatory process is excessive strain on all the joints of the toes.

Osteoarthritis in most cases occurs in elderly people, because it is associated with a metabolic disorder in the cartilaginous tissue and its subsequent dystrophy. Due to fashion trends, the disease has somewhat rejuvenated.

More and more young girls with a described disease, due to the long wear of uncomfortable shoes with high heels.

You can not talk about the incurability of the disease. By means of a timely survey and complex traditional therapy, a person can return to his old life and carry out foot movements without pain in the joints of his fingers.

Causes of manifestation and risk factors

The above-mentioned reasons for the manifestation of arthrosis of the toes are not the only ones.

Scientists have already conducted all the necessary studies to study the presented disease and listed the most common reasons for diagnosing the disease.

These include:

  1. Previously bruised and strained tendons, as well as finger fractures and the presence of a crack n. And such troubles could occur in his youth, and cause the disease already in adulthood.
  2. Genetic predisposition - if relatives had cases of arthrosis, the probability of manifestation of a disease in a person of any age is great.arthrosis of fingers
  3. The presence of any chronic diseases , for example, diabetes mellitus or obesity often provoke such diseases.
  4. Metabolic disorders - if a person has a lack of synthesis throughout the body, he often develop joint disease.
  5. Uneven or excessive load - uncomfortable shoes, high heels of shoes in women, improper sports.
If you have at least one reason, you need to be attentive to your health and the condition of your feet, and if you have any symptoms, contact a qualified specialist.

Stages of the disease and their symptoms

The disease is divided into three stages, each of which has its own symptoms.

As for the defeat of the fingers, during the development of the disease, all the joints( all fingers) are immediately affected.

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The only difference can be a bright manifestation of pain in one particular joint. Usually, this occurs because of a traumatic injury or injury.

The stages of arthrosis of the joints of the toes have the following symptoms:

  1. The first stage of is based only on pain in the toes and a certain discomfort. When you move your fingers a person can experience a characteristic "swelling" of the joints, which leads to the desire to stretch the limbs.
  2. The second stage of is characterized by pain when walking and crunching in the joints when you move your toes. In the second stage, some disturbance of mobility can be noticed.
  3. In case of untimely medical intervention, bone tissue proliferation is observed, which indicates the transition of the disease to the third stage of .Here, characteristic deformation of the lateral bone is noted, as a result of which it becomes more difficult for a person to pick up shoes, because any hard matter leads to additional pain sensations. In the third stage, the toes lose their former mobility, which leads to lameness. In the future, the entire foot may become fixed, but only in the case of improper treatment or non-compliance with the recommendations of the doctor.

If under the impact of the big toe

arthrosis of the big toe

On the photo bone - arthrosis of the big toe

The big toe suffers from excessive load most of all, as a result, we can talk about arthrosis - a characteristic protrusion of the lateral bone, which gives the wearer pain and suffering.

There is a similar ailment from frequent wearing of high heels or narrow shoes, which forces the big toe to go inside, sticking out its base outside.

It is also possible to talk about all the above reasons, which provoke the development of the disease. It should be clarified that the disease of one finger is rare, and most often occurs posttraumatic arthrosis of the big toe.

Diagnostic methods

The disease is easily diagnosed by a general examination by a specialist and an X-ray examination.

An X-ray photograph will help identify the affected joints and determine the extent of the disease. As a rule, additional studies are not required.

Complex of therapeutic measures

With timely access to the doctor, when the arthrosis of the toes is at the initial stage, proper treatment will help not only stop the process of destruction of the cartilaginous tissue, but also restore it.

The symptomatology of the growth on the thumb indicates the transition to the next more severe stages, which will lead to the need for complex treatment.

In particularly neglected cases, one has to resort to operational techniques. Sometimes surgical intervention is carried out for cosmetic purposes - remove the build-up of lateral bones.

General method of elimination of the disease

Initially and later for treatment it is necessary to observe the following rules:

  1. Completely remove the load on the joint - in case of a fracture or bruise, the patient is prescribed bed rest and a bandage sock. In the future, in order not to provoke the manifestation of the disease again, it is recommended to wear comfortable shoes with orthopedic insoles.
  2. Correctly restore the mobility of - this involves carrying out a thumb massage, the passage of a course of physiotherapy( exposure to magnetic and laser radiation) and regular special gymnastics designed to restore the function of the joint.
  3. The use of medicines for pain and inflammation. Here the patient takes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by a doctor, and also uses ointments and gels containing bee or snake venom.
  4. Restoration of impaired metabolism - the vitamin complex and other chondroprotectors are taken, which will saturate the cartilage tissue with useful microelements. In the case of diagnosis of the paralysis of the thumb, medications are taken to increase the blood circulation of the affected area.
  5. Fixation of the phalanx of the thumb - use special fixatives on the finger, which are orthopedic pads with the function of preventing further deformation. Lining is used for prevention, treatment and during recovery from surgery.

Fixing a finger

These and other methods are used to treat arthrosis of the toes. The method chosen by the physician directly depends on the degree of manifestation and the nature of the onset of the disease.

Traditional medicine

Effective in the treatment of disease and traditional medicine.

Here you can use methods such as:

  1. Chalk and yogurt .Take the school chalk and crush it into powder. Add yogurt or kefir to a soft consistency. Make a mixture of compresses for the night - apply to the patient joint, cover with cellophane and wrap with a bandage. Such compresses can be carried out every night until complete recovery. Propolis and sunflower oil .Make a tool for grinding with propolis, pre-melted in a water bath, and olive oil added in the same amount. After cooling the mixture, rub the affected joint or all toes each time with pain and overnight.
Also in folk medicine often used various tinctures for the treatment of arthrosis, but their use is better coordinated with the doctor.

Possible complications of

Complications of the disease is the loss of joint function and partial or complete immobility of the foot.

In this case, it is possible to perform an operation to remove articular surfaces and artificially form them again. Such actions lead to long-term recovery, and as a consequence to the requirement of constant prevention.

How to prevent the development of pathology?

As for preventive procedures, everything here boils down to the right choice of footwear, attentiveness to one's health and abnormality of fingers regular examination for timely detection of the development of the disease and its quick elimination.

Treatment of arthrosis of the toes largely depends on the patient himself and his attitude towards his health.

If you diagnose the disease in the initial stages, then you can quickly return to the former comfort due to the restoration of the cartilaginous tissue to its original state.

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