
Can I drink green tea with gastritis?

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Tea with gastritis is a great help to health. Diseases of the stomach is a scourge of modern society. Tense life, constant lack of time for a full meal, stress, lack of sleep - all these factors are the cause of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If serious health problems occur, for example, an ulcer is found, then without proper medication treatment it will not be possible to cope. But if it is a question of gastritis, a balanced diet and green tea will help to improve health. This simple, at first glance, drink can do wonders.

Do you have gastritis?

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Green tea with gastritis is the first remedy that will help prevent a relapse of the disease, as well as improve your well-being. This drink contains a large number of useful microelements, which have a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa. This broth not only can remove pain, but also restores the integrity of the mucosa.

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Many people doubt whether it is possible to drink such a drink if there are abnormalities in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Experts with confidence give a positive answer to this question: tea with gastritis is useful. It is important to brew it correctly. Also of great importance is the strength of the drink. Too saturated, concentrated drink can aggravate the disease, cause exacerbations. Decoction, brewed by the right technology, will be an excellent alternative to expensive tablets and suspensions, which doctors prescribe to improve the functioning of the stomach.

Contents of
  • 1 How to Brew Green Tea
  • 2 Health Restrictions

1 How to Brew Green Tea

Drinking green tea needs correct. To do this, you must observe the technology of brewing and proportion.

To prepare a wholesome drink, it is necessary to pour hot( but not boiling) water with a few tea spoons of tea. The temperature of the liquid is very important in this process. Boiling water provokes the release of harmful substances from welding. Insist a decoction for about half an hour. The tea leaf should fully open. After this, you should hold the drink in a water bath for 60 minutes.

Ready-to-drink broth should be consumed in a warm form in small doses( 10 ml not more than 4 times a day), so as not to harm your body.

2 Health restrictions

However, it is not for every patient that doctors can decide on the use of green tea. Such a drink is useful only in cases where the acidity of gastric juice in a person is lowered or is within the limits of the norm.

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The fact is that the decoction of green tea provokes more active production of gastric juice. This drink can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis in people with high acidity.

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Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - this is not an excuse to give up a cup of aromatic drink. The allowed list of varieties of tea is wide enough. If you do not like green for some reason, do not deny yourself the pleasure of drinking some black tea, aniseed, kopor or broth from a mixture of fragrant herbs. Also a drink from a tea mushroom.

Studies show that in countries where people consume green tea in large quantities, the incidence of gastritis is significantly lower than in other regions. In addition, life expectancy is much higher.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying a delicious green tea. So you not only can solve already existing problems with health, but also prevent the emergence of new complications. Make a tea drinking daily ritual, which can be performed alone or in the circle of relatives and friends.

Green tea is a magical drink. Drink it for health, just do not forget about the only restriction - increased acidity of gastric juice. A healthy person can afford up to 3 cups a day. For people suffering from gastric disorders, this drink is better taken in small doses.

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