Diseases Of The Pancreas

Treatment of the pancreas with flax seeds: how to take?

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First of all, the flax seed is rich in a very important component - fiber. Thanks to this, the drug is able to adsorb various toxins and remove them from the body.

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Since in patients with pancreatitis, very often suffer from constipation, it is the cellulose that triggers the intestinal peristalsis and normalizes the general condition. A great advantage of using flax is that when it is used there is no flatulence and bloating.

When swelling of flax seed in water, a large amount of mucus forms, which gently envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines, protecting them from the negative effects of juices of the digestive system.

Mucus helps the microcracks to heal faster on the mucous membrane, and also has bactericidal action.

When a pancreas is affected, the patient needs a large amount of protein, and the diet with such a disease does not fill the necessary norm. Namely, the flax contains a protein component so necessary for the restoration of the damaged organ. In addition, the fat in this product is minimal, so it is suitable for people who are overweight and who follow the figure.

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Fat component of flax seed is represented by Omega-3 fatty acids, which normalize the amount of cholesterol in the blood, activate the metabolic processes of proteins and carbohydrates. In addition, it is the fatty acids that perfectly influence the work of the brain and the visual apparatus.

Pancreatitis is often complicated by diabetes, so the use of carbohydrates is greatly reduced. The patient is forced to constantly count the number of bread units to prevent the increase in sugar in the blood. And yet those complex carbohydrates that are contained in flaxseed do not affect the glycemic profile and do not pose a threat to health. Therefore, nutritionists recommend using linen as often as possible and even enter it into the daily diet.

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In addition, the seed contains a large amount of potassium, magnesium, iron and B vitamins that have a beneficial effecton the work of the digestive system, and in particular, precisely the pancreas.

The most important component of flax seed is the lignans. These are special substances that are natural antioxidants, they protect the human body from the negative impact of the environment.

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Lignans have a positive effect on the pancreas, contribute to the removal of the inflammatory process and normalize its work.

2 Simple recipes

To make flax useful, it is necessary to prepare the medicine correctly. Doctors recommend that the seeds are filled with hot water and soak half an hour in a water bath. Thus, a large amount of mucous secretion is formed, which so beneficially affects the mucosa of the digestive organs.

First you need to strain the product before use. This broth should be taken at 2 tbsp.spoon for 10-15 minutes before eating.

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Another effective recipe is a decoction of flaxseed prepared in a thermos.

It's so convenient to store a tool, take it with you to work. For cooking 3 tbsp. Spoons of seeds should be poured with boiling water and allowed to stand for 12-15 hours.

Doctors recommend using the method of cooking the decoction in the thermos, because in this way all the useful substances retain their maximum benefit.

To strengthen the useful properties of flax seed, you can grind it in a coffee grinder immediately before use. It is recommended to add ground seeds in kissels, salads, soups.

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It is fine grinding promotes better absorption of nutrients, it has a beneficial effect on intestinal peristalsis, it is a remarkable prevention of constipation.

Picture 3

To stimulate beneficial microflora in the intestines, doctors also recommend using finely ground flax seed. In addition, when it is used, the blood glucose level is normalized, toxic substances are easily and painlessly removed from the body.

3 Preparation of jelly

Due to its gentle consistency, it perfectly covers the walls of the stomach and intestines, preventing the aggressive enzymes of the digestive system from adversely affecting the mucosa.

In addition, lignans, which are contained in the jelly from flaxseed, neutralize liver enzymes, and vitamins and mineral components normalize the digestive system, especially the pancreas.

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Kissel is very easy to prepare even at home. The prescription is to take 1 tbsp.a spoonful of ground linseed seeds and pour them 500 ml of boiling water. You can put all this in a thermos, before use, let it brew for 8 hours.

If there is no thermos, jelly can easily be prepared and in a water bath. To do this, the above-described ingredients must be folded into a saucepan and simmered in a water bath for two hours.


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There is one very important contraindication when flax seed can not be used in pancreatitis. This is an acute pancreatitis and an exacerbation of a chronic form. This is due to the fact that the structure of the seed is rather rough, the use of such a product will cause complications and only exacerbate the condition of

. But for a maintenance diet during the remission, flax seeds are an ideal and practically indispensable product.

Therefore, nutritionists recommend that the seeds are not used in their entirety, but to cook kiseli, decoctions, grind them in a coffee grinder and add them to various dishes. This is what helps to distinguish a lot of necessary and useful mucus. And nutrients are much better absorbed.

It should be understood that before applying flax, you need to consult a specialist, take all the necessary tests and determine the stage of the disease. It is in this case that diet and treatment will have the greatest effect, and pancreatitis will not exacerbate.

  • 1 Flaxseed composition
  • 2 Simple recipes
  • 3 Preparation of jelly

Treatment of the pancreas with flax seeds is becoming increasingly popular among the population. This is a natural and safe remedy, which has been known since ancient times.

There are already proven recipes for cooking flaxseed in pancreatitis. They are simple and accessible to any person, so doctors readily recommend this diet for their patients.

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