
Effective method of contraception

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  • Operation characteristics
  • Rules for preparation for operation
  • Procedure procedure
  • Recovery after operation

Sterilization of men is the most effective method of contraception. In this case, the male does not undergo significant changes in the body. The operation is well tolerated by the patient. Recovery is quick. Many modern clinics for men's health are widely promoting this procedure. Before deciding on sterilization, it is necessary to carefully study the process and its possible consequences.

The issue of sterilization

Characteristic of operation

Vasectomy significantly differs from surgical castration of a male. When castration, the paired sex glands are removed. The process is irreversible. When sterilized, a part of the vas deferens duct is excised in the man. This is necessary to prevent sperm from entering the secret of seminal fluid. All the basic sexual functions are preserved.

Some medical centers position surgical sterilization as a temporary process. This is indeed so. But this effect persists for 5-7 years. It should be borne in mind that the restoration of the spermatic tract is expensive. The operation is carried out for a long time and causes a lot of inconvenience to the patient.

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Sterilization is used in the following cases:

  • Unwanted pregnancy;
  • Genetic abnormalities;
  • Allergic reactions to all types of contraception.

The main reason for sterilization is the reluctance of a man to have children. Many of them have several children. In such pairs, conception occurs quickly. To avoid this, it is necessary to choose the right method of contraception. The most effective of them is a vasectomy. In such pairs, an unwanted pregnancy does not occur.

Some patients have pathological genetic changes. The genotype is passed from parents to the child. To avoid a child with a strong genetic defect, sterilization is recommended for the patient. It helps to protect the future generation from unwanted diseases.

A rare cause of sterilization is the allergic intolerance of various means of preventing unwanted pregnancies. In this case, the couple does not want to have a child. In this case, a man needs a vasectomy. The operation has no serious contraindications. Also does not cause any allergic reactions in the body.

Although sterilization of men is not a serious operation, it is a surgical intervention in the body. It requires the implementation of certain training rules from men. All the necessary rules are explained by the specialist.

Rules for the preparation for surgery

Cardiologist Vasectomy is a surgical method of contraception. At the same time, the patient needs timely preparation for it. Specialists require the following rules:

  • To undergo a survey with a cardiologist and urologist;
  • To pass the analysis of blood, urine;
  • Spermogram;
  • Sexual rest.

A man must be examined by a cardiologist. This is necessary to avoid unwanted reactions during the operation. The patient can not guess about various deviations in the work of the heart. A cardiologist can identify them. The examination is performed using an ultrasound device and a cardiograph. The cardiogram is taken from the patient twice before the operation and 1 time after surgery. The ultrasound of the heart will help to establish whether there are deviations in the work of valves and vessels.

Urologist examinations are carried out in advance. It is recommended to visit this specialist one month before the scheduled operation. The doctor examines a man for genitourinary diseases. If the patient shows any inflammatory processes, the operation is postponed. The new appointment is issued after the necessary treatment.

For surgical intervention it is necessary to donate blood for detailed study. Experts identify the hormonal background of a man, the presence of pathogenic bodies in the blood, specify the group membership of the patient. The analysis is also informative for various viral diseases. Various harmful microorganisms can be present in the blood in a living form or cystic form.

The spermogram is taken from a man without fail. This analysis confirms the presence of a large number of live and healthy spermatozoa. If the patient's level is reduced, it is necessary to notify him.

A week before the sterilization, the patient is prohibited from having sexual intercourse. This is necessary to preserve the secretion of seminal fluid in its pure form. With an active sexual life in a patient, spermatozoa are present in small amounts in secret. Therefore, a week before sterilization requires sexual rest.

The intake of alcohol and nicotine should be discontinued 3-5 days before surgery. These substances have a pathological effect on the state of the genitourinary and cardiovascular system. If the patient does not comply with this rule, the operation is postponed. Especially when working with alcohol is dangerous. Molecules of alcohol have a strong thinning effect on blood. During the operation, such patients experience significant blood loss.

Procedure of

Operative intervention The essence of the operation is to stop sperm entering the vas deferens. To do this, you need to close them. Overlapping is carried out in two ways:

  1. Excision of a part of the duct;
  2. Flow through the duct with special mechanisms.

Excision of part of the duct is performed more often than clamping. The removed part is squeezed from both sides by surgical forceps. The selected zone is removed with scissors. The ends obtained are either tied together or clamped together. The main adverse reaction is the restoration of the vas deferens. This occurs in 3-5% of operated men.

Clamping of the duct is performed by means of medical clips. They are made of anti-allergenic metal. The clip is installed in the middle of the duct and remains in the patient's body for life. It does not lend itself to oxidation and various chemical reactions. In rare cases, a man has an intolerance to this metal. This problem is solved by excision of part of the duct.

The operation is carried out in a special department. A man is not injected into anesthesia. The operating field is treated with an antiseptic solution and is cured with an anesthetic. After the onset of the frost, the surgeon makes a small incision. Since the duct has a small diameter, the incision does not exceed 2 cm. Then, excision or compression is performed and the wound is sutured. For this purpose, a special absorbable thread is used. The seam is superimposed cosmetic. After the filament dissolves, a small scar remains, which eventually disappears.

Recovery after operation

Although the procedure is quick and does not cause any particular inconvenience, it is necessary to carry out restorative measures. After the operation, the patient leaves the operating room himself. He remains on an outpatient treatment for 2-3 days after sterilization. When discharging the patient for home recovery, the following rules should be observed:

  • Avoid getting water on the wound;
  • Sexual rest;
  • Antiseptic treatment;
  • Alcohol withdrawal;
  • Physical rest.

In the first days after the operation, it is necessary to avoid getting water on the wound. Disinfection of the wound surface is carried out with special solutions. Stitches should be washed with aqueous chlorhexidine or a solution of furacilin. Body washing is allowed after the redness disappears completely on the operated site.

The main condition should be sexual rest. It is necessary to prevent unwanted pregnancies. In seminal fluid, spermatozoa can persist for up to 10 days. In order not to have undesirable consequences, it is recommended to reject sexual intercourse.

Recovery period The first 7 days are not recommended physical activity. Strong muscle tension can cause seam divergence. In this case, additional surgical intervention is required. Also, the activity should be reduced to fix the medical clip. After the operation with the depression of the vas deferens, the man recovers faster and begins to lead a normal life. But the clip needs to gain a foothold in the place of production. This occurs within the first month after sterilization.

Alcoholic beverages affect blood coagulability. If a man was sterilized by excision, bleeding may occur. In this case, medical assistance is needed.

Adverse Events after


The development of complications after surgery is rare, but they should be considered. There may appear such phenomena as:

  • Genital swelling;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Viral infection;
  • Appearance of subcutaneous bruising;
  • Reducing sexual desire;
  • Painful sensations.

Genital swelling may appear due to fluid accumulation in the scrotum. This is due to the accumulation of large amounts of blood serum. This complication is manifested in 1% of operated patients. Pathology is eliminated by a puncture of the scrotum. Additional therapy with antibiotic medicines is prescribed.

Body temperature increases with a strong inflammatory process in the body. If this complication occurs, you should immediately visit a specialist and take additional tests.

Viral infection rarely occurs. It may occur if the seam is not properly maintained. On the untreated tract, an accumulation of exudate appears. It is a favorable environment for the propagation of pathogenic microorganisms. Microbes settle in the wound surface and cause necrosis of tissue cells. In this case, the seam can disperse. There is a poor fusion of tissues. It is revealed on the 10-14 day after sterilization. Treatment is carried out with antibacterial drugs.

The appearance of subcutaneous bruising arises from the accumulation of dead blood cells. Blood accumulates because of strong dilution or poor coagulation. Hematoma should be shown to a specialist. The doctor will prescribe special ointments, which contribute to rapid resorption of the bruise.

Reduction of sexual desire can occur due to severe pain syndrome and unpleasant sensations in the scrotal area. This phenomenon disappears after complete healing of the operated tissues. If sexual activity does not increase, you need to contact a specialist. He will identify the cause of the decline in libido.

Sterilization is not a mandatory procedure. The man independently makes a choice of contraception. In the presence of various side effects from the proposed protective equipment, male sterilization is a way out of the situation.

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