
Pain in the pelvis in men

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  • What causes the disease
  • Types of pathology
  • Diagnosis of the disease
  • Treatment of the non-bacterial process
  • Medication type of treatment

Abacterial prostatitis occurs quite often. The symptomatology of the disease does not allow us to detect pathology in the early stages. Men who suffer from this disease do not experience discomfort at the first stage of the disease. The main sign of the pathology is the pain syndrome in the lumbar region, which occurs for unclear reasons. If the patient drew attention to prolonged pain in the pelvis, then he must immediately consult a doctor.

On reception at the urologist

What causes the disease

Prostatitis has four varieties. All of them are divided into a chronic and acute form. In most cases, the cause of the development of pathology is a harmful microorganism, which parasitizes in the soft tissues of the prostate gland.

Damaged tissues begin to become actively inflamed. The inflammatory process of the prostate is called prostatitis. But in a separate group of patients, the microorganism is not sown when collecting the analyzes. In such cases, the patient is given an abacterial prostatitis.

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The syndrome can be identified by prolonged pain in various organs of a man. Pain syndrome is usually localized in three parts of the body:

  • Lumbar region;
  • Genitourinary system;
  • Anal zone.

A man suffering from prolonged pain starts to drink analgesics and, thus, starts the development of the second and third stages of the disease. If you do not turn to a specialist on time, then the disease can degenerate into an oncological form. In this case, the treatment will not save.

Disturbing symptoms Pain sensations can occur in men with urination or bowel movements. Shooting pain in the lumbar region and the inner side of the hips occur much more often than other types of syndrome. On symptomatology, such a pain syndrome is often confused with osteochondrosis, and this is a major mistake. If there is pain in the lower back, genitals and bladder, it is necessary to visit the hospital in time.

Types of pathology

Physicians identified two main forms of prostatitis. Abacterial prostatitis can occur in two types:

  1. Inflammatory;
  2. Non-inflammatory.

When taking samples for the first type, there is an increased rate of erythrocyte sedimentation, a large number of leukocytes in the blood and urine. Some men can identify dead microorganisms.

Non-inflammatory prostatitis is very difficult to diagnose, because no pathological changes are detected in the analyzes. The patient complains of severe pain in the pelvis and during sexual intercourse. Changes in the prostate gland can be detected only with ultrasound diagnosis.

The non-bacterial form of the disease occurs in three main stages:

  • Original;
  • Nadorgannaya;
  • Polysystem.

The original stage proceeds without a vivid clinical picture. Pain syndrome occurs in the nerve roots that feed the walls of the prostate gland. Pain occurs during the night and disturbs the patient's sleep. The patient becomes irritable and inattentive.

Pain during bowel movements Nadorgannaya form is typical for men who have irradiating pain in the area of ​​the sacrum and the lower abdominal cavity. Pinched nerve endings poorly feed the reproductive system. At this stage, the patient has problems in the genital area. Pain can occur with ejaculation or in the groin area.

Polysystemic disease is characterized by impairment of the nerve impulse in the entire genitourinary sphere. The patient has pain with urination, in the back and groin area. The act of defecation is accompanied by shooting pains in the area of ​​the intestine. With the running of the third stage, a man has a decrease in libido or impotence.

What affects the appearance of pain

The main cause of abacterial prostatitis is the violation of nerve impulses in the roots of the soft tissues of the pelvic organs. The disease can occur in the following cases:

  • Inflammatory process of cartilage tissue of pelvic joints;
  • Pincering the nerve fibers of the small pelvis;
  • Increased perception of pain syndrome.

In patients suffering or having recovered from arthritis, chondrosis and other articular diseases, the inflammatory process passes to nerve fibers. Nerve endings cease to function normally and severe pelvic pain occurs.

On the background of urogenital infections, the patient can develop non-bacterial prostatitis. Various cystitis, nephritis and fungal lesions of the urinary system lead to the omission of the pelvic organs. The tissues of nerve endings are squashed by improperly positioned organs. Inflammation occurs on the site of pinching. Long-term transmission of nerve fibers can affect the appearance of concomitant diseases of the lower extremities.

Severe pain The increased perception of pain in a man occurs against a background of nervous overstrain. The sensation of pain is transmitted through the nerve endings to the brain. A prolonged impulse action disrupts the signal, and the patient begins to feel pain at all times. This type of pathology does not remove the use of analgesic drugs. Strong analgesics give a weak relief effect, after a while the pain returns.

Diagnosis of the disease

Patients are referred to a specialist most often in the third stage of the disease. The patient complains of depression, sleep and sexual dysfunction, prolonged pain of unclear etiology and difficulty urinating.

Non-bacterial prostatitis requires simultaneous treatment with several specialists. For medical control, a urologist, a neuropathologist, an immunologist and a surgeon are needed.

After the anamnesis is collected, the man is referred for analysis. To establish a clinical picture, you must pass a detailed blood test, a bacterial smear from the urethra, urine and feces. In the patient's blood, a high content of leukocytes may be observed. Their number indicates the presence of inflammation in the patient. Bacterial analysis is done on the hidden and open forms of microorganisms or infections. Laboratory sowing can reveal chlamydia, mycoplasma and other harmful microorganisms. If the microbes are not detected, the patient is referred for a hardware test.

Ultrasound diagnosis helps to see pathological changes in the genitourinary system. With the abacterial prostatitis, the prostate gland may not be enlarged, but changes on its walls are clearly visible. Then the man is sent to the magnetic resonance tomogram. The three-dimensional image shows the transmitted nerve endings and the reasons for their pinching. After a hardware examination, the patient is prescribed a full course of treatment.

Treatment of the non-bacterial process

Abacterial prostatitis must be treated in a complex manner. A man suffering from prostatitis is prescribed such types of therapy as:

  • Medication Hardware treatment;
  • Medication effects;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Radiation and microwave action;
  • Surgical procedures.

Treatment is selected simultaneously by several specialists and conducted jointly.

Hardware treatment is prescribed for patients whose impulse transmission is impaired by the post-inflammatory process in the joint area. The hardware effect improves the trophism of soft tissues, relieves tension from the muscles, improves blood circulation. Complete recovery of transmission of nerve impulses occurs on the 7-10th day of therapy.

Radiation and microwave therapy is aimed at point action on the transmitted area of ​​the fiber. Changes occur under the influence of thermal radiation in the area of ​​pinching. The walls of the vessels are smoothed, the blood begins to move faster. The blood flow is normalized, and the pain goes away.

To eliminate this type of prostatitis, urethral resection of the prostate is used. Surgeons insert a special apparatus-rector into the urethral opening. The rector penetrates into the prostate tissue and removes damaged tissues under the influence of high temperature. The reporter helps avoid incisions and a long postoperative period. Three hours after surgery, the patient can leave the clinic on his own. On the second day of rehabilitation, the man regains urine outflow and pain decreases. A week later, the patient's recovery is restored, and pain symptoms are completely absent.

Drug treatment type

For the treatment of abacterial prostatitis use a huge number of drugs. Patients are prescribed drugs of the following pharmacological groups:

  • Muscle relaxants;
  • Analgesics;
  • Antibiotic substances;
  • Neuroleptics;
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Nootropics.

Mydocalm Tablets Muscle relaxants are needed to relax the muscle tissue of the pelvic organs and to remove pinching. A popular muscle relaxant is "midolcum".You can take it in tablets or intramuscularly. In both cases, the drug quickly eliminates muscle tone.

Neuroleptics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed together. The patient needs to restore the state of the nervous system, and improve the nutrition of the fibers. Regardless of the causes of the appearance of prostatitis, a good therapeutic effect is indicated by preparations containing meloxicam. This group of drugs refers to NSAIDs. Meloksikam relieves inflammation from various organs and tissues. It cures pathologies of tendons and soft tissues. Meloksikam can be purchased in the form of tablets or injections. Ampoule administration relieves pain syndrome and reduces inflammation on the third day of therapeutic treatment. With prostatitis meloxicam removes inflammation from the nerve endings and the prostate gland.

Nootropic drugs are used to restore the vascular supply of the small pelvis. Nootropics include a large selection of medicines. Doctors are popular "actovegin" and "nootropil".Preparations are prescribed in the form of tablets for a long course of treatment. Actovegin has two main properties. It restores the walls of the vessels and strengthens the trophic of the prostate gland. The effect occurs on the second week of taking the drug.

To relieve pain, the patient is prescribed analgesic drugs. The medicinal substance is selected according to the strength of pain and its localization. Good relief of the lower abdominal pain "Pentalgin", "Revalgin", "Baralgin".Analgesics are not allowed for more than 5 days, as further treatment can cause side effects. If the patient self-drank analgesic drugs, then the picture of the disease is unclear. It is difficult to identify the causes, and to establish a diagnosis.

Antibiotic substances are selected in the laboratory. For this, it is necessary to cultivate microorganisms from the planting of the patient. After determining the bacteria, a sensitivity test is performed. The antibiotic should have at least 70% efficiency against the microbe. For the treatment of prostatitis, antibiotics are used from groups of macrolides, cephalosparin and fluoroquinolones. To treat prostatitis in modern medicine, levofloxacin is used. The course of treatment is one week, the drug is effective against a wide range of bacteria.

Non-bacterial prostatitis is well treated with prostate massage. A pinpoint effect on the prostate gland enhances the blood flow and normalizes its nutrition. A full course of massage is prescribed after other kinds of therapies, since the effect can be carried out only after the acute condition is removed.

Some medical centers use acupuncture treatment. The distribution of medical needles in certain areas of the body has a positive effect on the entire body. Acupuncture well relieves pain, reduces the recurrence of its appearance, helps strengthen the supply of soft tissues of the prostate gland.

If a person has a long pain of unclear etiology, immediate medical attention is required. It is impossible to identify and treat abacterial prostatitis independently.
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