
Smoking and diabetes

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Diabetes is a very dangerous disease that requires special treatment. What is it? The main symptoms are due to the fact that the blood shows a lot of sugar, insulin deficiency, as well as a complete metabolic disorder.

There is a diabetes of the first and second type. We can say that the treatment is possible and in later stages, but very much depends on the person. Speaking about the causes of this disease, it is necessary to say about such factors as heredity, obesity. Various kinds of physical and mental trauma can also cause exacerbation. There are a lot of factors and it is necessary to take everything into account in order to avoid this in the future.


However, not all people can follow the usual treatment, especially for those who have bad habits, for example, smoking. Diabetes and smoking - this is one of the most controversial issues that worries many smokers. In this article, we will try to carefully consider all the features of smoking in diabetes.

Risk of smoking with diabetes

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Smoking is certainly a bad habit that can significantly worsen the health of any person. It is clear that smoking with diabetes is undesirable. It does not matter what type it is. Although it is worth noting that if the first type of insulin stops its production, then the second type of disease leads to the fact that the body stops feeling insulin. Of course, many smokers understand the insecurity of cigarettes, but not many realize how terrible problems a patient has with this ailment is smoking.

What is the threat? First of all, those who are fond of tobacco smoking, significantly increase the risk of getting a more severe stage of the disease. Doctors have determined that smoking leads to various cardiovascular diseases. That is, very a high probability of a heart attack in a diabetic patient .

Statistics show high mortality among lovers often smoke. Especially it concerns diabetics who continued to use tobacco even after they found out their diagnosis. Recently, the mass media provided very interesting statistics, in which it was published that risk of dying, not to live to old age, of a smoking diabetic is 43% higher than that of a sick person without the bad habits of .

What is the second type of diabetes?

The most common disease in all diabetics, occurring in 95% of cases - type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately, this type of disease is more common than the first.

Symptoms of this terrible disease are as follows:

  • almost everyone has obesity;
  • constant thirst and dry mouth;
  • permanent itching on the skin;
  • polyuria.

Diabetes of the second type

With this type, many different complications are possible.

Diabetic arthropia and ophthalmopathy should be considered the most common. In the first case, problems will be associated with pain in the joints, but all due to the fact that they reduce the amount of synovial fluid. And in the second case there is an early development of a cataract, that leads to deterioration of vision.

Dangers of smoking with the second type of diabetes

These types of illness are most serious for any smoking person. What's the matter? And the fact is that smokers have very high blood pressure. A set of disease factors can be combined in such a way that this will lead to an extensive stroke. But this is not all trouble. During diabetes, there is a decrease in blood flow in the legs, and this can subsequently lead to gangrene and amputation.

A special threat in patients with smokers becomes gangrene stop, which appears in 90% of cases. By the way, the disease can also end in amputation. This is not to mention such troubles as impotence, deteriorating eyesight and much more. Although this is not the most terrible disease, but it is quite possible to have a heart attack, as well as neuropathy.

What other dangers are there? Here you can recall the damaged kidneys or problems associated with the disease in the oral cavity. Damaged gums - this is not the worst, but the loss of teeth will be a real problem.

Still in amateurs very often there can be various kinds of colds, and also sharp fluctuations of glucose level .Of course, not all the diseases are mentioned here, but this is enough to understand how serious everything is. And then do not underestimate the harm from various addictions. It is better to try to get rid of them as soon as possible and not listen to all kinds of fairy tales from charlatans who claim about the harmlessness of tobacco.

Myths about the "harmlessness" of smoking for diabetics

Smoking and diabetes are incompatible things, but unfortunately there are people who claim that smoking with such a disease is quite possible, but you can not quickly throw off bad habits. Allegedly this can only worsen the situation. Advocates of such a strange theory?

They refer to some American studies, which say that people who are caught smoking, are more likely to pick up a more serious form of the disease. In terms of numbers, the chances of obtaining a second degree are 30%. However, this research is not yet clear. Especially when you consider how his authors call for not yet trusting the results.

Now there is a more truthful version that one of the most important reasons for the development of diabetes is a set of excess weight. Like the side effect of the fact that a person throws off his bad habits. As far as this is true - now it is difficult to say, but studies on this topic are actively conducted. But it should be noted that overweight is not such a terrible problem, especially when compared with various complications from smoking.

If we talk about official medicine, then specialists have long put an end to the issue of smoking and diabetes. All the adequate doctors unanimously declare the terrible harm that smoking causes to the diseased organism. You can not smoke and you need to be clearly aware of this! It does not matter what type of diabetes! The main thing is that hobby for this addiction can lead to death.

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