
What to do if the fingers and toes are crooked: contracture treatment

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contracture of fingers One of the most ancient diseases in the world of joint disease. To date, there are a large number of their varieties.

In addition, many of these ailments are accompanied by contracture.

Contracture - is a limitation of joint mobility, due to changes in the surrounding tissues of .

Such changes can be caused by various injuries and diseases of the joints.

For example, if you have a bad knee bend or a heavy hand, there is contracture or so-called stiffness.

Pathology is divided into two types: congenital and acquired:

  • to congenital include such pathologies as clubfoot, neck curvature, etc.;
  • and acquired stiffness arises against the background of injuries, inflammation, dystrophic changes.

In addition, this pathology is active( limited active movement) and passive( limited passive actions).

The contracture can affect both the affected joint and the adjacent one. Accordingly, the primary and secondary forms are distinguished from it. Regardless of the forms of the disease, competent and effective treatment is needed.

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Contents of the article

  • Features of the finger pathology
    • Features of the finger pathology
    • Provoking causes - a lot
    • Classification of the disease
    • Symptoms and Diagnosis
    • Treatment for poor mobility of the fingers
    • Complications that are threatened with
    • disease For the prevention of

Features of the finger pathology

Limb contracture is a common disease affecting both the fingers, and the toes.

For the most part the hands, the ring finger and the little finger suffer, if the lesion is much deeper, the disease can affect all the fingers. The disease is more often affected by men, women are less likely to be affected. contracture of toes

According to many experts, the disease refers to slowly progressing. This current gradually shortens the tendon, inflames the ligament, this affects the fingers, they begin to bend badly, there is no possibility to completely straighten them, the function is limited.

In some cases, contracture can proceed rapidly, the only correct solution in this situation is surgical intervention.

Provoking reasons - a lot of

The causes of contracture brushes are very diverse.

The most common are various age ailments, inflammatory joint diseases.

Also to the main cause of finger stiffness can be attributed to hand fractures and injuries.

Many scientists believe that the hereditary inferiority of connective tissue contributes to the development of pathology.

In the risk zone, people who are engaged in heavy physical labor, people with diabetes, neuroses, liver disease, osteochondrosis. In addition, the cause of the ailment can become bad habits, improper metabolism, weakened immunity.

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Classification of the disease

The contraction of the toes is mostly formed due to arthrosis of the interphalangeal joints of the fingers, and also can occur against the background of flat feet or some deformation of the foot.

Since time, a subluxation of phalanges of the fingers has developed, calluses appear on the surface of the skin, mobility has significantly worsened, pain appears on the attack.

Often, the pathology affects the big toe, stiffness appears in the first metatarsal-phalanx joint, usually this is a consequence of deforming arthrosis. In addition, various injuries, fractures and burns can cause deformation of the toes and their immobility.

Stiffness of the fingers is called Dupuytren's contracture, this is one of the most serious types of the disease.

contracture of fingers Often, the ailment affects both brushes, but more often one suffers - the right one. Often the disease develops around the ring finger and little finger.

The disease occurs unnoticeably, at the very beginning there is a small knot in the folds of the palm, which can be taken as corn. Since time the knot increases, many others appear, it becomes difficult to bend fingers.

At a more severe stage of the disease, the wrist is deformed and the movement of the fingers is almost impossible.

If the timely treatment of the contracture of the fingers is not timely, the disease can lead to complete disability.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

In most cases, the symptoms of the disease at the initial stage of almost no manifestation, only very rarely the disease can have an acute onset.

At the first signs there is a slight discomfort when flexing and extending the fingers, if it touches fingers, dense knots appear on the palms, which are characterized by considerable soreness.

With the development of the disease, they can move to the fingers, and completely restrict their movement. Also often at the first stage of the development of stiffness, patients complain of fatigue of the hands and feet, a feeling of cold and numbness in the fingers, the skin becomes dense.

Often there is swelling, especially in the morning. At the last stages of the fingers completely stop moving, with respect to the toes, there is a strong pain in the attack, sometimes the patient can not move independently.

Diagnosis of finger contracture is primarily based on the patient's testimony.

The specialist should listen attentively to the patient's complaints and by means of palpation examine all the affected areas, assess the mobility of the joints and the amplitude of their movement.

If necessary, the doctor may order X-rays for additional examination and accurate diagnosis.

Treatment for poor mobility of fingers

The most important condition for the treatment of finger contracture is the timely diagnosis. operative intervention

When a disease is detected, there are two main methods of treatment - conservative therapy and surgical intervention. Conservative therapy in many will depend on the degree of damage to the fingers, the course of the disease and the cause of its occurrence.

The main methods of this therapy are:

  1. Various physical exercises , which help relax the muscles, stretch the tendons, and increase the mobility of the fingers.
  2. In addition, physiotherapy is widely used as therapeutic massage, shock wave therapy and electrophoresis. They improve the metabolic process in the tissues, eliminate puffiness, contribute to their recovery.
  3. For more resistant contractures recommend injections of pyrogenal, paraffin-ozocerite applications .
In cases when there is an increased resistance of tissues, appoint plaster bandages or tires, correcting the diseased limb. Sometimes they use special trays, by means of which muscles and fascia relax, inflammatory process is removed.

When conservative therapy is impotent, the only correct method to help a patient is surgery.

After the operation, rehabilitation methods are also needed, which are aimed at eliminating inflammation, accelerating the healing of tissue and restoring the function of the joints.

Complications of

Disease With a long course of illness and no treatment, the ailment begins to progress, serious complications develop. The joints completely stop moving, there is an irreversible decrease in the sensitivity of the fingers.

In this case, an operation is necessary, which consists in the complete removal of the affected aponeurosis.

For the prevention of

Appearance of contracture is not predictable enough, but nevertheless, the main preventive methods include:

  1. Refusal from bad habits of , such as alcohol and tobacco. hand development
  2. The correct distribution of physical activity .If the fingers or toes are very tired, you need to make a relaxing bath or massage.
  3. Avoiding hypothermia of hands and feet .
  4. Eating healthy food .To give preference to fruits and vegetables, to exclude spicy, salty, smoked, etc.

Because the contracture of the fingers is a serious illness and requires immediate treatment, if you feel any changes in the joints of the fingers or toes, you should immediately consult a doctor.

He can timely diagnose and, if necessary, prescribe the right treatment. Be healthy!

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