Thyroid Disease


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Scientists have proven that any disease develops gradually, with time complicated by a mass of unpleasant symptoms. Often at an early stage of its formation, the ailment does not cause much trouble and trouble. The difficulty is only to be able to recognize it. It can be neutralized and, if you like, reversed the destructive process.

Timely diagnosis sometimes gives more than the most stressful, debilitating treatment, which, moreover, negatively affects the entire body, often having a harmful effect on it. The effect of stress on a person, too, has not been canceled. All internal organs and systems suffer, and the result is often very deplorable.


Hypoparathyroidism is a disease in need of attention and in being detected on time. Many of us are not used to taking responsibility for our own health on our shoulders. Therefore, then you have to suffer twice. Man so often shifts his guilt to another, that he does not want to take any decisive steps. It is for this reason that many people prefer to turn a blind eye to what is happening, not to notice what is really happening to them.

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Hypoparathyroidism is a disease characterized by a decrease in the body's content of parathyroid hormone. For a sick person, for any reason, the parathyroid gland is broken. This leads to a decrease in the absorption of calcium in the intestine.

Kidneys also suffer and do not cope with their work at all. Symptoms of hypoparathyroidism people are able to see for themselves.

A person should begin to be more attentive to themselves, to see some changes. Only this way it is possible to notice signs of obvious violations in time and have time to take appropriate measures before the disease begins to progress. What are the main signs of this disease and how should it be properly treated?

Symptoms of

Symptoms of hypoparathyroidism should alert the patient and make him decide on the need for treatment. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the more unpleasant consequences can be avoided in the future. All of the following signs of hypoparathyroidism will not necessarily be observed in every person who has become ill. They are more often found selectively.

  • Convulsive syndrome

Convulsive syndrome is characterized by trembling of limbs and the appearance of seizures. Such manifestations can be observed in any part of the body, in any organ or in an entire organ system. Sometimes it happens, for example, urinary incontinence only because the bladder has at some point stopped coping with its function.


Sometimes the patient has trembling limbs for no apparent reason. It's just that at some point a person discovers that he is seized by a spasm and actually can not do anything about it. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon that can not be left without due attention. Then you will involuntarily begin to act and take some steps to be able to help yourself and get rid of the manifestations of tremors and convulsions.

Most people are afraid of the unknown and want to stay healthy by all means. It does not matter what the disease itself was caused by.

  • Sensitivity change

Here we are talking about a violation of human perception of the surrounding reality. Vegetative functions also undergo significant changes. The main symptoms are unexpected throws of heat and cold, dizziness, disturbances in the sense of balance( vestibular apparatus), irregularities in the heart.

Sometimes it happens that suddenly there is noise in the ears and a person faints without having had time to ask for help. All these manifestations can not be left without attention, hoping that everything will pass by itself.

Otherwise, the consequences can be very serious and even irreparable. The change in sensitivity should alert every sensible person, make him begin to listen to his own body.

  • CNS lesion

Symptomatic is quite pronounced, not to notice which is very difficult. CNS lesion is observed in almost all patients who have been diagnosed with hypoparathyroidism. This simply can not be avoided, since there is a certain pattern between the state of the soul and the work of the vegetative system.


Patients with insomnia do not pass for a long time. In addition, they are often tormented by nightmares, so sleep does not bring the desired satisfaction. Sleep in this case can not be called healthy and strong, the body does not rest, does not recover completely.

The person during a dream as though tries to solve any global problems which are not subject to its competence. A person with hypoparathyroidism often has signs of depression. A strong emotional disorder completely deprives the ability to enjoy life, to build far-reaching plans. Antidepressants give only temporary relief, in no way helping to build positive long-term prospects. It turns out that a person remains alone with his own oppressive thoughts and gradually destroys himself.

  • Skin discoloration

As a rule, in patients with hypoparathyroidism, a discoloration of the skin is observed. Suddenly, the skin acquires a characteristic brownish hue, which soon becomes noticeable not only to the owner, but to surrounding people.

Often people who have this symptom, start to hesitate to show up in society, meet friends and acquaintances. This, of course, is a false shame, however, a person can be understood. Each ailment imposes certain complexes on the personality. Someone is embarrassed to openly express their feelings, others are afraid to show physical disabilities.

Skin discoloration is clearly visible to others, so people are mostly shy about having a disease. Do not want to show off your unhealthy appearance to colleagues at work. And if close relatives understand everything without further explanation, then the need to "justify themselves" before colleagues can emotionally greatly strain.


With hypoparathyroidism, a person can not control the color of his face and how he will look in the eyes of society. Social contacts can cause such a person a lot of significant inconvenience.

  • Dryness and peeling

When hypoparathyroidism is observed extreme dryness and peeling of the skin. This is one of the main signs of the existing disease. The skin becomes dry and the person begins to experience a painful itch. Peeling skin of the face, neck, hands and feet.

A person suffers from itching, a general discomfort caused by such unpleasant symptoms. Hypoparathyroidism is a disease that can not be triggered. If the patient for a long time does not pay proper attention to his physical condition, then it begins to deteriorate rapidly. That is why it is so important at the initial stages to be able to identify the existing ailment and begin to treat it on time.

  • Fingerness of nails

Another sign of developing hypoparathyroidism is the fragility of the nails. I must say that only one symptom to note the presence of the disease is impossible. Fragility of nails is found in other ailments, characterizes the lack of vitamins in the human body.

Hypoparathyroidism needs timely and correct treatment. One of its characteristic manifestations is just an unhealthy kind of nails. In most cases, a rare person can really pay attention to this issue and worry. Is it only one that attaches great importance to the aesthetic component of life and its own appearance.

But, unfortunately, this observation is not observed in all patients. Most often, women devote more time to their own appearance than men. The beauty of nails for the beautiful half of humanity is extremely important. It is the girls who are able to independently track the moment when the nails begin to break and flake.

Men give less importance to the changes taking place, if they do not only affect them very much and do not interfere with living a full life.

  • Hair loss

Hair loss is a very unpleasant symptom. He worries for the most part women, because the beautiful half of humanity is more worried about the state of their appearance than men. A representative of the stronger sex often does not concentrate on the changes taking place within her body. It seems to him little things about the need to watch for yourself.

Hair loss is a symptom that really should alert any person, regardless of sex and health status. Since hair loss just does not happen that way, it is a warning sign, necessarily indicating some existing trouble inside the body.


If you do nothing and do not react in any way to such a dysfunctional symptom, then, in the long run, you can completely blur and become outwardly unattractive to others. Most people are incredibly frightened by this prospect.

With hypoparathyroidism, hair loss can be observed both to a large extent, and to be expressed in a very small manifestation, when it is still imperceptible to others.

  • Tooth decay

In cases of hypoparathyroidism, tooth decay occurs to a large extent. For an unknown reason a person has to constantly heal new caries, remove plaque. Teeth may begin to crumble, because there is a severe shortage of calcium. However, people often do not hurry to pay attention to this sign.

The lack of calcium contributes to the fact that dental treatment becomes tedious, endless, and unattractive. Enamel often cracked, erased to the lamentable state, when it is simply impossible to fix anything. Many people just do not go to dental clinics for years, not daring to dig deeper, to find out the true cause of their condition. They seem to unconsciously walk away from accepting their own responsibility, not wanting to recognize the obvious. Therefore, if you notice that your teeth have started to deteriorate for some reason, it is worth seriously tackling your health.


Teeth decay, of course, can be a consequence of other diseases, but it is very likely with hypoparathyroidism. In particularly neglected cases, teeth become extremely painful and brittle. Ultimately, a person is forced to replace them with implants. Of course, it is always better to prevent an ailment than to try to treat it later. Dentures are not the same as their living teeth.

Treatment of

Treatment of hypoparathyroidism requires maximum responsibility from the person. We must understand that there can not be quick results here. Doctors in most cases recommend to begin as soon as possible to prick the patient gluconate of calcium. This drug is administered intravenously and is considered one of the most effective.

In addition, the patient simply needs to follow a certain diet, albeit not quite strict. Some foods should be limited from their diet, for example, meat. It should be more to consume fresh vegetables and fruits, eat sour-milk products. Useful chicken and quail eggs, they have a lot of vitamins. The fish is rich in phosphorus, so you should not forget about it. The main treatment should be aimed at replenishing those substances that the body lacks. You should try to harmonize your internal state: watch more positive films, read interesting books, do what you bring joy.

Therefore, the symptoms of hypoparathyroidism need to be known in order to be able to diagnose the disease in time. Paying attention to sudden changes in his own body, a person must begin to act immediately. On how quickly it will be possible to diagnose, the subsequent treatment will be effective.

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