
What is dangerous about vesicles and ways to treat it?

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Contents of
  • What symptoms indicate the development of vesiculitis
  • Provoking factors and causes of the disease
  • How to treat vesiculitis
  • Possible complications
  • Prevention of pathology

There are many diseases affecting the male sexual system. Such pathologies include vesiculitis, known as spermatocystitis. This disease differs inflammatory character, affects the seminal vesicles, located on both sides of the prostate gland. The testes serve as a storage site for the secretion produced by the prostate. They perform an important function, participating in the process of sperm formation.

Headache with vesicles

Primary forms of vesiculitis are almost not found, since the deep location of the seminal vesicles protects them from the infiltration of infectious agents. Much more often the disease develops due to other pelvic pathologies of an inflammatory nature like prostatitis, epididymitis, orchitis, or urethritis. Sometimes it can cause banal hypothermia or sexual abstinence to cause inflammation of the testes.

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What symptoms say about the development of vesiculitis

Often the disease develops secretly, which significantly worsens the patient's condition, leading to irreversible pathological changes. If the disease has developed against a background of chronic inflammation of the prostate, then the diagnosis is significantly complicated, because it is difficult for specialists to identify the symptoms that indicate the transition of the inflammatory process to seminal vesicles. This is due to the proximity of this paired organ from the prostate gland. Vesiculitis can occur in a chronic or acute form.

Symptoms of acute vesiculitis

Acute inflammation is characterized by a sudden onset. Then the patient is troubled by symptoms like:

  • Chills, fever and general deterioration of health;
  • Headaches and fatigue;
  • Severe soreness in the groin, gradually shifting to the anus, sacrum and lower abdomen;
  • Become a frequent phenomenon of painful erections during night sleep;
  • There is a significant increase in the pain syndrome during defecation and urination, which, in turn, becomes more frequent.

This symptomatic complex speaks of acute inflammation of the seminal vesicles. In the process of urination, men feel a noticeable tingling in the urethra. When defecating from the urethra, a small amount of bloody mucus may be released.

Important! If you do not take timely therapeutic measures, then acute vesiculitis quickly regenerates into a chronic form, which adversely affects the underlying disease that provoked the inflammatory process in the testes.

During sexual intercourse, a man suffers from a severe pain syndrome, forcing him to completely abandon the continuation of the sexual process. Over time, the patient begins to move less, because physical activity also causes soreness. With the development of pathology, constipation often starts to disturb, there is a constant weakness in the entire body. Acute vesiculitis is often confused with a relapse of chronic prostatitis.

Symptoms of chronic inflammation of the testes

Chronic inflammations in seminal vesicles proceed somewhat differently:

  • Patients are troubled by pain in the groin, sacrum, anus, perineum with unstable character and varying intensity;
  • Erection brings discomfort and soreness, ejaculation occurs too quickly and is accompanied by a noticeable pain;
  • In the seminal fluid there are bloody spots, the number of active spermatozoa decreases, down to male infertility;
  • Orgasm is not so bright and pleasant, associated with pain, which makes the quality of the sexual life of the patient come to naught.

In some patients orgasmic sensations disappear altogether, which leads to serious disturbances in the erectile function and psycho-emotional state of the man as a whole, provoking the strongest depression.

General clinical picture of

To detect vesiculitis in a timely manner, when attentive to your condition, it is not difficult. On the development of the disease speak such alarming signals as a pain syndrome, which is born somewhere in the groin, pubic and perineal region, irradiating to the sacrum and waist. If such a symptom worries when urinating and defecating, then it is worth immediately contacting the urologist. Sometimes during the emptying of the intestine, mucus and bloody substance can be released.


This symptom is due to the close proximity of the testes to the rectum. The filled rectum presses on the seminal vesicles, causing soreness and highlighting of the secret stored in them. A similar mechanism affects the testes of a filled bladder, only the pressure is already coming from the opposite side. After the end of defecation or urination, the pain syndrome passes by itself.

As a separate form, urologists distinguish vesiculitis, accompanied by suppuration of the testes, which develops due to untimely therapy of an acute disease, or is provoked by intestinal fistulas. In such a situation, the patient suddenly rises to a temperature of up to 40 ° C.Treatment of such suppuration is based on surgical intervention.

Provoking factors and causes of the disease

There are quite a few causes that contribute to the development of pathology. Infectious agents penetrate seminal vesicles from the urethra or kidneys, bladder and prostate, through the blood. Therefore, the cause of vesiculitis may be pathological conditions like inflammation of the urethra or prostate gland, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis or cystitis. Hematogenous infection can occur due to sore throat, pneumonia, osteomyelitis, etc.

In addition to infectious factors, triggering the development of spermatocystitis can be hypothermia, decreased immune defense, trauma to low-tidal organs, sedentary work or hypodynamic behavior of life. To provoke a pathology is capable of long absence of sexual contacts or their redundancy. In other words, excessive sexual activity or its absolute absence can lead to the development of a pathology such as vesiculitis.

According to statistical data, about 20-30% of cases of inflammation of seminal vesicles develop due to inflammatory pathologies of the prostate gland.

The diet is also important. If, as a result of improper diet, a man often has constipation, the risk of vesiculitis develops in him. In a number of cases, the fistula formed with the rectum is the cause of the inflammation of the testes. But still the main culprit in the development of pathology is the prostate gland, with which the testicles communicate with the vas deferens. It is through them in the testicles and penetrates the inflammatory agent.

In general, the causes of inflammation of the testes are divided into two groups: infectious and non-infectious. To the causes of infectious nature include chlamydial, viral, bacterial infectious foci. This includes agents such as Trichomonas, tuberculosis or gonorrhea, as well as pathologies like prostatitis, urethritis, orchitis, or epididymitis. Provoke vesiculitis may have infections that are absolutely not related to genitourinary organs, for example, banal angina or osteomyelitis.

Non-infectious causes include stagnant low-tidal phenomena, such as venous outflow or sperm infection. The latter can be triggered by alcohol abuse, frequent interruption of sexual intercourse, hemorrhoids, irregular sexual activity, abuse of masturbation, hypothermia or hypodynamic way of life.

How to treat vesiculitis

If a vesiculitis is suspected, the urologist performs a rectal examination and prescribes the necessary laboratory tests, a testicle secretion is taken using prostatic massage. Additionally, ultrasound rectal examination and spermogrammaking can be prescribed. The development of the inflammatory process is described by bloody impurities in the sperm, insufficient motor sperm activity.

The treatment process is largely determined in accordance with the stage of development of the inflammatory process and the root cause of its occurrence. The patient in the first days of treatment shows adherence to bed rest, copious drinking regimen, sexual rest. The basis of therapy is usually made by preparations of antibiotic broad-spectrum action such as cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, macrolides or penicillins.

Caution! You can not prescribe yourself drugs from the group of antibiotics, because uncontrolled use of such drugs can lead to their inefficiency in the future in the treatment of other infections.

Antibiotic therapy helps to destroy pathogens, but it can not eliminate the symptoms accompanying vesiculitis. Therefore, for symptomatic treatment, analgesic and antipyretic drugs are used. For this purpose, prescribe analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs like antibiotic treatment Diclofenac or Ibuprofen. To increase the effectiveness of treatment can include the simultaneous administration of tablets and injections, and for rapid anesthesia it is recommended to put rectal suppositories. If embarrassing bowel movement is indicated, the use of laxatives like Senad or Phytolax is indicated. If there is no temperature, the anti-inflammatory therapy is supplemented with microclyster and warmers, which need to be applied to the perineum, the sessile baths are shown.

Chronic vesiculitis is also treated with antibiotic drugs. Additional treatment is physiotherapeutic procedures like prostatic massage, UHF therapy, mud procedures, ultrasound or laser therapy, magnetotherapy. The therapeutic process of chronic vesiculitis takes much longer than the treatment of acute inflammation, and requires vigilant medical supervision.

In case of testicular suppuration, which is easily detected during an ultrasound examination, surgical intervention is indicated. The operation involves opening the testes and draining and then rinsing them with an antiseptic solution. There is also a more gentle method when rinsing of inflamed festering testes is carried out through the urethra. In particularly difficult cases, complete removal of seminal vesicles is performed.

Possible complications of

Vesiculitis can lead to a variety of complications if you neglect the disease and not take the necessary measures to treat it. As a result of belated therapy of pathology, a purulent complication can develop, which can be eliminated only through surgical intervention. But this is not the worst thing that can lead to male carelessness. Much more dangerous is the possible spread of infection from the seminal vesicles into the appendages, and then onto the sex glands.

If vesiculitis in chronic form is started, then atrophy and sclerosis of seminal vesicles can develop. In this situation, it is unfortunately impossible to restore the normal functioning of the testes, unfortunately. Even a complete cure for inflammation can no longer save a man from infertility.

If the infectious and inflammatory process penetrates into the parenchyma of the testicles, then it will be very difficult to cure it. The result of such a spread of infection usually becomes absolute reproductive dysfunction or male infertility.

Prevention of pathology

Compliance with some preventive rules prevents pathology and at times increases the effectiveness of therapy for existing inflammation of the testes. To begin with, it is necessary to exclude factors that cause vesiculitis. These include frequent cases of constipation. If there is a similar factor, then it is necessary to revise the diet, including more dietary fiber, if necessary, take laxatives prescribed by a doctor. Professional activity associated with sedentary work, not enough active way of life - all this contributes to low-titanium stasis, causing the development of inflammatory processes in seminal vesicles. Therefore, an excellent preventive measure are daily walking tours, gymnastics in the mornings, periodic sports activities.

Warning! Do not let the immune defenses weaken, as the body will be quite difficult to resist the onset of various infections, including inflammation of the seminal vesicles.

Absence or too rough sex life too often become the reason of a vesiculitis. Long abstinence causes stagnation in the prostate, which provokes inflammation. And the intense sexual activity gives an excessive burden on seminal vesicles. Therefore, sexual contacts should be moderately regular. It is more responsible to treat the treatment of any infectious pathology, not allowing their neglect. Do not let hypothermia, against which can develop not only vesiculitis, but many other diseases of the genitourinary area.

In connection with the specificity of this disease, it is not necessary to neglect personal intimate hygiene, to wash and take a shower regularly, and to use barrier contraception for casual connections. In addition to the listed preventive measures, it is necessary to consult a doctor if any pathological symptoms occur. A timely examination will help to identify pathology at an early stage, which will simplify the treatment process and relieve many complications. Be healthy!
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