Diagnosis And Treatment

Preparation for the procedure of gastroscopy, gastroendoscopy of the stomach in the morning

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1 Why is it so important to be examined

Most of the problems with the gastrointestinal tract are not associated with food poisoning, as many believe. In fact, the causes are various diseases of the stomach, esophagus, pancreas or intestines. Treatment with all sorts of "grandmother methods" or advertised drugs without knowing a clear diagnosis is not only fraught with exacerbation of an existing disease, but also with all sorts of side effects that can lead to failure in the work of other organs. Of course, all sorts of herbal preparations and pharmacy medicines should be used, but only with the permission of the attending physician.

Do you have gastritis?

GALINA SAVINA: "How easy is it to cure gastritis at home for 1 month. The proven method is to write down a recipe. ..!"Read more & gt; & gt;

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If unpleasant symptoms should not be postponed visit to a medical institution for later, and immediately enroll inreception to the doctor-gastroenterologist. After preliminary examination and interviews with the patient, he can prescribe a comprehensive examination, among which an important place is occupied by gastroscopy of the stomach. It is thanks to this procedure that one can clearly learn about the various pathologies of this important digestive organ.

This test method is indicated with the following symptoms:

  • frequent pain in the epigastric region associated with eating;
  • frequent urge to vomit and bouts of nausea;
  • sour belch;
  • vomit with a trace of blood;
  • frequent heartburn and a feeling of fullness in the stomach after eating.

Gastroscopy is often prescribed and with suspicions of various pathologies. Indication for its conduct may be suspected of acute or chronic atrophic gastritis( abnormalities in the production of gastric juice), peptic ulcer, its exacerbation or complications. This study is also assigned to check the presence( absence) of tumors, polyps, tumors.

Such diagnostics can be prescribed for people who have already undergone various examinations, but without gastroscopy. Such, largely incomplete, studies have not been able to identify pathologies, although subjective signs are still observed. Thanks to this procedure, you can take a scraping from the stomach mucosa. This biological material is subsequently checked for the presence in it of the causative agent of peptic ulcer disease - microbe Helicobacter pylori. The research process often includes a biopsy - this is when a suspicious tissue site is taken for special laboratory tests. It should be added that it is the biopsy that is considered to be the most important method, helping to confirm or disprove a rather serious and unpleasant diagnosis - gastric cancer.

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In addition, gastroscopy helps to identify all kinds of gastric mucosal defects, bleeding, narrowing of the lumen and much more.

2 Psychological mood of the patient

It becomes clear why the gastroscopy is so important, preparation for it should begin with a certain psychological mood of the patient. An experienced physician should convince that modern equipment allows to conduct this study with a minimum level of discomfort. In some cases, based on the general state of human health, he may be prescribed a tranquilizer.

In some cases, if the patient is very nervous, a gastroscopy in a dream can be prescribed. The drug used to immerse a person in sleep lasts about an hour. It is generally safe, and it can be taken with many pathologies. However, after the study, a patient may remain in a somewhat inhibited state throughout the day. That's why such people should refrain during this day from driving vehicles or performing some potentially unsafe work related to the risk to life.

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In case of serious diseases such as epilepsy or diabetes mellitus( different types), it is necessary to inform the specialist in advance. In addition, if the patient has an increased sensitivity to lidocaine, novocaine, frequent allergic reactions are observed, the doctor should also be notified.

Picture 2

More details on how to prepare for gastric gastroscopy, the doctor will tell.

Such preparation necessarily includes cleaning the organs of the gastrointestinal tract from mucus and gastric juice.

Preparation for gastric gastroscopy should consist of several important points:

  • , 3 days before the procedure, alcohol and spicy food are excluded;
  • you should generally refuse to eat 10 hours before the gastroscopy;
  • not to take blood-thinning drugs such as Aspirin, Asparkam;
  • to try not to smoke at least 2-3 hours before a direct examination;
  • to dress up for a survey is best in things that are spacious that do not shackle the movement.


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If gastroscopy is prescribed in the morning, do not eat after 22.00.It is necessary from the evening, whenever possible, refuse to take any medications, if this is not associated with a direct risk to life. In the morning, it is generally forbidden to drink and eat.

You have to go into the examination room with your own towel, and grab the replacement shoes. If the patient has dentures, they must be removed. Before the procedure, you need to rinse your throat with an antiseptic. Also, before the onset of the examination, the doctor will ask you to sign the consent certificate. Possible consequences of gastroscopy and its risks should be discussed with a specialist in advance. Also on the day of the examination should be abandoned drugs that neutralize hydrochloric acid. If there is no fluid in the gastric cavity with fibroadastroduodenoscopy, there is a big risk of injuring the stomach with a probe.

Increased risk of bleeding during polyps biopsies, because they have a dense network of capillaries. The risk is significantly reduced if you stop taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

3 Inspection of the stomach with the

probe The procedure itself is an examination of the stomach and esophagus with a probe, a special optical tube with a video camera called an endoscope. Its terminal part is inserted through the oral opening, and then gradually shifts to the gastric area. The procedure directly takes an average of 10-15 minutes.

In case of impossibility to conduct a gastroscopy by a traditional method, an alternative one, using a capsule, is used. Be that as it may, a person still has to swallow it. True, the capsule is much smaller than the hose. The length of the capsule is 1.5 cm. There is a camera inside, the autonomous work of which is designed for 7 hours. After this, the capsule is excreted from the body by natural means, during excrement. This method of investigation does not require careful preparation. The patient simply drinks it with water. During its work, the capsule travels through the gastric mucosa, exploring it. The received information from the camera is carefully recorded and analyzed using a special program. After this, you can establish an accurate diagnosis. The main disadvantage of gastroscopy with the help of a capsule is the impossibility of conducting a biopsy.

Classical gastroscopy can be used for various medical manipulations. For example, it is possible to remove polyps, which, in turn, can lead to stomach cancer. It is possible to stop bleeding in case of gastric ulcer or to apply the necessary medications to the directly affected area. Of course, all this can not be done with capsular gastroscopy.

Generally, children are prescribed gastroscopy only under general anesthesia. In this case, the diameter of the endoscope should correspond to the age of the child. Children's size is 6-9 mm.

Contents of
  • 1 Why it is so important to be examined
  • 2 Psychological mood of the patient
  • 3 Gastric examination with the

It's no secret that many people, having problems with the stomach, do not rush to the doctor. A common cause is an unpleasant procedure - gastroscopy, preparation for the procedure, and even the presentation itself seems to the patients something terrible, akin to medieval tortures. First comes a panicky idea in general to abandon its conduct. However, this is not true, this procedure will not cause serious inconveniences and discomfort for almost any person.

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