
Prolongation of sexual intercourse

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  • Causes of a short sexual intercourse
  • Treatment methods
  • Cosmetic and surgical technique
  • Conservative technique

How to delay an erection disturbs many men. This process is accompanied by a short sexual intercourse and rapid ejaculation. This leads to a decrease in self-esteem. It should be known that this phenomenon is a consequence of some pathology in the reproductive system. Do not be shy about this problem. At the first signs of erectile dysfunction, you need to see a doctor. The specialist will prescribe the necessary examination and help restore the sexual function.

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This problem is not always accompanied by a disease. In some cases, the cause of a short erection is the physiological feature of a man. But in this case it is also possible to help.

Causes of a short sexual contact

A short erection occurs in men due to a variety of reasons. Often this phenomenon is accompanied by features of the structure of the penis. In this case, the foreskin of the organ is permeated with a large number of nerve fibers. They are responsible for the sensitivity of men during sexual intercourse. If such fibers in the flesh contain more than necessary norm, the erection will be short.

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There are many other factors that lead to a short contact time. Specialists identify such negative processes as:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • changing the work of vessels;
  • presence of chronic inflammation;
  • prostatitis;
  • psychological state;
  • features of life.

Often with a short erection in the patient there are negative changes in the hormonal system. In this case, there is a pathological increase in the hormone - testosterone. This substance helps to strengthen the work of the prostate gland. It actively produces fluid for ejaculation. Excretion of fluid is accompanied by ejaculation. To delay the erection, in this case it is necessary to check the patient's hormonal background.

Doctor-specialist In some cases, there are abnormalities in the functioning of the vascular tissue. She needs a penis to maintain an erection. There are three special cavities in the organ. They receive blood during excitement. Blood fills the body completely and is stored in them until the end of the act. If the vessels of a man are weak, then fixation does not occur for a long time. Blood is removed from the body in a short space. In this case there is rapid ejaculation. To delay an erection it is possible only after an establishment of a site of a vascular tissue which incorrectly works.

Many men have chronic inflammatory diseases of the genito-urinary organs. Inflammation causes disruption in various tissues. The erection is affected by chronic inflammation of the urinary canal and sex glands.

Most inflammation occurs due to bacterial infection. Upon ingestion, the bacterium begins to actively work. It absorbs useful microflora and replaces it with pathogenic microflora. The tissue site affected by pathogens is inflamed. Atrophied tissue accumulates on it. If the inflammation spreads to the vas deferens, the erectile function changes. Often such a disease is accompanied by a short erection. Treatment consists in establishing the causes of the inflammatory process.

Erection delay is required for men suffering from various forms of prostatitis. In this case, there is a deformation of the gland, accompanied by a violation of its function. The organ quickly ejaculate. In this case it is necessary to establish the nature of prostatitis and to conduct drug treatment.

Attention should be paid to the psychological status of the patient. Against the background of strong experiences, excitation proceeds faster. Especially often this problem occurs in young people who received the first sexual experience. This cause causes stress, which is accompanied by rapid ejaculation. To prevent further aggravation of the process, the restoration of the nervous system is required. In some cases, the assistance of a psychologist is required.

The disease can appear and against the background of improper functioning. Reduced motor activity, constant overeating and drinking alcohol has a detrimental effect on the sexual activity of a man. Also these phenomena are accompanied by additional violations in various systems and organs. When you visit a specialist you need to find out how a person eats, moves. In this case, conservative treatment will be effective.

Methods of treatment

Medicines Erection can be delayed in various ways. The choice of method depends on the negative reasons. There are several ways to eliminate this ailment:

  • medication;
  • cosmetic technique;
  • operation;
  • conservative method.

If the cause of a short erection is any disease, the patient needs medication. Treatment is selected depending on the disease. Therapy is carried out by antibiotic drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs and antimicrobial agents. Against the background of treatment with standard drugs, you can use funds for an additional prolongation of an erection. These drugs include substances that include sildenafil citrate. This substance promotes the prolongation of sexual intercourse and the appearance of an erection with impotence.

Sildenafil is a part of such drugs as Viagra and Cialis. This substance is available in various dosages. If the patient himself takes these drugs, he can significantly worsen his sexual function. Sildenafil delays an erection due to increased blood supply. But this action has the opposite effect. Continuous use of Viagra can lead to impotence and heart problems. If a man decided on such a method of delaying an erection, he should consult a doctor in charge. Hypertensive drugs are completely contraindicated.

You can use a plant analogue of Viagra. This drug is called Loveron. It is created on the basis of plant extracts and has a prolonging effect. Erection delay in this case occurs against the background of a strong strain of muscle tissue. The administration of laverone should be carried out only in the absence of allergic reactions to various plant components. If the man has such an allergy, the erection delay in this way is not carried out.

Cosmetic and surgical technique

Cosmetic effects and surgical intervention are aimed at reducing the sensitivity of the foreskin. If an anesthetic of a part of the nerve endings is performed, the erection is delayed.

Sexual energy Cosmetic delay is achieved by using different lubricants. These creams contain substances that block the sensitivity of the nerve tissue. Such funds can be purchased at specialized stores or pharmacies. The application of the drug is carried out a few minutes before sexual intercourse. You can also use special rings. They block blood in the cavernous bodies, it delays the erection.

Surgical treatment is recommended for patients who have a hypersensitivity to the foreskin. In this case, it is necessary to remove a part of the tissue. This operation is called circumcision. This procedure allows a man to delay an erection. Also circumcision is hygienic. Circumcision reduces the risk of developing inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

Conservative technique

For the delay of erection, it is recommended to perform certain physical exercises. This technique allows you to extend the fixation of blood in the penis. Also, exercises allow partners to better understand when it is necessary to interrupt the act in order to delay the erection.

Men are recommended and specialized food. The food of the patient must contain a large amount of protein. Protein products help to strengthen the work of muscle tissue and maintain the elasticity of blood vessels.

Special massage also helps to delay erection. For men, a prostate massage is recommended. This effect helps to increase the flow of blood to the sex glands and penis. There is also an increase in metabolic processes. In addition to delaying the erection, the health of the entire genitourinary system is strengthened.

If a man is dissatisfied with the quality of his sexual life, he needs to visit a doctor. The expert will tell you how to delay the erection.
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