Hair Loss

Treatment of hair loss with salt

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Treatment of hair loss with salt Many people are concerned about the problem of hair loss.

Everyone is looking for opportunities to stop baldness and restore their former hair. But how to find an inexpensive and effective option?

Of course, we need to seek advice from the experience of our ancestors, and they will always find something to advise us.

The best remedy for hair loss was salt before. Yes, yes, do not be surprised. It is now shops filled with cosmetics in flashy packaging. However, they are all of questionable production and origin. And you should not forget about the price.

So, let's talk about salt today, about its ability to troubleshoot our hair.

Treatment of hair loss with salt

To restore normal hair growth and to combat hair loss you can make salt masks.

Make them not at all difficult, and the effect is simply amazing: take a little salt, apply on the head and rub it in a circular motion for a few minutes in the scalp. After that, cover the head with cellophane, and tie the top with a warm towel. After about half an hour, the hair should be thoroughly rinsed with warm clean water, using a mild soap or shampoo.

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To some people, salt may seem a little rough for application to the skin. They can be advised to use salt in a dissolved form.

As a solvent it is good to apply:

  • yogurt;
  • cream;
  • kefir.

However, the best solvent should be recognized as different oils enriched with vitamins.

Nevertheless, any product before applying the mask should be slightly warmed up so that all the beneficial substances contained in the salt solvent are better perceived by the skin. The hair may be dry or wet.

Salt can be used in the treatment of table( cookery), but you should know that salt is the most effective because it contains more nutrients and minerals.

How the salt mask

63rd works Salt is a wonderful scrub that exfoliates dead cells, which contributes to a significant reduction in dandruff. In addition, salt enriches the roots of hair with various vitamins and helps to strengthen the roots of hair.

Salt masks should be applied no more than twice a week .After a while you will already be able to notice the result of your treatment: the hair will come alive, become stronger and thicker, the fat coating on the head will disappear. And, most importantly, the hair will cease to fall out and begin to grow.

Salt masks are an excellent cosmetic product of natural origin.

It's easy to get salt today, and salt can be bought any quality, grind and composition.

It should not be forgotten that the salt does not contain any foreign chemical impurities and is not able to do any harm to the hair, which distinguishes it from overseas or Asian products.

We really hope that now you will take salt in your cosmetic arsenal and use it for your beauty and health!

Video: Sea salt peeling

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