
Roth's disease - symptoms and treatment of paresthetic melalgia

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disease of the company Bernhardt-Rot's Disease( paresthetic mesalgia, obstructive nerve neuropathy, external neuralgia of the thigh) is a disease that diagnoses damage to the external cutaneous nerve of the thigh by squeezing the fibers of the latter located beneath the inguinal ligament in the region of the pre-superior ilium of the ilium.

This disease physicians most often diagnose in men.

The pathology develops gradually, most often with a one-sided lesion of the body, in which numbness and pain, like the symptoms initially appear to be insignificant, but after are of a permanent nature.

Where is the root of the problem?

Neuropathy of the external cutaneous nerve of the hip can develop for several reasons. First of all, physicians distinguish the following:

  • compression of the nerve, which occurs due to anatomical features in the structure of the body - most often the squeezing occurs when the legs are tilted, friction;
  • another reason may be overweight, fat deposits in the thigh and peritoneum;
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  • tumors and hematomas;
  • complications after surgery or inflammation in the abdominal cavity;
  • constant wearing of tightly tight belt or tight, synthetic underwear, corsets;
  • is a sedentary, inactive and inactive way of life and a failure in nourishment of the affected nerve, as well as degenerative changes occurring in the spine.

In addition, the cause of nerve damage and the development of Bernhardt-Roth's disease can also be a suffered trauma, as well as professional ailments that are inherent in some categories of professions.

Features of the clinical picture of

Roth's disease has its own characteristic symptoms that distinguish it from other diseases. Most often, patients at a doctor's paresthetic visit the following symptoms that indicate that the external cutaneous nerve of the hip is damaged:

  • numbness on the right or left side of the thigh;
  • feeling cold or numbness on the front surface of the thigh;
  • sensation of "goosebumps" on the surface of the skin and tingling in the affected part of the thigh;
  • complete loss of sensitivity on the affected area of ​​the thigh;
  • attacks of pain, with each patient, it can differ and be blunt or aching, some people describe it as burning.

Diagnosis and treatment of

Before the appointment of a course of treatment, the patient necessarily undergoes a full examination, as the disease can be taken for a bruise or other pathological condition. Diagnosis is carried out using the following methods:

  • electroneuromyography;
  • MRI and ultrasound;
  • computed tomography and x-ray.

If the doctor's preliminary diagnosis is obvious - physicians are limited to prescribing a patient's x-ray examination, but with certain doubts, MRI is most often prescribed.


Drug treatment course

Treatment of Bernhardt-Roth's disease involves the appointment of medications, curative gymnastics and physiological procedures.

Regarding the drug course of therapy - its main task is to eliminate puffiness and inflammation in the area of ​​lesion and infringement of the nerve, reduce pain syndrome.

For this purpose, prescribe drugs classified as NSAIDs, as well as a course of taking vitamin B vitamins. If the disease is started, and the drug treatment and physical therapy does not give a positive dynamics of treatment - in extreme cases, prescribe surgery.

Most of the physiotherapy procedures are aimed at eliminating the pain syndrome and removing puffiness. The most commonly prescribed methods of exposure are:

  • acupuncture and reflexology;
  • radon or hydrosulfide therapeutic baths;
  • course of therapeutic massage and mud therapy.

Lidocaine At home, the patient can practice exercises from a course of curative gymnastics - it is the bending of the legs in the knee joint, legs or legs, or diluting them to the side. Also an important component of effective treatment is weight control, removal of tumors, timely treatment of hip joint pathologies, if the latter were the direct causes of the development of pathology.

The pain syndrome is treated by doctors with the course of anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics, they are injected in a more severe and neglected form.

In this case, the doctor introduces Lidocaine or Novocain, or it performs pain blockade with the introduction of glucocorticoids.

Consequences and prevention

The disease must be diagnosed on time and the patient must undergo an adequate treatment. In the absence of timely treatment, the patient may develop abnormalities in the nutrition of the skin, the development of trophic ulcers, a change in gait.

With timely diagnosis and treatment, doctors give a prognosis for the full recovery of the patient. In the absence of timely treatment - pathology can go into the chronic form of its course and the patient may show lameness developing due to the constant pain hip girl.In some cases, attacks of pain can be so severe that you have to resort to surgery.

Thus, the neuropathy of the external cutaneous nerve of the thigh must be treated - otherwise the patient can develop a serious disorder in the nutrition of the dermis and, as a consequence, the development of trophic ulceration and other pathological changes, which will be extremely difficult to cure.

As a preventive medicine doctors recommend exercise therapy, therapeutic walking and swimming, in a more severe case it is necessary to wear and wear a unloading corset. Exercises that can be performed at the patient's home:

  • flexion of the leg in the knee joint - the heels, as it were, slip on the floor surface, repeat the exercise 10 times;
  • the leg turns inward and then returns to its original position - repeat like this 10 times;
  • it is necessary to lay down on the floor, hands to close in the area of ​​the lone articulation - then it is necessary to raise the shoulders and head as high as possible, fix the position for 2-3 seconds, and then return to the original position, so repeat 5 times;
  • should lie on the floor, turning over on the stomach, then put your hands on the buttocks and from this position alternately raise the right, and then the left foot as high as possible - repeat the exercise 10 times with each leg.

Preventive measures include a proper and complete diet, enriched with vitamins and necessary for the body macro and microelements.

Also it is not necessary to linger on one place and lead a sedentary lifestyle - you need to walk more often, walk as much as possible, let it be easy, but charge in the morning. If the job implies a sedentary lifestyle - every hour you need to get up and 5 minutes to do a leg warm-up.

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