
How to prevent the disease alcoholic polyneuropathy - symptoms, treatment and photo pathology

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polyneuropathy According to statistics, about 90% of people who regularly consume alcohol in large doses are prone to severe illness - alcoholic polyneuropathy. Both women and men can get sick.

And very often as a result of this ailment, if not taken in time, the patients become disabled, unable to move independently and experiencing severe pain.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy is an neurological disease of , which is characterized by a defeat of peripheral nerve function.

It develops as a result of the toxic effect of alcohol on the nervous system. The risk group usually includes people who are immoderate and often take alcohol and do not follow their health.


  • reasons
  • disease as occurs and progresses
  • symptoms
  • diseases Diagnostic techniques
  • treatment of disease
    • Drug
    • Physiotherapy techniques
    • Traditional medicine
  • forecast
  • Complications and consequences
  • Prevention
  • Video: Examination of the patient with polyneuropathy of unknown origin
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disease Whatconcerns the causes of this disease, then refers to them:

  1. Toxic effect of ethyl alcoholon nerve cells, their destruction.
  2. Microcirculation process in nerve fibers has failed.
  3. Improper diet, impaired liver and intestinal function, as a result of which vitamin B1( thiamine) can not be absorbed. This microelement plays a key role in metabolic processes, supports the work of the heart, nervous and digestive system.
  4. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, a person usually for a long time is in the same pose, which results in the squeezing of various organs and damage to the nerve.

How the

disease progresses and progresses The onset of polyneuropathy is characterized by a slow course. The patient begins to feel unpleasant sensations in the limbs, thinking that he just lay his arm or leg.

Often patients do not pay much attention to this and do not hurry to the doctor. And this means that the disease progresses further, not restrained.
nerve damage

In the photo of the area that affects alcoholic polyneuropathy

Later the muscles are affected, swelling of the extremities may appear.

If the patient is subjected to significant hypothermia or takes a large dose of alcohol, then there is a high probability that alcoholic polyneuropathy will become acute.

Even may manifest as a psychiatric disorder .At the same time the disease develops quickly enough for several days.

Symptoms of the disease

Polyneuropathy alcoholic has such symptoms:

  1. Paresis of the limbs - there is a feeling of tingling and "goose bumps" in the hands and feet, numbness, muscle tension of the shin.
  2. Cramps and pain in the legs, which is worse at night, as well as with pressure.
  3. Blood circulation in the leg area is broken, resulting in the legs often freezing.
  4. Muscles of the lower limbs, and occasionally of the hands, can atrophy, that is, decrease in size.
  5. There is muscle weakness, as a result of which the patient's gait changes - he begins to feel that the floor is "soft".
  6. The skin of the legs can acquire a marble color or bluish.
  7. Sweating is increasing in the hands and feet.
  8. There are speech disorders - due to the defeat of a particular vagus nerve, it becomes muffled.
  9. Damage to the cranial and musculoskeletal nerves may occur. As a result, memory is disrupted, disorientation and hallucinations occur.
  10. In especially severe cases, trophic ulcers develop on the legs, the skin becomes dry and flaky.
alcoholic psychosis When alcohol is used instead of the brain, alcoholic toxic encephalopathy occurs. How to prevent and timely stop an addicted person learn from our article.

The semi-drug and medical product Algerika, whose reviews are extremely negative, are still being taken in the treatment of some serious illnesses.

Diagnostic procedures

To establish the diagnosis for polyneuropathy, use such clinical methods:

  1. Collecting anamnesis - the symptoms of the disease are clarified, the fact of the patient's drinking of alcohol is established.
  2. The neurological examination of is performed, the purpose of which is to identify neurological pathologies( numbness, muscle weakness, etc.).
  3. Electroneuromyography( ENMG) - allows to determine the degree of lesion, as well as the presence of an inflammatory and degenerative process in the nerve. This method allows you to monitor the dynamics of the disease.
  4. Biopsy of nerves - examination of a piece of nerve taken for analysis.

These methods allow the doctor to accurately determine the patient's alcoholic polyneuropathy, which will allow the appointment of adequate treatment.

Treatment of

refusal of alcohol disease When a diagnosis of alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities is set, the doctor determines which treatment will help the patient.

The surest way to give up alcohol in time, but very often an addicted person can not stop in time.

And alcoholic polyneuropathy makes itself felt.

In such cases, there are three ways to solve this problem , which only give effect when combined with another:

  • medication;
  • changing diet and lifestyle;
  • as well as folk remedies.

Let's consider all the options in more detail. Drugs that are prescribed if the patient is diagnosed with alcohol polyneuropathy:

  1. Since during the illness the patient experiences deficiency of vitamin B , the treatment is prescribed for taking it in large doses, which facilitates the restoration of metabolic processes, that is, the process of metabolismsubstances. The patient also prescribes ascorbic acid.
  2. preparations are prescribed for use that promote microcirculation of , as well as antihypoxic and antioxidants that help to remove toxins from the body.
  3. For the restoration of immunity, the patient is assigned reception of various microelements .
  4. strengthening of vessels is carried out and the renewal of the main neural connections is carried out, since completely nerve endings can not be restored.
  5. In case of violations of blood pressure , its normalization is performed, edema is eliminated.
  6. In the case of severe pain, the doctor prescribes non-steroidal drugs , designed to fight inflammation, simple analgesics, and if necessary, antidepressants.

Non-pharmacological methods

In the treatment of alcoholic polyneuropathy, a patient must absolutely stop taking alcohol.

It should also be remembered that even after prolonged therapy with , a return to alcohol has the deplorable consequences of - all symptoms of polyneuropathy return, and they become more pronounced, and the treatment needs to start anew.

The diet of the patient requires a thorough review. To restore the digestive system for lunch, he must take soups.

At the initial stage of the disease, physiotherapy and massage are recommended, which will help restore the sensitivity of the limbs. Therapeutic gymnastics will strengthen the patient's weakened muscles.

Traditional medicine

There are many different folk methods of dealing with polyneuropathy. But before using any of them, you need to consult a doctor.

Here are some popular recipes:

  1. To 100 ml of carrot juice add 1 yolk, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 teaspoons of honey. All the good mix and take before breakfast and dinner 40 minutes before eating.
  2. 1 tbsp. Spoon cloves in a thermos, insist a couple of hours and take 200 ml three times a day. Repeat for 15 days, do a 10-day break, after which the course can be repeated.
  3. 4 tbsp. Spoon the seeds of milk thistle in a mortar, add 150 ml of warm olive oil and 2 tbsp.spoons powder the usual dry mint. Take thrice a day for half an hour before a meal of 2 tbsp.spoon mixture. The course of treatment is three weeks.
  4. 300 ml low-fat kefir, 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds, half a glass of fresh, chopped parsley mixed and taken on an empty stomach in the morning, about 40 minutes before eating.


Polyneuropathy alcoholic has a positive prognosis, but the disease progresses until treatment is started. If the patient at the same time stops taking alcohol addiction alcohol, then you can expect good results.

A full treatment in this case will take approximately 3 - 4 months.

A more serious situation becomes when the diaphragmatic nerve and cardiac branches of the vagus nerve are damaged during the course of the illness.

If you do not have any treatment at all, then polyneuropathy will progress further, damaging not only the limbs of the patient and leading to disability, as well as cardiac and respiratory diseases.

In this case, in half the cases of the disease in 10 years is quite possible death.

Complications and consequences of

If the disease is not treated, or delayed with a visit to a doctor, then one can expect such consequences:

  • sudden death from cardiac arrest due to a disorder of nerves regulating its work;
  • disability of the patient as a result of severe muscle weakness;
  • impairment of respiratory function due to damage to the nerves responsible for regulating the work of the respiratory musculature.


To prevent the development of alcoholic polyneuropathy, it is necessary to stop consuming alcohol in large quantities, to eat right and exercise in order to strengthen the muscles.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the responsibility for the alcohol variant of polyneuropathy, in contrast to other types of it, lies entirely on the patient, since this disease develops from the unreasonable use of alcohol.

Therefore, the patient is also able to prevent the disease - it is enough to limit the dose of alcohol to a minimum or stop using it altogether.

Remember that health is very valuable, and it is sometimes difficult to restore it.

Video: Examination of patient with polyneuropathy of unknown origin.

Instruments and procedures for the study of polyneuropathy. What you need to check and how to draw the right conclusions.

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