Symptoms And Syndromes
Symptoms And Syndromes

A lot of mucus in the stomach: the causes and treatment, what does it mean

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1 Etiology of the disease

An insoluble mucus in the stomach is called mucin. It is a secretory substance that is synthesized by the accessory cells of the organ. Mucin is required in order to protect the interlayers of the stomach. Because of pepsins and hydrochloric acid, the walls of the stomach can digest themselves. To protect the body and produces mucin. Because of adverse environmental factors( for example, alcohol, casting the contents of the duodenum into the stomach, the presence of salicylates), the mucous layers of the stomach are gradually destroyed. If hydrochloric acid and pepsins of the active type will get on the gastric mucosa, it will lead to the development of gastritis and peptic ulcer. Enhanced synthesis of hydrochloric acid provokes microorganisms Helicobacter pylori.

Do you have gastritis?

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Mucin is basically amino acids and carbohydrates. Of the amino acids, proline, threonine and serine predominate. As for carbohydrates, the composition usually includes fucose, galactose and sialic acid. The residues of these substances lead to the formation of special chains of proteins and carbohydrates, which do not dissolve in water. Such chains are very complex in structure. They are characterized by non-synchronism. They have bridges of sulphide type, and the protein has a tertiary structure.

If mucus appears in the stomach, then it's dangerous, - so many people think. In fact, everything is different. The amount of mucin directly depends on the adverse effects of external and internal factors. If their effect increases, then the amount of mucous substance in the organ will also increase. This symptom should not be considered dangerous, but it can lead to the fact that the acidity in the stomach will begin to decrease. If the level of acidity begins to fall, then the process of fermentation will begin in the stomach. As a result, food will begin to rot, and this is very dangerous for human health. In this case, the eructation will have an unpleasant smell, which resembles the smell of rotten eggs. There is bloating.

But there is a reverse situation when there is a lack of mucus. In this phenomenon, the layer is thinner to less than 0.5 cm. Such changes are also not favorable. Because of this, there is a growing risk that hydrochloric acid and pepsins will enter the gastric shells. As a result, ulcers develop, and when exposed to the microorganism Helicobacter pylori - gastritis.

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The most common causes of increased mucus production are:

  • drinking;
  • improper food( especially fast food);
  • eating food, which provokes the synthesis of gastric juice.

Picture 1

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  • Treatment Helicobacter pylori with antibiotics
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2 Medical treatment of pathology

Restoring the balance in the production of mucus can only be done by contacting a doctor. First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause, becausethe usual suppression of symptoms can not be completely cured. In addition, a lot of mucus in the stomach is not a separate disease, but only a symptom of another disease.

Picture 2

If a person has gastritis of superficial type, then it will be the layer of mucus that will be affected. It becomes abundant, foamy and sometimes whitens. To make a diagnosis, you need an endoscopic examination. It will help to identify the affected area, tk.the disease can develop foci or affect the entire interlayer. With superficial gastritis, the patient feels discomfort in the epigastrium, heartburn, nausea, especially after eating. Bellastesin is used to eliminate pain. This is an analgesic of a local type, the action of which begins immediately in the stomach. The composition of the drug includes novocaine derivatives.

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If gastritis has an atrophic form, the mucosa is so thin that hydrochloric acid and enzymes damage the walls of the organ. The patient feels constantly strong pain, nausea and suffers from vomiting attacks. Because of this, the appetite worsens. A serious complication of this pathology is gastric ulcer.

Treatment can be carried out by both drugs and traditional medicine.

The doctor prescribes such drugs:

  • antacids;
  • antibiotics;
  • with analgesic properties.

Antacids are taken during the period of exacerbation of the disease. Then the doctor cancels them. Very effective is Maalox. This medicine helps restore mucous membranes. As a result, the disease gradually decreases the intensity of the symptoms. Thanks to this drug, the patient can eat normally, without constant nausea and vomiting. But you need to consider that Maalox can not be combined with other drugs, becauseit contains a large dose of aluminum. If a person has gastritis with a low level of acidity, then such a drug is forbidden to take. In this case, on the contrary, it is necessary to take medications that will improve digestion. For example, Festal and Gastal are suitable.


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Picture 3

Antibiotics are necessary in the case when the pathogen of gastritis was the Helicobacter pylori microorganism. Several decades ago it was revealed and proved that gastritis is transmitted and in a contact way, and not only is a consequence of an incorrect way of life. But antibiotics can not be taken not according to the scheme. The doctor prescribes antibiotics of different groups with gastritis of type 2-4.It is not recommended to take them for a long time.

3 Folk remedies in combating the disease

Treatment can be carried out and folk remedies. Alternative medicine also offers a lot of methods for fighting the active release of mucus in the stomach. For example, you can clean your stomach every morning with a fit of vomiting. To do this, you need to stir a spoonful of salt in 1 liter of water, and then drink the solution. After this, it is required to provoke a vomiting attack. This procedure is allowed only on an empty stomach. First the water will go cloudy, but after 3 procedures it will become more transparent. This means that the mucus is gone. By the way, this method is not suitable for people who have kidney problems and suffer from hypertension. A large volume of fluid creates a strain on the heart and blood vessels.

There are also recipes for drugs, the action of which is aimed at irritating the mucous membrane. For example, there are special spicy spices and herbal extracts. But do not get carried away by them, becausethey can aggravate the disease and do not always alleviate the patient's condition.


For prophylaxis and treatment of Digestive Gastrointestinal Diseases our readers advise Monastic tea. This unique remedy consists of 9 medicinal herbs useful for digestion, which not only supplement, but also strengthen each other's actions. Monastic tea will not only eliminate all symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system, but will also permanently eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

The opinion of doctors. .. ยป

  1. You can prepare a mixture, which includes spices - different varieties of pepper( cayenne, black) and ginger. All components must be taken in the same proportions. Then a third of the spoonful of the formula should be mixed with 1 tsp.honey. Such a drug should be taken twice a day.
  2. Very useful infusion of St. John's wort and chamomile inflorescences. You need to drink it before eating.
  3. You can also use horseradish. It will take 150 g. Next, you need to squeeze juice from 3 lemons and mix with grated horseradish. Take this mixture is necessary for 1 tsp.three times a day.

With regard to nutrition, then with gastritis recommended semolina. It has a viscous consistency, so it has an enveloping effect. Starch broth is also very useful. It has the same effect. In addition, you need to eat mashed potatoes. The diet also includes dairy products. They will help digest food.

The presence of mucus in the stomach is not a separate disease, it is just a symptom of another disease.

It is necessary to determine it and the reason that triggered such an ailment. And only then appoint the appropriate treatment. In no case can you yourself try to be treated - this will only exacerbate the problem.

  • 1 Etiology of the disease
  • 2 Medication for the treatment of pathology
  • 3 Folk remedies for combating the disease

If there is mucus in the stomach, the cause and treatment of which only the doctor can determine, do not panic immediately. The stomach is an important organ of the digestive tract, where chemical processes are carried out and food is digested. Active participants are hydrochloric acid and special enzymes of the digestive type.

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