Noncommunicable Diseases

Chronic gastritis in adults: symptoms, treatment, causes

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1 The development of the disease

The causes of the appearance of a chronic form of gastritis in people can be very different. Most often you can find the following causes of gastritis:

  1. Pathogenic microflora enters the stomach: Helicobacter pylori or other types of microbes.
  2. Causes may also have a non-microbial origin: autoimmune factors, alcoholic, develops after surgery on the stomach, due to the influence of anti-inflammatory drugs or any kind of chemical substances.
  3. There are other factors that can cause chronic gastritis, which specialists have not been able to establish to date.

Picture 1

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As the numerous practice shows, the chronic form of non-atrophic gastritis in almost 90% of all cases begins to develop,that Helicobacter pylori gets into the body of a sick person. Atrophic or autoimmune gastritis in a chronic condition in some people is due to the fact that at the genetic level, autoantibodies are produced to cells of the mucous membrane of the affected organ.

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At the same time, the most frequent causes of reactive chronic gastritis are that bile is injected into the stomach from the intestine. It provokes the aggravation of the situation and too long taking medications, especially antibiotics.

If we talk about the eosinophilic type of disease, then the causes of gastritis in this case, experts are unknown. In some sick people, in the presence of such a diagnosis, bronchial asthma, eczema or other allergic diseases are additionally diagnosed.

If the patient has granulomatous gastritis, the reasons for it are not fully established by the doctors. But after numerous studies, the specialists received statistics: this type of chronic gastritis is observed in about 10% of all patients with sarcoidosis. The same problem is in 7% of those people who suffer from mycosis, tuberculosis, Crohn's disease, or if there are foreign bodies in the stomach.

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If a chronic giant hypertrophic gastritis is diagnosed, its causes are also unknown, and most experts do not even have an idea what can provoke the development of such a complicated form of the disease.

2 Symptoms of chronic form

Symptoms of chronic gastritis can be very different and differ slightly depending on the type of problem. But at the same time there are signs of chronic gastritis, which are found in all cases of the problem.

Picture 2

In the epigastric region there may be quite strong pain that worries in most cases on an empty stomach. They may have a sharp cramping character or be rather weak and aching. In some patients with chronic gastritis, the pain manifests itself immediately after ingestion.

In adults, there is frequent eructation, heartburn, in some cases - nausea and sometimes vomiting of stomach contents and gastric juice.

The chronic form of gastritis, as a rule, is manifested by the severity in the epigastric region after a person's eating, there is a constant feeling of overeating and too full of stomach, burping food and air. In addition, the mouth is constantly unpleasant aftertaste, it may be flatulence, the stool becomes unstable, disappears or the appetite significantly decreases.

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Vomiting or diarrhea can very often occur in some patients.

3 Diagnosis of gastritis

In order to make an accurate diagnosis, a person must pass a lot of tests and pass all sorts of examinations.

As a rule, in order to detect gastritis, it is advisable to do the following:

  1. Hand over a general analysis of urine and blood, which will help determine the presence of an inflammatory process in the human body, which begins to develop in the chronic form of the disease. If gastritis is in remission, the tests will be normal. Then, these analyzes are checked for the presence of hyperchromic anemia, which is quite active in adults with a chronic form of autoimmune gastritis.
  2. It is very important to pass a stool test to determine if there is any hidden blood. In the event that the secretory function of the stomach is lowered, experts will find not completely digested food remains.
  3. EGF, then you need to take a biopsy, in order to conduct a study of histological character. If there is no way to do FGDS, the doctor issues a referral to a radiographic examination of the stomach using barium for contrasting. It is worth considering that this method is somewhat less effective than the definition of gastritis of the stomach with the help of an X-ray.
  4. Then you need to conduct a thorough investigation of the secretory function of the stomach of a sick person.
  5. To determine the presence of a dangerous microbial helikobacter pylori in the body, a histological examination of biopsy specimens can be used, during which the pathogenic microflora of this type is painted in a different color. In addition, you can apply another type of diagnosis - to sow microorganisms from the patient's stomach to a nutrient medium for them.


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Picture 3

If there is a suspicion of a chronic form of stomach gastritis of the type of reflux, then the person is additionally elevated in the duodenum, which makes it possible to diagnose.

In case, in addition to gastritis, there may be other problems with the gastrointestinal tract( ulcerative disease of the stomach or duodenum, esophagitis, hernia of the diaphragm, the presence of various kinds of tumors), then specialists additionally conduct differential diagnostics.

In the decision of the person of the final diagnosis, the results of the FGD are very important.

4 Antimicrobial therapy

Treatment of chronic gastritis, the development of which was provoked by the microbial Helicobacter pylori, involves the use of antimicrobial therapy. In this case, there are several ways of treatment, which may include the following drugs:

  1. Antibiotics.
  2. Be sure to use drugs that help to solve problems with excessive gastric secretion of hydrochloric acid. These can be IPP: Omez, Emanera, Nolpaz, Pariet and others.
  3. It is customary to use drugs that contain bismuth: De-nol, Ventrisol.

How to treat chronic gastritis will be determined by a specialist based on the results.

As a rule, if there is no causative agent helikobakter pylori or increased secretory function of the stomach in humans, then use a slightly different technique and write out:

  1. Drugs that can reduce the level of acidity in the stomach in a sick person: Almagel, Gelusil-lac, Maalox, Fosfalugel andothers.
  2. Drugs that can protect the gastric mucosa and cover it with an additional protective film. It can be sucralfate or bismuth dicitrate. At the same time, these types of drugs are considered to be antimicrobial and effectively kill the pathogenic microflora, especially Helicobacter pylori.

Picture 4

5 Reflux gastritis

In this case, all medical measures are aimed at normalizing the gastric motility and binding all bile acids. A very important role in this respect is played by the right diet, which consists of 5 meals a day, portions should be small. In addition, the diet should not be roast, spicy or fat, because this will only exacerbate the situation.

To prevent duodenal contents from entering the stomach, specialists prescribe Domperidone or Metoclopramide, which should be taken in small courses.

If there are serious enough problems with the heart or blood vessels, it is best not to use these medications because of the large number of serious side effects.

Chenodeoxycholic acid, ursodeoxycholic acid or Ursosan is used when it is necessary to neutralize the harmful effects of bile acids. It needs to be done as quickly as possible, because there is a strong damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach, which causes an increase in symptoms, and then chronic gastritis becomes much harder to treat.

Picture 5

6 Diet

If a sick person has low acidity, you must always follow the diet number 2.

You can eat soups from vegetables and cereals, cook them on fish, mushroom or meat broth, and then carefully grind. It is allowed to use low-fat varieties of meat and fish that can be cooked, stewed, steamed. You can have low-fat milk( in case it does not cause diarrhea), kefir and cream, low-fat cottage cheese, butter. Do not banned omelet or eggs, cooked soft-boiled, mashed or very mashed porridge. From floury can be uneaten croutons and stale white or gray bread. Table salt should be a day not more than 12-15 grams.

It is advisable to take vitamin complexes.

Food should be sure to be 5-time, portions are small, so as not to overload the stomach and digestive system. Almost all dishes should be used in the form of mashed potatoes, which will allow faster recovery of the damaged stomach. Make sure that all food is at room temperature. You can not eat very hot or cold, because it intensifies the symptoms and further harms the organs damaged by chronic gastritis.

Figure 6

7 Preventative measures

In order not to cause chronic gastritis and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is very important to monitor your diet. Indeed, the prevention of many diseases of the stomach is to observe the rules of nutrition and the absence of harmful products that can provoke the development of complications and damage to the mucous membranes of organs. In addition, it is very important to maintain one's immunity so that it can with its own efforts resist the pathogenic microflora that can enter the stomach. Do not forget about a healthy lifestyle, walks in the fresh air, healthy and high-quality nutrition. If you notice the first signs of gastritis, you should immediately contact a specialist. This will help to cure the disease at an early stage, and prevent the appearance of its chronic form.

Chronic gastritis is a very serious disease that needs to be treated immediately after you feel the first signs of the disease. Do not pull with a visit to a specialist, because the earlier you start treatment, the easier it will be to repair the damaged mucous membrane of the stomach, its functions and performance. In addition, the symptoms and pains will not increase and bring discomfort to the sick person.

It is important to remember that a chronic form of gastritis in the future can provoke the appearance of even more serious health problems, up to the onset of cancer or even death. Therefore, about gastritis, symptoms and treatment it is desirable to know each person. But if you suspect a disease, you should not self-medicate, because it can cause complications that will not be easy to eliminate.

  • 1 Development of the disease
  • 2 Symptoms of the chronic form
  • 3 Diagnosis of gastritis
  • 4 Antimicrobial therapy
  • 5 Reflux gastritis
  • 6 Diet
  • 7 Preventative measures

Chronic gastritis is a neglected form of the disease, which implies a serious enough change in the gastric mucosa. At the same time there are some deviations and disturbances in the work and functions of this body, which are displayed on the performance of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Approximately 50-80% of the total adult population suffers from the chronic form of such an unpleasant and serious disease. It is worth noting the fact that the older the person, the greater the risk that he will develop this disease and the first symptoms of chronic gastritis may appear.

Do you have gastritis?

GALINA SAVINA: "How easy is it to cure gastritis at home for 1 month. A proven method is to write down a recipe. ..!"Read more & gt; & gt;

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