
Anacid gastritis: what is it, symptoms and treatment

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1 What is a disease?

Anacid gastritis - what is it? One of the varieties of chronic gastritis, characterized by a low acidity or complete absence of gastric juice, is called an anacid form of gastritis. The production of hydrochloric acid practically ceases, and on the atrophied sections of the mucosa begins replacement of tissue with epithelial cells of the intestine.

Picture 1

We recommend to familiarize yourself with

  • Prevention of infection with bacteria helikobakter
  • Passing analysis for helicobacter pylori
  • Calling for army with gastritis
  • Effective agent for gastritis and gastric ulcer

2 Provoking factors

Chronic anacid gastritis most often causes an acute form of the disease. To other factors influencing the development of the disease, specialists consider:

  • the use of sharp and roasted dishes;
  • eating dry and on the run;
  • long interval between meals;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • excessive use of semi-finished products;
  • bacterium Helicobacter pilori( Helicobacter pilori);
  • genetic predisposition.
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Picture 2

In some cases, the pathological process can provoke other diseases, for example, enteritis, gallbladder inflammation or dysentery. Often, gastritis is formed due to a sedentary lifestyle, office work.

3 Clinical picture

When an anatomic gastritis is formed as an independent disease, the symptomatology may be absent for a long time. Progression of the inflammatory process leads to the appearance of the following symptoms:

  1. Constipation or diarrhea. Difficulties with bowel movement are due to the fact that food without acid begins to ferment in the stomach, releasing toxins. From this, the normal microflora of the digestive organ is disrupted. As a result, the gastric mucosa becomes infected and inflamed. Excessive reproduction of bacteria leads to flatulence and diarrhea.
  2. Weakness and drowsiness. Absorption of toxins from the intestinal mucosa entails an increase in the total intoxication of the body.
  3. Severity and discomfort in the stomach, worse after eating. Gradually the pain is transmitted to the epigastric region.
  4. Belching with putrefactive odor. Disorders of the motor organs of the digestive organ lead to nausea, frequent eructations. Sometimes zero acidity causes vomiting of bile.
  5. Weight reduction. The expressed problems of absorption of nutrients in the intestine affect the body weight.
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Picture 3

In addition to the main symptoms, there are such clinics as frequent headaches, a gray plaque on the tongue, a feeling of bursting and pressure in the epigastric region immediately after eating, an aversion to some food.

Since the anacid gastritis impairs the absorption of nutrients necessary for normal hematopoiesis, the patient shows signs of megaloblastic anemia. They are expressed in numbness of fingers and tongue, which acquires crimson color. At the same time, the skin becomes pale with a yellowish tinge.

It is worth considering that the anacid gastritis in the symptomatic picture is similar to other types of gastritis. Therefore, at the first signs of ill health, it is necessary to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist and a dietician.

Picture 4

4 Diagnosis of the disease

If in time to diagnose the pathological process and start its treatment, the disease will retreat for a long time. The specialist will conduct a preliminary examination, collect anamnesis, prescribe appropriate blood tests, X-rays with contrast material, biopsy and fibroscopy of the gastric mucosa, bacteriological examination for the detection of Helicobacter pylori. To identify abnormalities, puncture of the cerebrospinal fluid may be required. Based on the results of all studies, the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment with medications.

  • Gastroenterologist VAZHENOV: "I beg you, if you began to worry about abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, do not in any way do gases. .."
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Picture 5

5 Methods of therapy

The choice of pharmacological therapy depends on the patient's state of health, the stage of gastritis and concomitant diseases. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the doctor prescribes the following treatment regimen:

  • Taking medications that activate acid production( Calcium gluconate, Pentagastrin, Cytochrome).
  • Drugs with digestive enzymes that restore the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Substitutes of gastric juice, raising the level of acidity( Pepsin).
  • For stool disorders, antidiarrheal agents and sorbents are prescribed.
  • If iron deficiency and megaloblastic anemia were detected, an injection treatment course with iron preparations with vitamin B12 is performed.
  • Antibacterial drugs are prescribed to eliminate Helicobacter pylori infection, which should be drunk for at least a week.
  • Secretory function is stimulated by products made from plants( plantain) or vegetables( cabbage juice).


Korotov SV: "I can recommend only one remedy for the rapid treatment of Ulcer and Gastritis, which is now recommended by the Ministry of Health. .." Read testimonials & gt; & gt;

Figure 6

6 Dietary food

Dietary nutrition is an important factor in the treatment of anacid gastritis. What is it and how to eat during a diet? First of all, the patient will have to give up salt, fried and spicy food. Do not eat too hot or cold dishes. Food is best cooked steamed, boiled, stewed and baked. It is allowed to consume:

  • sour-milk and dairy food products;
  • compotes and kissels from sweet berries;
  • cereals and pasta;
  • veal, rabbit;
  • greens, vegetables, fruits;
  • not strong tea;
  • is not good baking;
  • boiled soft boiled eggs;
  • porridge and soups;
  • raw cheese.

The diet should completely eliminate alcohol, smoked products, whole milk, pickles, legumes and kvass. It is important to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Thus, the production of gastric acid is stimulated, and the body receives the necessary proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Specialists recommend cooking vegetarian soups with breadcrumbs or yesterday's white bread. The production of gastric juice is influenced by juices that promote the rapid regeneration of atrophied areas of the mucous membrane. It can be vegetable juices - carrot, cabbage, potato. You can eat vegetable purees, cutlets and chicken meatballs for a couple.

7 Medicinal herbs for gastritis

Before starting treatment of gastritis with medicinal herbs, it is necessary to consult a specialist. When the condition is stabilized, you can start taking infusions of herbs. Good influence on the state of the gastric mucosa broths of plantain, chamomile, motherwort, motherwort, mint leaves. To prepare the infusion, in the enameled dishes mix 2 tbsp.spoons of medicinal collection and pour them with two glasses of boiling water. The resulting mixture is covered with a lid and left overnight. This broth is taken 3 times a day for 100 ml for half an hour before meals.

If the treatment of anacid gastritis is not started in time, it will be complicated by cholecystitis, pancreatitis, severe dysbacteriosis. The violation of absorption of nutrients will gradually lead to complete exhaustion of the body. However, the most terrible consequence of this chronic form of gastritis is stomach cancer. Therefore, it is so important to regularly check and take all the tests.

Contents of
  • 1 What is a disease?
  • 2 Provoking factors
  • 3 Clinical picture
  • 4 Diagnosis of the disease
  • 5 Therapy methods
  • 6 Dietary food
  • 7 Medicinal herbs for gastritis

To digest protein, fight against pathogenic microorganisms and normal peristalsis, a certain amount of hydrochloric acid produced by the stomach is required. Normally, the acidity of the gastric juice is 1.5-2 pH.Too low level of acidity causes stagnation of food, negatively affects the state of the immune system, a person becomes vulnerable to various diseases. First, a hyperacid form of gastritis is formed. However, as the number of enzymes and atrophy of the mucous membrane decreases, the process becomes an anacid gastritis, the symptoms and treatment of which are similar to many inflammatory diseases of the digestive organ.

Do you have gastritis?

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