Hormones And Biochemistry

Causes of High Testosterone in Women

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There is a misconception that testosterone, which belongs to the form of androgens, is a purely male hormone. In the body of a woman, he too is present, but in much smaller volumes than in the strong half of mankind.

It should be noted that the male testosterone level increases throughout life, and at a certain age, the indicators begin to decline, in contrast to the hormone content in the body of a woman. At the weaker sex, these hormones are at the lowest possible level, and minor changes can occur only at the time of ovulation. If the testosterone is increased in the female body, then it can talk about serious hormonal disorders.

Why does a woman need testosterone?


Regardless of the fact that testosterone is considered a male hormone, is still needed by a woman to normalize muscle, fat and bone tissues, and also to prevent osteoporosis of .The fact that the woman is active is determined by testosterone. With its decrease, fatigue, drowsiness and apathy to the surrounding world are manifested more intensely. Naturally, the lowering of this hormone carries an imbalance in the body, but what happens to a woman if these indicators increase?

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Symptoms of increased testosterone

Testosterone in the male body is responsible for the distinctive features of the body of the stronger sex: the growth of hair on the chest and shoulders, the skin is fatter than the woman's, and the voice is much rougher than the .It is these signs that appear in the female body at a time when its indicators are beginning to increase and the consequences can be most unpredictable.

In the first place on the female body begin to appear hairs in those places where they should not be, while on the head hair can thin out and fall out more intensively than usual. Unfortunately, such a phenomenon as an increase in testosterone, occurs quite often and in medicine it is called hyperandrogenism.

One of the most active components of testosterone is dihydrotestosterone( DHT).The normal level of DHT in a woman's body is 24-450ng / l.

In addition to hair, redness and acne can appear on the skin. This is due to the fact that the skin becomes fleshy and the pores are quickly clogged. Very often such a rash is difficult to cure and it becomes permanent.

It should be noted that an increase in testosterone can lead to a disruption in the menstrual cycle of .Allocations become meager, and in some cases can completely cease. With such phenomena, the female body can gradually acquire male outlines. Such changes are particularly noticeable during the maturation of girls.

Causes of increased testosterone in women


To determine why testosterone values ​​have increased, only a doctor can after a series of tests and medical examinations. But why does free testosterone increase in women? Experts define 6 major reasons why hormone levels can increase. These include:

  • infections of the reproductive system( uterine myoma, polycystosis and ovarian failure, tumor inflammation);
  • as a result of heredity( very often violations are transmitted at the level of genetics);
  • disruptions in the performance of the adrenal cortex, in particular its hyperfunction( this is one of the main causes of androgen increase);
  • pathological changes in the functioning of the pituitary gland.

In parallel with the above reasons, hyperandrogenism may occur because:

  • improper nutrition;
  • use of certain medicines;
  • after prolonged exposure to sunlight during sunburn;
  • mono-diet.

Restoring the normal level of testosterone

If you experience any discomfort in the body and show at least one symptom, a woman should visit the doctor's office and undergo a complete examination with the delivery of all necessary tests. Only after the diagnosis is made, the doctor can prescribe the necessary drugs. Breaking the hormonal background is a serious disease and its treatment should be entrusted to specialists. In addition to medicines, physicians also welcome folk methods that restore the balance of hormones.


It is worth remembering that herbs are the same medicinal product as medicines, and independent use of them can do no less harm, therefore should also be consulted with an specialist before using them. Most often, seeds of flax, angelica and marjin root are used for the recovery of androgen.

Testosterone in pregnancy

An interesting fact is that the only period during which the increase in testosterone in the body of a woman does not carry a threat and serious changes is a pregnancy. Usually, at the end of pregnancy, the androgen level increases 2-fold and, first of all, this is due to the fact that this substance also produces a placenta. In the case when a woman wears a boy under the heart, these figures can be even greater.

But such indicators are safe for the female body only during the period of gestation, and, to be more precise, after the second trimester. In the early stages, such data can lead to fading of the fetus.

Consequences of increased testosterone in women

Depending on how much high testosterone levels in the woman's blood, it is determined what the consequences will be with her body. With minor changes, a woman can feel bouts of irritation, unreasonable aggression and hyperactivity, but if the indicators significantly exceed the required norm - then such changes can affect her reproductive system and affect the body weight gain of .

It is worth remembering that when the first manifestation of elevated testosterone in the blood, a woman needs to undergo a complete examination and make a program of treatment together with a doctor. Only according to the results of the tests and to what extent the testosterone level exceeds the norm, it is determined by what preparations and during what time the treatment will be performed.

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