
Causes and first symptoms of a micro-stroke - what are the signs in women and men

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manifestation of micro-stroke Everyone who is reading this article now could transfer a microinsult at a certain moment in his life, without knowing it himself.

This problem is characterized by the fact that it can pass with a rather weak symptomatology, but lead to extremely undesirable consequences( up to a lethal outcome).

Microinsult is a "bell" for us and our body that something is not working in the vascular system.

The term is defined as transient dysfunction in the circulatory system, or ischemic attack of the brain.

Symptoms of stroke and micro stroke are quite similar, however, the attack of microinsult lasts from 5 minutes to 24 hours, is less pronounced.

The microinsult is the same stroke, but it affects the less significant vessels and therefore does not affect the body's condition with strong consequences.

Sometimes the transferred microstroke can be detected with the help of MRI( magnetic resonance imaging of the brain), on which point hemorrhages will be visible.


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  • Mechanism of disease
  • Causes of spasm
    • Disease provoking microstroke
    • Risk group
  • Main symptoms
  • Microinsult and gender differences
    • Attack in women
    • How does the disease manifest in men
  • What should human alertness do?
    • What to do when first signs are revealed
  • Therapeutic procedures
  • How to minimize the consequences of
  • Video: How not to miss the microinsult?

Mechanism of

After a spasm occurs, a rupture of the vessel or a small clot in the small vessels of the brain that feed it, some cells simply die. On average, the death of brain cells lasts 6 hours.

After, the damaged area of ​​the brain is restored( in contrast to a normal stroke, in which the damage is practically irreversible).

Causes of spasm

The list of phenomena that cause the occurrence of a micro stroke is quite "standard", applicable to many diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • overeating;
  • obesity;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • sedentary work and constant hypodynamia;
  • frequent overstrain, stress;
  • smoking;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • bad ecology;
  • transferred heart surgery( for example, to replace valves);
  • an excessive amount of animal fats in the daily diet;
  • constant cold climatic conditions( provoke an increase in blood pressure);
  • a sharp change in the usual climatic and weather conditions.
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Diseases that trigger a microstroke

Among the main:

  • diabetes mellitus( as a reaction to blood sugar jumps);
  • progressive atherosclerosis( as the lumen in the vessels decreases);
  • transient ONMK in the heart;
  • infectious and rheumatic heart valves( which lead to the development of endocarditis and destruction of the heart valves);
  • congenital heart defects;
  • arteritis( inflammation affecting the internal walls of the arteries);
  • malignant formation;
  • hypertensive heart disease.
  • thromboses;
  • apnea( sudden respiratory arrest in sleep more than 10 seconds).

Risk Group The Micro-stroke risk group is:

  1. The first, most obvious category, is people suffering from the above diseases and inclined to lead a lifestyle, which is described in detail in the paragraph attack "Causes of a micro stroke."
  2. Another important factor is heredity. If a family member of a close family has suffered a stroke or a myocardial infarction, the patient automatically falls into a risk group.
  3. Pregnant women( due to active expansion and contraction of the uterus).
  4. Women taking contraceptives.
  5. The risk of a micro-stroke increases with age( 45 to 60 years).However, it can be transferred even in 30 years.
  6. Women are at risk after 60 years, and men after 40.
  7. People with regular headaches and meteodependents are more likely to suffer a microstroke.

The main symptoms of

As already mentioned, the disease can pass barely noticeably, and may have pronounced signs of leakage.

To general symptoms of micro stroke relates:

  • sudden headache, dizziness, nausea attacks;
  • increased sensitivity to light, sharp sounds and smells;
  • numbness of the limbs, facial, crawling sensation;
  • weakness in the hands or feet, loss of sensitivity in the limbs;
  • vision impairment, black or white dots in the eyes, bifurcation in the eyes;
  • speech impairment: kartost or lisp, sensation of swollen and clumsy tongue;
  • asymmetry of the face( eg, lower eyelid);
  • is a lump in the throat that can not be swallowed;
  • impaired coordination and gait( recalls the behavior of a drunk person);
  • short-term loss of consciousness;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • causeless fatigue, lethargy.
A number of signs of a micro-stroke( asymmetry, impaired vision. ..) will depend on the affected area of ​​the brain. If the left hemisphere is affected, the symptoms are displayed on the right side of the body. And vice versa.

If at least 3 of the symptoms are diagnosed, this is a sure sign of an ischemic attack.

Unfortunately, due to their lack of vividness, a number of signs can be written off as "the end of the working day", "got up on the wrong foot", or "magnetic storms".

But it's worth listening carefully enough to what the body is trying to tell us.

Microinsult and Sex Differences

Because the female and male body have specific characteristics of functioning, the risks of occurrence and signs of micro-stroke in women and men also differ.

Seizure in women

attack of a micro-stroke Women are more prone to for the development of a micro stroke and stroke: this is explained by a higher probability of blood clots and complications in the vascular system( physiological feature).

Also, women are less stress-resistant, more focused on problems, which automatically transfers the fair sex to a risk group.

The symptoms of micro-stroke in women will also be specific( in addition to the standard ones mentioned above), the basic are:

  • sharp numbness, weakness of both sides of the face or one of them;
  • tingling in the hands and feet( or one of the limbs);
  • impossibility to build a clear, coherent statement;
  • red face, deep, frequent breathing;
  • convulsions;
  • blurred vision( in one or both eyes);
  • sudden, sharp headache.

However, some women demonstrated atypical symptoms of the cerebral head brain :

  • a hack of hiccough;
  • depressive state, uncontrolled emotions;
  • pain attack in one of the limbs;
  • severe nausea, abdominal pain;
  • loss of consciousness, disorientation;
  • chest pain;
  • dry mouth;
  • asphyxiation;
  • sudden rapid heartbeat.
It is also established that smoking women receive a greater chance of having a micro stroke than smokers.

As a disease manifests in men

There are symptoms of a micro stroke, which will be more characteristic of men:

  • clouding, confusion creation;
  • sudden onset of uncontrolled weakness;
  • hearing loss;
  • gait instability;
  • impossibility to perceive the world around;
  • speech impairment;
  • is a sudden headache.

This is the most common symptom in men.

However, in certain cases of , atypical signs of ( more characteristic of women) are possible.

It is also possible to have virtually no symptoms: both in women and men.

What in human behavior should alert?

Very often the microinsult is easier to identify from the side than independently( because people sometimes ignore their symptoms), so what are the symptoms of a micro stroke that the shows first:

  • , the person suddenly, without cause, fell silent, began to talk incoherently;
    signs of an attack

    In the photo, the main symptoms of the micro-stroke

  • you have to ask again several times;
  • he does not react to your questions, looks confused, in prostration;
  • suddenly drops an item that has been holding tight before;
  • not with the first attempt can raise that object;
  • begins to stutter suddenly;
  • movements remind a person who is in a state of intoxication.

What to do if the first signs of

are detected. If the first symptoms and signs of the micro stroke are revealed, it is necessary: ​​

  1. It is necessary to provide the patient with complete rest. If possible, put it on the high pillows( that the head was in a raised position).
  2. Open the window.
  3. Unfasten or remove close clothing.
  4. Measure blood pressure( in case of high blood pressure, give the appropriate drug).
  5. Still there is an opportunity, it is possible to accept a hot bath for feet, to drink calming herbal remedies( tincture of valerian, hawthorn extract).
  6. Attach ice to the back of the head.
  7. Do not stand up abruptly or move.
  8. You can perform a light massage( circular strokes from the temples to the back of the head, from the temechka to the shoulders, then to the knees).
  9. You can not take antispasmodics.

Naturally, will need to undergo a special examination of , which helps identify risk factors and prevents complications( in the form of a stroke, for example).

Treatment procedures

To cure the consequences of the first micro-stroke and prevent the appearance of a second one, the is adopted a series of measures:

  • medication( drugs aimed at restoring tissue and vessels, cleaning the body of toxins, normalizing metabolic processes, vasodilatation, reducing blood clotting);
  • Elimination of the cause of micro stroke( eg, minimizing stress, reducing / increasing physical activity);
  • in the event of a micro-stroke due to some disease, measures will be directed to a focal cause;
  • massage;
  • exercises with a speech therapist;
  • exercise therapy;
  • normalization of a way of life;
  • control of blood pressure.

How to minimize the consequences of

The predictions and consequences with regard to further human states directly depend on the causes and symptoms of the microstroke:

  1. If the cause is more superficial ( for example, stress, obesity), then, most likely, elimination of negative factors will be the best prevention of further micro-strokes and possible stroke.
  2. However, if the reason for the appearance of a micro stroke is is the result of a particular disease, then it is worthwhile to choose an additional complex treatment.

It has been proven that even one transferred micro-insult is an indication of the possibility of an extensive stroke, in one of ten cases.

And many know about the consequences of a vast stroke - it's irreparable damage to health. Or death.

Have a timely examination with a doctor, in order to prevent recurrence or development of complications!

The first micro-insult tells us that you need to be more attentive to the body.

Video: How not to miss a microinsult?

Microinsult does not cause significant harm, but speaks of the complexities inside the body. What in the future is fraught with the seizure?

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